So I checked my Email today and I was like, OMG! I have an email of a story I just wrote a one-shot of, wait... I haven't even posted it yet... and then I remembered(Duh!) I had written it on future story ideas. So now I'm totally going to tear down the one shot and write a chapter story. It scared me at first 'cause people never actually email me if they wanted the story or not...

Amazing... So this story idea came from A) reading too many mangas and B) I walked around a theme park blind... it was funny, well not until my sister lead me right into a trashcan...

To My Goth Faerie: I know I talked to you last night (morning) but, hi! Having fun in chem? Do you know the Pvnrt equation?

Please Enjoy!


A brain attack went a step too far…

Max was curled up on the forest floor, her hands clutching her head, and her teeth bared obviously biting back a scream. Her skin was whiter than the moon and her face was contorted in pain.

Iggy sat up as Angel, Gazzy, and Nudge continued to sleep. He glanced at Fang who approaching Max slowly, his long fingers prepared to touch her. Max swatted the hand away before it could reach her, her eyes shooting wide open and tears streaming down her face. She sat up weakly, wiping the tears from her face.

"Fang?" Max's voice croaked out weakly. Where was he? Fang was always beside her during a brain attack. Come to think of it, where was the fire and the moon? "Fang, where are you?" Her voice was frightened.

"Max," Fang's voice was soft but firm, catching Max's attention in a moment, her eyes were wide as she turned to face the direction of the voice. He kneeled before her, grasping her hands. "I'm right here. I'm right in front of you."

"Where?" Max's face turned to confusion and her voice sounded lost. "Are you holding my hand?"

Iggy's clouded blue eyes widened at her question. He stumbled over to Max and Fang, kneeling beside Fang and began talking to Max urgently. "Max, how many fingers am I holding up?" He held up eight fingers, waiting for Max to count them.

"Um, none?"

"Fang, describe her eyes, tell me what her eyes look like." Iggy was shaking beside Fang, his hands pressed firmly in his lap now.

"They're brown but lighter than before and emotionless. They're clouded…" Fang turned to look at Iggy, his eyes widening a few centimeters, "…like yours."

Max laughed bitterly and all the attention went to her. "Go figure, I mean I knew one of these days the brain attacks would get worse than before, who knew it would destroy my sight." She blinked. "I'm not going to go through the stages of denial if you're thinking I am," her blank gaze turned in the direction of Fang, "it's just going to take some time to get used to…"

Max sat silent for a moment, leaning her head against a tree. "Iggy," Iggy lifted her head at the sound of his name, "I'm going to say this ahead of time because I'm an ass when it comes to apologizing, I'm sorry. I'm going to horrible to you while I'm adjusting because I'm going to get frustrated and I'm going to insult you so bad. So I'm sorry." She shifted uncomfortably.

"Tomorrow, lets find a place to call home for the next couple of months, I need to adjust…" said Max as her blank gaze fell on Fang again. Fang nodded before realizing she couldn't see. "I'm guessing you nodded," Max smiled wanly, "but you can't be so silent with me anymore, I won't be able to understand you." She gently pushed away Fang's hands, gazing straight ahead at the sun just barely peeking over the treetops; she didn't know it was already the next day.

"Iggy," Max began after Fang had walked away to grab his pack, Iggy looked in her direction, "what's it like to be blind?"

"Dark, I guess, funny and annoying. But you learn to listen so well and you learn to smell better too, though I don't know how much that'll help you Gasman…" The two laughed in mild bitterness. "So I've got a question for you."


"How will you lead the flock?" asked Iggy, Max's body stiffened, her jaw tight.

"I-I don't know. I guess Fang will help out or I'll become third in command while you and Fang step up to the plate."

"Why would you want to do that?" asked Fang as he sat down in front of Max.

"You know, we should have a staring contest." Iggy grinned, changing the subject, feeling the slight warmth from the sun. "Max and I, see who can stare into the sun the longest." Max laughed quietly.

"Max, I'm hungry." Nudge's call was faint to the three.

"Ask Iggy." Max called back; Nudge didn't have to know until the last moment, neither did Angel and Gazzy. "Aren't you going to cook something or another?" Max asked Iggy, Iggy sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"S'pose so." Iggy sighed once again, standing up and heading to the campfire. "Bacon fine?"

"Yeah." Max nodded. "It's too soon for jokes." Said Max as she pretended to look at her hands in her lap, she was thinking of the staring contest and how much it hurt to know she was actually blind.

