A/N: Ooooh, I've been notty, no presents for me!!!! I'm really, really sorry I didn't update in so long, but I went away again!! And now that school's started, I have sooo… much homework!!!! It's killer!! Forgive and forget? I'm begging you. At least for the sake of the story. Anyways, maybe I've been too bad to deserve forgiveness. On with the story!!
The days after Harry and Ginny told each other they love them passed in a blur, a blur of romance and love. Before they knew it, there was only a bit more than a month left before the second task of the Triwizard Tournament.
It was a Saturday afternoon, and Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione were sitting outside. They trio were sitting with their backs to a tree and Ginny was wedged in between Harry's legs, leaning against him. Both of them were reading a book in that Ginny held. Ron constantly looked up from his "homework" to glower at the two of them, but they hardly noticed. Suddenly, Hermione looked up from the foot long essay she was writing for Snape.
"Harry," she said.
Harry didn't notice her calling him as he was currently smiled crookedly at Ginny and talking to her.
"Harry!" Hermione said again, louder this time.
"Wha?" Harry said as he looked up at Hermione over Ginny's head. "Oh, sorry."
Hermione laughed lightly.
"It's okay, but did you ever figure out that egg you got from the first task?"
Harry looked flustered. It didn't help that suddenly Ron and Ginny were looking at him too, and Ginny was giving him a strange look.
"Oh, um, that," Harry started. "Yeah, I, uh, did that a while ago."
"You did?" Hermione and Ron both said, seeing as he hadn't told either of them about anything. But Ginny continued to look at him in that strange way.
"How come you didn't tell us anything?"
"Well, I, uh, only figured it out a few days ago, and I was looking for the right moment to tell you guys."
"Oh, okay. So when are you going to tell us?"
"Well I can't do it now, someone might hear me. I'll do it when we get back to the common room, okay?"
"Okay, sounds good." Hermione turned back to her essay and Ron to glowering at his piece of parchment.
Harry turned back around to Ginny and saw that same strange glare, it seemed slightly accusing to him now.
"What?" asked Harry, feeling slightly self-defensive.
"You didn't actually do it did you?"
"Why would you say that?"
"I can tell when you're lying, Harry Potter," Ginny continued to look at him intensely for a few seconds until he cracked.
"Oh okay, you got me," Harry said guiltily. "I haven't actually figured it out."
"Well, you better think up something if you're going to tell Ron and Hermione in the common room."
"Ugh, I know. I've dug my own grave, haven't I?"
"Yes you have, but maybe I can help you fill it up."
"Would you do that for me Gin? Would you really?" Harry put his hand on Ginny's cheek.
Ginny smiled.
"Of course I would Harry, I would do anything for you." Ginny held his face in her hands.
"I love you Gin."
"I love you too Harry."
Harry planted a soft and lingering kiss on Ginny's lips. She smiled up at him and he smiled back, kissing her lightly on her forehead.
"How many times have I told you not to do anything like that in front of me!!!!!" Ron burst out.
"Ron!" Hermione scolded. "You can't time love, it just happens."
"Yeah, yeah whatever."
"Um, you guys," Ginny started. "Harry and I are going to head inside and start working on some ah homework. We'll see you later."
"Okay. Bye Ginny, bye Harry." Hermione said.
Ron just glared at the two of them.
"Bye Hermione," Harry replied.
"Bye Hermione, bye Ron," Ginny emphasized Ron's name.
Ron just grunted.
Ginny looked like she was going to say something witty, but Harry put his arm around her waist and dragged her off backwards before she could.
"Hey! What was that for?"
"We've got work to do, remember? We can't stand around and make snappy comebacks at each other."
"Oh right, I forgot, sorry. Well, at least you're making sure you're getting it done. I'm proud of you Harry."
"Mmmmm, I love you Gin," Harry said, moving closer to Ginny and backing her up against the wall. "Have I told you that?"
"Many times today, and the day before, and the day before that, and all the days before that," Ginny said, her voice getting huskier.
Harry moved even closer, pushing up against her. He leaned down and kissed Ginny softly, longingly. Ginny's hands went through his hair and got tangled somewhere in between. Harry's hands, which had been stroking Ginny's face, moved down to her sides, and own slowly to her waist and then to her hips and rested there, not quite daring to go any farther.
A small moan escaped Ginny's throat as Harry left her mouth and started trailing kisses down her jaw to her neck.
"HARRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ron thundered.
Giving a small yelp, Ginny quickly jumped in front of Harry and held her arms out to protect him, knowing none of her brothers would ever dare raise their hand on her.
"No! I won't let you hurt him! He didn't do anything!"
"I love him Ron, and he loves me! He has every right to do anything he wants with me! I know he would never do anything to hurt me!" Ginny cried, turning around to wrap her arms around Harry and tuck her face into his chest. Harry instantly held her tightly in his arms.
"I love you Gin," he whispered in her ear and felt her smile as she always did whenever he said that to her.
Ginny turned her head so she could see Ron.
"See Ron? Do you honestly think Harry could ever do anything to me except love me and make me feel like the luckiest girl in the whole damn world?"
"I love you soooooo… much Gin, you would never believe how much I love you," Harry whispered in Ginny's ear again.
"He … He loves me, and I still can't believe it," Ginny said, tears coming to her eyes. Harry held her tighter in his arms, kissing the top of her head. A few tears came out of Ginny's eyes and she let out a little sob.
"Shhhhhh… It's okay Ginny, I love you," Harry said softly as he held Ginny to him as tight as he could without hurting her. Ginny sobbed harder and her knees buckled, she would've fallen to the ground if Harry hadn't been supporting her. "Gin, love, you're making me worried. What's wrong?" Harry pulled her back, held her face in his hands and gently stroked it.
"N-n-n-no-nothing," Ginny stumbled, looking away, trying to regain control of herself.
"Ginny, no one cries if nothing's wrong," Harry said as he said turned Ginny's head to face him. "Now tell me what's wrong."
"It's-It's just, I-I n-never thought anyone could love me so much, especially you," Ginny managed to get out, more tears falling down her face.
Harry sighed and held her in his arms tight again. He kept her like that as they talked.
"Why? Why would you think I won't love you? You're the most lovable person I've ever met Gin, how could I not love you?"
"I-I-I don't know, but I mean, I'm just Ginny Weasley and you're th-the Boy-Who-Lived."
"Oh Ginny, you don't actually believe that do you? I know that's what you thought before, before you met me. Don't you know I'm different? I'm not some hero who goes around saving people's lives."
Ginny looked into Harry's eyes.
"You're my hero Harry, you've always been my hero, and you always will be. You saved my life Harry, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you."
Harry gasped and her mouth with his hand.
"Don't ever say that Ginny, don't you ever say that," Harry said as he pulled her in close and wrapped his arms around her, some of his own tears falling out of his eyes. "Never ever… Don't you ever even dare say that Ginevra Molly Weasley…I almost didn't get there in time."
"But you did, you did get there in time by risking your life for mine. If that doesn't make a hero Harry then what does? You, Harry James Potter are the biggest hero I've ever met, and I love you, I love you so much."
"I love you too Gin, I love you too."
A/N: Well, Harry and Ginny obviously didn't get much work done, let's see if they accomplish anything in the next chapter. Which I promise you will get very soon!!!! Please review!!!!!