Hullo! It's been a while. I've been in a bit of a writing rut lately, so I've decided to try and work my out of it by writing a bunch of little drabble type stories based (loosely) on Aesop's Fables. Since SasoDei has been my obsession as of late, they are my victims. I hope you enjoy!

Something wasn't right.

Physically, he knew the puppet was perfect; every detail flawlessly executed, from the texture of the long, unruly hair, to the gleam of light in the blue glass eyes. There was something there, something intangible that was wrong with it, but Sasori couldn't put his finger on what. Narrowing hooded eyes, he adjusted the tattered Akatsuki cloak over stiff shoulders and carefully articulated hands and stepped back to examine his work.

It was a work of art for sure, perfect in every detail and crafted with the careful care Sasori always put into his art, and yet, it wasn't Deidara.

Sasori didn't understand. He'd always looked forward to the day he would add the artist to his collection with anticipation; trained eye appreciating the unique potential that would make Deidara an ideal puppet. But now, staring at the silent, motionless blond, he felt the creeping feeling of failure.

He'd liked Deidara better before.

If you couldn't already tell, the fable used for this story was the Goose that laid the Golden Egg. : ) I hope you enjoyed reading. Feedback is loved, so please take a moment and leave a review.