"Is it scary?" asked Fang quietly. Max's blank eyes widened, her head lifting in a second.

"Scary?" repeated Max. Fang nodded and Max caught his head bobbing in the wind. "I-I guess so…" she trailed off, hanging her head once again. "I haven't been blind for long so I guess we'll have to wait to see how it turns out."

"Blind?" asked a small young voice, Max winced knowing her baby read her mind. "Like Iggy?" Max swallowed, a tight lump in her throat made it nearly impossible.

"I need to get away from here." Whispered Max. Fang heard her whispered plead and saw her downcast look, it was weak and unlike her. He grabbed her hand, leaping to his feet, dragging Max up as well.

"Max and I are going for a morning flight." Said Fang as he lifted himself into the air and released his wings, somehow signaling Max to do the same. Fang held her hand as they flew far from the campsite.

"How should I tell them?" asked Max, a worried expression on her face. "How will they take it?" Her expression went blank as her face turned in the direction of Fang, stopping in mid air, just flapping enough to keep her afloat. "How are you taking it?"

"Fine." Replied Fang stiffly.

"Liar." A smirk could be found on her face. "I may be blind but I'm not stupid."

"Then I'm not fine."

"Why aren't you fine?" Max felt herself becoming a psychiatrist. "Why aren't you fine that I'm blind? Is it because I can't lead as properly? Because I can no longer see them grow up? Because I can't see you anymore?" Her voice cracked at the last question, a single tear escaping her sightless eyes.

"No." The reply was sharp and stiff as if Fang was about to burst with words he was trying to keep in.

"Then what?" asked Max, her voice clearly agitated.

"BECAUSE YOU'LL NEVER LOOK BACK!" Shouted Fang. Max's eyes widened at the words. She couldn't see it but he was trembling, trembling so hard that if she saw it she would be amazed Fang was showing so much emotion.

"It's how I know I have you," Fang's voice came out a mere whisper now, "that I would suddenly catch your eye out of the blue and they'd light up, brighter than Christmas lights. It felt like I had all of your attention just in that gaze. And when I look at you I expect you to look back."

"Why do you expect me to look back?" asked Max just as quietly.

"Because it hurts," his voice was confident but shaking, his dark eyes lit with the fires of his inner thoughts that he's always kept silent, "that the person I love doesn't look back. Knowing that they're looking right at me without looking, knowing I'll never see your eyes will light up again…"

"Wait." Fang looked up at the confused tone, Max was staring straight at him with blank eyes but furrowed brows telling him she was confused. "It hurts because I can't look at you because you love me."

"Well, yeah…" Fang blinked.

"You love me." Max pointed in the direction of Fang, winding up a few inches off, and then back at herself.

"Yeah…" He blinked once again, seeing Max smile wanly.

"If only I could have seen you say that…" Max trailed off, her eyelids half closed in mild disappointment, a disappointment that forced away her happiness.

"I wouldn't be able to tell you that if you went deaf instead." Fang offered, trying to cheer Max up.

"But you could have showed it to me."

"I can still show it to you." Max felt lips press against her own, warmer than the time on the beach. She pressed back, wanting more, not caring if tears escaped her eyes.

There was a taste Max could not comprehend as she kissed Fang, it was perfect for him and the taste seemed the same as the scent she loved to breathe in everyday. It reminded her of something, something sweet and sad, something pure and lonesome…

It reminded Max of the ocean and of the sky, it reminded Max of blue…

Wait for it, wait for it... BLUE?! How could that remind Max of blue! Yep, I'm expecting a ton of reviews like that... I'll explain it later on in the story. Oh yeah, a new writing style, what do you think?

I don't feel like doing a challenge today... sorry...


Delicate Girl

Fang leaned against the doorway of the empty house he had found watching Max. Max was sitting beside Angel on the floor, nodding her head as Angel told her what colored crayon she was holding. On the floor there between the two was a large coloring book, one page Angel had colored and the other Max had. Max's was filled with scribble and it looked obvious a two year old had done it while Angel's was neatly colored and had a lot of pink.

Fang gazed sadly as he saw Max lift up a blue crayon between her long fingers and held it over her head. "Max, that's blue." Angel said gently. Max nodded, her clouded brown eyes as emotionless as ever.

"I know," replied Max, bringing the crayon closer to her nose, "it reminds me of someone." Fang's brows furrowed in curiousity and witnessed Angel do the same.

Reviews are greatly loved :D
