AN: Hi and welcome to The Patronus for those of you that have already read the story before, I have elongated and revised the first chapter and will be doing the second before updating Part Two. This was just really starting to annoy me so I did this first. On with the first chapter.


Harry sighed inaudibly as he dragged his trunk off the Hogwarts Express and onto platform 9 and ¾. He, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were greeted by Mrs. Weasley. She pulled each of them into one of her huge hugs, before saying, "Harry dear you best get on to your aunt and uncle. I'll make sure Ron sends you letters. And Harry, I'm so sorry."

"Thanks Mrs. Weasley." Harry said with a small smile but all of his friends could see straight through it. You see the reason Harry and everyone else was feeling so down was because Sirius had been caught while fighting Death Eaters at the Ministry. Fudge had refused and ignored all Dumbledore's insistences of a trial and Sirius was in Azkaban awaiting the Dementor's Kiss that was to take place on July, 31st, Harry's birthday. On top of all that Dumbledore had also insisted that Harry returned to the Dursley's. Something neither Harry, Remus, or the Weasleys were happy about. So Harry said good-bye to his friends and walked through the barrier to meet his Uncle. When they had gotten back to Number 4 Uncle Vernon made it perfectly clear that they knew that Harry's 'mass murderer of a godfather' had been caught, so Harry couldn't use that to threaten them with anymore. Life went on as normal with the Dursleys. Chores, small amounts of food coupled with what Uncle Vernon called rabbit food. It seemed Dudley was still on his diet. Harry was miserable as usual with the added weight of what was going to happen to Sirius. So that was why he was surprised when, about a week into summer break, Harry came back into his room to see Dudley standing inside looking nervous but determined. Harry closed the door behind him looking at his cousin.

"Harry, there you are. I was wondering if I could talk to you about, well, your world." Dudley said

This sent Harry down a road of deeper confusion and surprise. Not only was Dudley being civil, but he was asking about the Wizarding World. He gaped at Dudley for a few seconds before sitting on his bed and asking slowly "What do you want to know?"

"What are they going to do to your godfather bow that they caught him" Dudley blurted out.

Harry sighed and leaned against his headboard.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Dudley added quickly.

"No, it's fine I'm just trying to figure out how to word my answer." Harry said and a few seconds later he continued. "Remember last summer with the Dementors?" Dudley paled before nodding. "Well there's a wizard prison called Azkaban that has Dementors for guards. In there you are surrounded by dementors day and night. A lot of people go insane, but Sirius didn't. He escaped from there last time, but now the Minister has decided to have him given the Dementor's Kiss. That is when a Dementor sucks out your soul."

Dudley was sputtering at this point. "That's horrible."

Harry nodded

"Can you tell me more about your school and stuff?" Dudley asked weakly trying to turn around the conversation.

Harry raised his eyebrows a bit before getting up and lifting his still packed trunk up onto the bed. Some how he had managed to keep his uncle from locking it in the cupboard. He opened it and Dudley peeked inside interestedly. The diet was miraculously working and he had lost quite a lot of weight. The first thing Harry pulled out was his wand. He had put it in his trunk before he got off the train. Dudley saw this and took a small step back.

Harry laughed. "I'm not going to do anything Dudley. I'm not allowed to do magic outside school. You saw the kind of trouble I got in last year." He sat his wand on the nightstand and pulled out the next item which happened to be his invisibility cloak.

"What does it do?" Dudley asked reaching out to touch the silky, silvery material.

Harry grinned and stood up before putting on the cloak. And sure enough all Dudley could see was his head.

His cousin looked around wildly. "Where'd the rest of you go?!"

Harry took off the cloak. "It's an invisibility cloak Dudley." Harry put the cloak on his bed and pulled out the next item: an old piece of parchment.

"Why do you have an old paper in your trunk Harry?"

"It's not an ordinary piece of paper" Harry said "It's the Marauder's Map. I would activate it to show you but you have to use magic to do so. Really it's an interactive map that shows exactly where everyone is in Hogwarts. Dead useful for sneaking out after curfew." Harry said that last part with a grin.

"I never would have thought you to be a trouble maker." Dudley said and Harry grew serious. Dudley everything I tell you about my world you can't tell anyone. Do I have your word?"

"Of course Harry." Dudley said

"Ok then. Dudley in the Wizarding World I am extremely famous. And when I say extremely I mean that every single person knows my name, hell I even think there are a few children's bedtime stories and a book or two."

Dudley's eyes grew to the size of tennis balls. "How?"

Harry moved his hair to reveal his scar. "When Voldemort killed my parents Dudley, he tried to kill me. Only the curse backfired and hit him instead, so he was reduced to a spirit type thing and only recently has he regained a body. I'm known as The-Boy-Who-Lived because everyone thought I had killed Voldemort, something grown witches and wizards had been trying to do for years. Every year at Hogwarts something life-threatening has happened to me. It can get very hectic."

