AN: So this is a sequel to my other story called Seduction With Bite

but PLEASE do not feel like you shouldnt read it just because you didn't read the other one, I want this story to have its own identity aside from being a sequel.

Re cap: Edward and Bella are married and have come to a remote area in Brazil so that Bella may learn to be like the Cullens.

Bella has just been turned to a vampire, and has woken up in her new home only to see that Edward is not next to her, and that she is stunning.

Bella's POV

As I stared at the beautiful figure looking back at me in the mirror, it began to sink in that Edward wasn't here.

All of my memories started to come back to me.

"Edward?" I called quietly. I smiled when I heard my new, ringing voice.

I looked around the room for him but was afraid to look outside.

Where was he? He couldn't have left me. He changed me so I could be with him.

I went to the bed and curled underneath it… everything on my body felt different. It was as if my soul didn't fit anywhere.

I began to shiver when I felt my newly cold skin, and my razor sharp teeth.

I suddenly winced at my memories of eating food. I couldn't breath, and my heart didn't beat yet I was alive.

Then I heard a low voice coming from the other room. I perked up, recognizing the velvet voice of Edward.

I ran out and down the hall but stopped when I began to hear what she was saying.

"….I'm not sure, during her sleep she kept crying about power, and killing. I think the change is having a different…. effect on her than it did on me….. I mean… as a human she was very strong willed, and I think that being a vampire has given her some sort of… ego… perhaps because of her ability to be so confident…."

Edwards voice was so low and fast that as a human I never would have been able to hear him.

"Edward." I whispered.

He looked up, surprised. "Carlisle I'll call you back in a few days… she's awake. Ok bye." He said, then he hung up the phone and ran to me.

"Bella I didn't think you'd be up for at least another hour, I'm sorry I wasn't there." He said, then he embraced me.

I frowned at his touch, it didn't have any effect really, it was the exact same body as mine.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

"Different… and, I look different." I mumbled.

"You do." He agreed.

"I'm a little afraid… I don't have a pulse, or any breath… I don't have blood either." I said a little louder.

"I know… it can be frightening. But I'm here and I'll help you through it all." He said as he stroked my hair.

"Well… I'm… my throat… it hurts."

I didn't want to admit it… but I was thirsty in a way I had never been before.

"Come one then. There are a lot of animals outside." Edward said eagerly. He grabbed my hand and began to lead me outside.

"Edward no!" I cried. "It's sunny outside… my skin…"

"Oh." Edward said. "It won't feel any different, and there aren't any humans near here."

I walked slowly into the sunlight, suddenly all of my skin was sparkling, Edward joined me, we stared at each other.

Edward seemed mystified by me, just like how I felt about him not too long ago.

"Ready to hunt?" he asked me to break the silence.

Suddenly I smelled something… blood, of an animal. Something in me knew I needed to kill it in order to make the throat stinging go away.

Without bothering with Edward, I ran. The running was so fast and invigorating. The wind blew against my sparkling face and the objects around me flew by quickly.

Then I saw a female lion taking care of a cub.

Without a second look I charged.

I jumped on the female and bit it's neck… warm fluid filled my mouth. I drank and drank until its heart stopped.

Before the cub could run away, I was on top of it in a second.

I killed.

I fed.

I lived.

It all began to make sense to me.

Edward appeared behind me, he looked upset at the two dead cats underneath me.

"Bella you weren't supposed to kill the cub. It is bad for the animal kingdom. You aren't supposed to endanger the species." He said calmly.

I sat and leaned against a tree. "I didn't like them. The blood was dull and the hair got in my teeth."

"You will get used to it." he said plainly.

I looked up at him. "Will I?"

He sat next to me and took me into his arms. "I love you more than anything in the world."

I didn't answer him. I couldn't think about him right now.

"I-I need to be alone." I said.

He opened his mouth to speak, but with one speedy turn I was back at the house.

I threw myself against the wall, and sobbed with no tears.

I had to eat something. The damn lion didn't satisfy me.

I went into the small room with the phone. There was a list of numbers, most likely for an emergency.

I called the animal control and brought on my most seductive voice.

"Ello, Brazil Animal Control center." A grim, English voice said.

"Hello sir, I am at…" I glanced at a sign outside. "the San Antine Tropic desert and an animal is trying to get inside my house."

"San Antine? People don't go there." The old man said.

"Yes I was given incorrect instruction. If you can send someone to come as soon as possible that would be wonderful, and please hurry." I said in an urgent, beautiful voice.

"Sure thing mam. Help is on the way." He said.

I hung up and smiled. But I knew that Edward couldn't know about this.

I went out the back door of the house and ran out of the forest, and found a long dirt road.

