
Thank you to those for you who reviewed it means a lot to me and motivated me to keep writing.

Ilvgilmoregirls- Lorelei will be in the next chapter, Chris will show up on occasion, but the focus of the story are the kids. And no it will NOT be an LL, Lorelei is married to Chris, and marriage is sacred in my book, they are married and they will stay married.

my chapter titles have NOTHING to do with the story, lame I know, but I can never think of something really good, so I use quotes from a movie, all the chapter titles in this story will be from the same movie, see if you can figure out the movie as we go along, it'll be fun!

Chapter 2: She was a unique constellation of attributes; she was my Halley's comet. But the universe is designed to break your heart, right?

As soon as Rory came back to reality she crashed into high gear and went racing after Tristan, his words repeating in her mind "I like you for everything you are, and everything you aren't". All she could hear think and comprehend were those words. Even the fact that he had yelled them, almost angrily, just made them seem more genuine. The person she had just talked to was a form of Tristan that she knew had to be inside him somewhere, everyone had a caring vulnerable side, but she firmly believed that he wasn't capable of letting it out. But he did, to her. That proved so much to her, it completed him, it made him more then a pompous badass rich boy. It erased any doubts, or any desire to push aside her feelings for him. Right now, she needed to find him, and she needed to be near him. She couldn't let him think he had made a mistake, if he retreated back into the armor he put up against the world, she didn't think she ever get the chance to draw him out again. All of these thoughts flooded her mind before she had even made it halfway down the long hallway. As she turned to walk back into the main room she spotted him walking into the kitchen.

She ran after him, and entered the kitchen just as he was pouring himself a beer


"What?" The one word sounded so straightforward and cold, to anyone else he would of sounded pissed, but Rory knew he wasn't angry, he was scared, and he was trying to hide it.

"Please?" she whispered quietly as she approached him. She came up behind him, taking ahold of his hand gently, and leading him out of the kitchen and into a nearby room. The room's walls were covered by books from floor to ceiling (think of the library in Beauty and the Beast), there were several large leather chairs, and a large leather couch. Rory lead him over to the couch, she sat down, but he continued to stand, directly in front of her, towering. His face remained totally platonic as he waited for her to speak. Finally, she started to whisper, slowly, finding it hard to string together the right words.

"It baffles me that I terrify you" she paused, she raised her head and starred straight into his eyes "because you scare the shit out of me". She stood up, needing to move as she spoke. "It amazes me that I'm still here, this is not what I do in tough situations, I run, when I face emotion overload, I run." She was no longer worried about what to say, she just let everything go. "You have this fake exterior that you put of to the world, that is so stupid, and so incredibly foreign to me, I have to idea how you live the way you do. But I know that there is this soul inside of you, because I see glimpses of it every once and a while, like tonight, but its packed away so deeply inside of the shell of person that you are on a day-to-day basis, so fake and superficial, and that scares the hell out of me! I have a ton of confidence in the person that you are when no one is looking, but is that the person I am going to get to see on a regular basis? I'm not saying be a wimp-ass-girly-man, but will you let me in Tristan? Because since I met you I've been drawn to you, no matter how much you annoy me, I am pulled toward you, like gravity. Because I can see you Tristan, I can see YOU behind your eyes, and in those rare looks, and your demeanor. I see you and I want hold on tight and never let go, but then you slip away again!" She stopped speaking and moving so suddenly, that the void in the room was almost tangible, she was breathing heavily, trying to catch her breath. She walked towards Tristan slowly, he was starring at the ground, she stood directly in front of him, only inches apart, and whispered,

"I want YOU Tristan", He looked up at her, with surprise and hope in his eyes, she leaned forward and give him a quick but soft kiss on the lips.

"We've both said a lot this evening, I'm emotionally drained right now, how about we get together tomorrow, to, um, straighten things out?" She said, looking around nervously.

"Yeah that sounds good, why don't I pick you up, and we'll go out to dinner… your first real date with me Mary, you should feel honored" he said jokily while smiling at her warmly. She smiled back at him, and they came together in an exhausted embrace, which they held for many moments. The time stretched on, and they were more then content to rest in each others arms. Finally they parted, Tristan grabbed her hand gently and lead her out of the room, and back to the party.

"I am the birthday boy, I shouldn't disappear for too long" he whispered to her as the walked back into the main room.

"Well, birthday boy, why don't you go make the rounds, I think I am going to head home.

"So soon Mary?"

"Well in case you've forgotten it's been a long evening. Good, but long." She smile softly, "But I will see you tomorrow right?"

"That you will, I'll pick you up at 7"

"Goodnight Tristan" she said looking up at him

"Sleep well Mary" he replied, placing a kiss on her forehead. He paused before turning and disappearing into the crowd.

After making sure Kevin had a ride home, she jumped into her car and drove deep into both the night, and her thoughts.