Out of this fic, I think chapter 4 so far has been my best written chapter, though it was sad. Poor lil Shiro-chan. I've put him through so much in this, haven't I?

Well, this chappie should make ya feel better- for once, it's a happy one. It's all sweet and fluffy, though it starts off a little sad.

And, as always, a huge thank you to you lovely reviewers!


Matsumoto was asleep, slumped over in her chair next to the head of Hitsugaya's bed. Her head was a comfortable weight on his chest as he fingered her wild gold and copper hair that spilled all over the place in tangled waves.

Hitsugaya was bored; he wanted to practice what little bit of magic Matsumoto allowed him to do, but he needed her supervision and guidance. He nudged her gently, trying to wake her up. She snored in response. He frowned and tugged on her hair; she only grunted into the blanket covering his chest. He tugged harder, but that only caused her to turn her head. He didn't want to yank any harder because he didn't want to hurt her, so he sat up, leaned forward, and kissed her on the forehead. She snored again.

Hitsugaya sighed. He didn't know how to wake her up. "Hey, you-" He stopped and bit his soft lower lip. He didn't know her name, and he didn't want to keep calling her 'hey you' forever. Frustrated, he smacked her head and she growled, her low voice rumbling through his chest. "C'mon, wake up!" He pulled her hair again and was rewarded with a wince, but her eyes stayed closed. "Oi, get up, M-"

He had it! Her name was there, in his mind, for the briefest second. In a flash, before it could travel from his damaged brain to his tongue, it was gone again. He groped for it with all the strength in him he had. He knew it began with an 'M'. Now all he needed was the rest of her name.

Hitsugaya's face scrunched up cutely in concentration. Minamino? No. Musashi? Nope.

Madarame? Uh-uh. Mayuri? No. Matsumoto? No-yes. Maybe. He paused, his train of thought getting confused and going hazy. He was going to loose it; he could feel it fading, no matter how hard he tried to hold on to it. The last name in his line of thought felt very familiar. That was her name…but what was the word again?

His small hands fisted in the bed sheets and he felt frustrated tears burn his eyes. He had her name, and he lost it. All this time, he'd been trying so hard to learn it, to remember it, and when he finally recalled it, it was gone again in the blink of an eye. Why couldn't he keep it in his head?

Even that loud, obnoxious man with the long, red pony tail remembered her name. The red-haired man came to visit occasionally. The man was annoying, noisy, rude, and said her name at least a thousand times. But what did he call her? Hitsugaya clenched his eyes tight shut, but the hot tears leaked out anyway. "Ran-chan!" He yelled in annoyed anger, pounding his small fists on the sheets.

The name burst from his lips without thought, echoing throughout the silent hospital room. Matsumoto jerked, head popping up and looking around wildly. Hitsugaya stared at her in shock at his own actions, angry tears lingering in his large turquoise eyes. She had heard someone call her name, but the only other person in the room was….

Her blue eyes shot wide open as she stared at Hitsugaya. "Sh-shiro?"

He stared back at Matsumoto, still just realizing what he'd done. Then a grin slowly broke out. "Ran-chan."

She smiled, too, that word lighting her insides. She just stared at him in happy shock, ears not quite believing what they had heard. She nodded her head, encouraging him to repeat it. "Ran-chan." Her grin grew; the sound of her name on his lips filled her with wonder and disbelief.

Suddenly, Matsumoto squealed with excitement and unbridled joy and she glomped Hitsugaya. He was glad he was sitting up so his face was not smashed into her huge breasts. He buried his face in her shoulder; her joy bubbled over into his own and he couldn't suppress his smile.

Hitsugaya was elated. After months, he remembered her name, and because of that, she was smiling. It was the first time he saw her smile, the first time he had ever seen her truly happy. He was right- she was absolutely beautiful when she smiled.

Matsumoto held his slender body tightly. His physical wounds had long healed, but his brain was permanently damaged. Yet, he remembered her name. She held him tighter. "Shiro-chan! You remembered! Oh, say it again!"


The word made her shudder in happiness. "I need to hear you say it again."

"Ran-chan." Hitsugaya, too, couldn't repress his joy, though he was more restrained than her. This gave him hope; maybe, just maybe, he would get better afterall.

Matsumoto made him repeat her name several more times. The sorrow and heart ache she and Hitsugaya had endured was washed away in this moment, in this small miracle. She would never tire of hearing him say her name. "Good job, Shiro. Good job." She clutched him to her and buried her face in his thick, soft hair.

Feeling her voluptuous body shiver slightly, Hitsguaya frowned, his joy immediately vanishing. Was Matsumoto crying again? She always held him like this when she cried, but he couldn't feel her tears falling on his face. Worried, he pulled back and gazed up at her. She was still smiling, although it faltered at his frown. "Shiro-chan, what's wrong?"

Hitsugaya shook his head and smiled up at her again. "Nothing; you're still happy." Matsumoto smiled, too, but kept a worried eye on him as she hugged him again, crushing his tender ribs. He grunted and she eased up- she didn't know her own strength sometimes.

Hitsugaya reached up and framed her face with both dainty hands. "Ran-chan." He said her name softly and she lowered her face to his. Bright turquoise eyes met sky blue ones. "I think…" he said softly, pert little nose scrunching up, "I love you."



After this, we've got only a couple more chappies left, and that leaves room for Hitsugaya to improve….or get worse.

Review. You know you want to.