That had to be where any humans came. I saw Edwards rental car at the end of it.

I knew that Animal control had to be a while, Edward did say we were in the middle of no where.

I sat in a tree and stared at the road for maybe an hour or so.

That was when I saw a green jeep with a lot of weapons on top.

There was four strong men in it, and the jeep said Animal Control on it.

I leapt out of the tree and landed right on the car, causing in to swerve into the plants.

I knew I had to do this fast if Edward wasn't going to hear the screams.

I pulled off the metal on top of the car and leapt inside.

The people began to scream when I bared my teeth, but I bit each of them quickly and stunned them with the venom.

They all became silent when I filled them with the pain, but I saw the fear in their eyes.

I drank each of them slowly and thoroughly.

Then I threw the car and the bodies into the river, and let them float away from me and my Edward.

I suddenly felt full, and had much more energy, their blood was so sweet.

Luckily, those four humans would keep me full for at least another 2 weeks.

Therefore I could keep Edward happy, and not feel hungry.

I ignored the whole "I ended lives" thought in my head and convinced myself that I am not drinking anymore than my share, and I have a right to survive.

I returned to my home with Edward and vowed that he never know my secret.

Despite him making me drink animals, I still loved him. But he would hate me if he knew what I was doing.

"Edward?" I asked when I saw him cowering over the table in our kitchen.

"Bella?" he looked and ran to me. "Bella I thought you had left." He put his arms around me and kissed my neck.

"I'm… sorry I just went for a walk…. It's getting dark." I said for a change of subject.

"Do you feel tired?" he asked.

"heh…nope… not at all." I went to the bed and lay down.

He followed me and sat at the end of the bed, staring at me.

"You really like looking at me don't you? I'll admit… I am quite a catch." I said jokingly.

"No… it's just. When you were human I couldn't imagine you being any more beautiful. But you are, and it almost hurts to look at you." He said, his voice drifted as if he were remembering something.

"Oh come on… let's not get all sappy." I said with a sarcastic tone. "what do you want to do?"

Edward frowned. "Well I could teach you what you need to know to be around humans…"

"Is that really what you want to do?" I asked seductively.

Edward looked a bit irritated. "Yes." He said with a sigh.

"I just became a stunning vampire. I'm laying on our bed, and I am still in a hunting mode." I winked at him and began to pull my skirt down.

Edward turned away from me. "Bella I think we have more important things to worry about right now."

I threw the skirt past him and pulled my top off, I was wearing a black bra and thong. I was beautiful, and he seemed able to resist… it made me mad.

"Look at me." I said, he turned his head and saw me in my lingerie, with my legs apart.

"Tell me, love. What do you want my perfect little body to do for you? I'm so vulnerable now and I want you to do the kinkyest things to me that have never been done to me before."

I pulled him towards me with my new found strength and pressed myself against his body.

Edward didn't answer. He lightly kissed my cheek though and I knew he'd surrendered.

"I knew you'd want to play my game." I said with a purr.

Edward pulled away from me and winced. "Why do you keep calling this a game? I don't us to be like that."

I pouted. "You don't want to be with me? Where have I heard that before?"

"You know I want to be with you, just not in the weird way you seem to be describing" he said.

"What? Edward I am the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. My body is fucking perfect and you should be happy that you have me. I guess I am a bad girlfriend because I want you to screw me." I said quickly and angrily.

Edwards eyes softened. "I love you Bella, I want to be with you. I'm sorry if I offended you."

I didn't say 'I love you too'. I just nodded.

With that I let him mount me and get his way. But he only made love to me the way we used to. It was as if he still thought I was a delicate little human who couldn't be taken advantage of.

The feeling of him in me felt much better than before, it was like… amplified or something.

"You're so careful." I whispered when it was over.

"Habit, I suppose." he mumbled when he put his pants on.

"Strange… I'll never sleep again, I have so much time now." I went and put my clothes on and brushed my hair.

"You'll get used to it." Edward replied.

I walked out of the room and stood on the balcony.

The stars shined so brightly, and the leaves blew around the trees so peacefully. So many people in the world were sleeping now. So many were dying.

Yet I lived.

It is strange how you can ask for a certain life, then feel trapped in it only a while later.

I didn't know when I could go home, I didn't know when my lies would stop.

All I knew is that I couldn't live the way Edward wanted me to, I could only live the way I saw best for myself.

I took one more glance at the shiny sky above me, then went back to my love and my life.. the one whom I would lie to for the rest of our time here.

Sneak peak:

"Bella I think you are ready to go home." Edward said.

"I truly am, since you damned me to this life... you might as well let me live where I want." I replied cockily.

AN: Please review! It will get very interesting, thanks loves.