"You've got to be joking." Dudley said weakly.

Harry said nothing but pulled his photo album that Hagrid had given him out of his trunk. He opened it to a page that held a yellowing Daily Prophet. It had a picture of James and Lily holding a baby Harry and the headline exclaimed: 'Dark Lord Dead! James and Lily Potter Killed! Harry Potter: Boy-Who-Lived!'

"Whoa" Dudley said reading the headline.

Harry flipped back a few pages to a picture of the Marauders and Lily on their Graduation Day.

"Is that Aunt Lily?" Dudley asked pointing to Harry's mum

"Yeah." Harry said looking fondly at the picture where all the occupants except Peter were waving at him. "That's my dad, James. That's Remus Lupin one of my father's best friends and a great professor, and that's Sirius." Harry said pointing to each one in turn.

"Whose that?" Dudley asked pointing to Wormtail

"Peter Pettigrew." Harry said savagely " You know how everyone says Sirius is a mass murderer?" Dudley nodded "Well he's innocent he was framed for everything by him." Harry said jerking his thumb towards Wormtail."

"If you godfather's innocent why are they doing to dementoid thingy?"

"Because no one believes him and they won't give him a trial."Harry said. Next he pulled out his Firebolt.

"Why do you have a weird looking broom in your trunk?" Dudley asked and Harry laughed.

"Dudley this is my Firebolt. I use it for Quidditch. I'm on my house team and play seeker." Seeing Dudley's extremely confused face Harry tossed him one of his numerous Quidditch books. Dudley flipped through it while Harry pulled out his broom servicing kit and started trimming some bent twigs.

"Oh so you use the broom to fly around and since you play seeker you have to try to catch the gold ball. Right?" Dudley asked


"Can I see you fly it?" he asked exited.

"In the house?" Dudley nodded and Harry continued, "I guess I could hover around a bit." So Harry mounted his broom and hovered of the ground. He did a few slow laps around the room and then landed. "This is one of the best brooms in the world and it can do much better than that but it's too small in here."

They went through the rest of Harry's trunk the rest of it being mostly books and robes. Later once Dudley had left Harry was reading one of the Defense books Sirius and Remus had gotten him for Christmas. He turned the page and saw something that caught his eye. He quickly read the passage, smile forming as he read. It was perfect. He had found Patroni Shields. It was just like a regular patronus but once it was cast you didn't need a wand or an incantation, it sensed when a dementor came near and automatically went off. The only draw back was that the caster and the object or person protected had to have a emotional connection of extreme magnitude. But Harry didn't doubt that he and Sirius had such a strong connection. So Harry spent the next week studying the spell and practicing his animagus transformation. He had finally succeeded to transform into a large, shaggy, grim like black dog only slightly smaller than Padfoot. Now all he had to do was break into Azkaban. Harry bet that he would be the first to do that. The day before the night he planned on going, though, something unexpected happened. The Dursley's and Harry were all seated around the breakfast table when they heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Harry jumped up and walked quickly to the door and opened it. "Remus!" Harry exclaimed as his aunt and uncle followed him to the door, "What are you doing here?"

"You didn't think we were going to let you mope around here all summer did you?" Remus asked with a sad smile. "Go get your trunk packed I'm taking you to Headquarters."

Harry nodded and took the stairs two at a time to get to his room. When there he was not surprised to see Dudley.

"You're leaving?" He asked as Harry shoved everything of his into his trunk.

"Yeah. But if you would like me to, I could send you letters. Hedwig knows to be silent when delivering letters here. As if to prove his point Hedwig soared through his open window at that precise moment carrying a letter that had Ron's handwriting on it.

"Good you arrived right on time girl. We're going back to Headquarters." Harry said releaving her of the letter. Hedwig gave a exasperated hoot as she got into her cage.

"I know you just came from there but it's not my fault." Harry said indignantly. He finished piling everything into his trunk, grabbed it and Hedwig's cage and descended the stairs to the door where Remus was waiting for him. The werewolf shrunk Harry's trunk and slipped it in his pocket, leaving Harry to hold Hedwig. Ron's note had basically said that someone was coming to pick him up. Harry touched an old newspaper Remus had held out to him and said, "Bye everyone" before he felt a pull behind his navel and his relatives' astonished faces vanished. They reappeared in an alleyway near Grimlaud Place. As they walked the rest of the way to Number 12 Remus spoke.

"So Harry how are you holding up?" he asked

"Ok I guess." Harry said feeling guilty that he couldn't tell the clearly depressed Marauder of his plans. But he knew Moony would just say it was too dangerous. "I can't help feeling that it's my fault he was caught." That part was true. He'd been having nightmares of Sirius blaming him ever since school had ended.

Remus stopped and looked at Harry. "That's not true and you know it." he said.

Harry chose not to say anything as Remus knocked on the door. Mrs. Weasley opened it and let them in. She pulled Harry into a hug saying, "Harry, I'm so glad you're here. Your room is in the same place as last time, with Ron. And don't worry dear, you can use magic in the house. It can't be detected. Remus gave him his shrunken trunk and followed Molly into the kitchen where Harry could see an assortment of Order members. He shook his head and headed up the stairs. As he entered he was met by the same sight as last year in the exact same position. Standing in the doorway and a face full of bushy brown hair. When Hermione finally let go he saw Ron sitting on one of the beds.

"Deja vu eh mate?" Harry asked with a grin as he enlarged his trunk.

"Sure but maybe we can forgo the yelling this time Ok Harry?" Ron asked jokingly rubbing his ears. "My poor ears haven't heard anything right since."

All three of them laughed.

"So how far have you guys gotten in the transformation?" Harry asked interestedly.

"I've gotten my right hand to become a paw and my arm go furry." Hermione said demonstrating.

"I've gotten a tail." Ron said as he demonstrated as well.

"Well that certainly was unexpected." Harry said with a grin. Ron and Hermione looked confused so he elaborated. "I never thought I'd be the first to transform." Harry said before popping into the grim like black dog. Hermione squealed with delight and rushed over to begin petting him. Harry growled at her and shook her off, then he transformed back into himself.

"That's wicked mate." Ron said but just then Ginny came up to inform them that they were wanted at lunch.

That day and the next couldn't go fast enough for Harry. Not only were most of the Order shooting him pitying looks when his back was turned, but he couldn't wait to go and put the patronus around Sirius. Night fell and Harry waited until everyone was in bed and asleep before flooing to the closest floo connection to the prison. Once there he dissolutioned himself before getting on the ferry that took human guards to and from the prison. Fortunately it wasn't long before it was time for a change of guard and Harry was soon at the fortress. Once on the island Harry popped into his Animagus form and waited a half hour before sneaking up to the door that one of the guards was stupidly holding open while waiting for another guard. Using the heightened senses being a dog gave him he found Sirius way in the back of the high-security wing. Checking that there were no dementors or guards in sight he transformed and was able to get the cell door open. Briefly, Harry considered waking his sleeping godfather, but Harry decided not to. Sirius would probably start yelling at him for being so stupid and actually doing this. He pointed at Sirius and whispered, "Expecto patronum arceo."

The man rolled over as the blueish-silver jet of light hit him but did nothing else. Harry rolled his eyes. He had known Sirius was a heavy sleeper but Merlin. He turned back to the cell door and repeated the spell. It was better to be safe than sorry. That completed he left a note and a few recent Daily Prophets next to the bed and left the same way he had come.


The next morning Sirius woke to find it a bit warmer in his cell. Not that he was complaining, thanks to the dementors it was usually freezing. He rolled over trying to get more comfortable, but instead found himself facing a small stack of Daily Prophets and a note. Bewildered he sat up and took the note it said:


I'm not sure exactly how to put this but I, er, kind of put up a shield patronus around you. Basically what it is is a normal patronus, but you don't have to have a wand or say anything once it's cast as it can sense when dementors are near. Don't be too surprised because if you thought I was just going to let you get Kissed then maybe you have gone mental. Ah, now I know what you're thinking. Who in their right bloody mind would do this? The simple answer is me. And you'll know who 'me' is as soon as you see my patronus.



If Sirius was bewildered before this it wasn't even close to the level of confusion he was at now. And he couldn't think of anyone stupid enough to be this 'me' person. Harry crossed his mind a few times but he quickly dismissed that idea. His godson wouldn't be that stupid would he? Well Sirius was about to get his answer because there were two dementors coming down the hallway. Sirius sat back to watch, interested. As soon as the dementors came within five feet of his cell a feint blueish glow surrounded the door and a stag leapt out and chased the dementors a ways before vanishing. Sirius banged his head on the wall. His godson evidently was that stupid.

"Harry what am I going to do with you?" he said to himself

"I don't know. What are you going to do with me?"

Sirius turned around quickly. Where the letter had been was now one of the two-way mirrors and it held Harry's amused face.

"What? How?" Sirius asked weakly

"I'm starting to get used to hearing that from you." Harry said jokingly.

"Harry you shouldn't have done this." Sirius said softly.

"Don't even." Harry said, holding up a hand to stop him. "Maybe the stupid Ministry will finally give you a trial once they find you can't be Kissed."

"We could always hope." Sirius said and that sent the two laughing.


AN: Well that's the revised first chapter. Much longer than the original. Please read and review.
