Will and Aphrodite talked for hours in private. She told Will about deceiving him and making him forget about Elizabeth even if it was for only a short time. She could have lied about it but she was a changed person – she wanted to be completely open and honest with Will. He forgave her because he saw that her heart was true and she loved him and had been willing to sacrifice herself for his family. They talked about Lizzie and how she was just a normal human with no traits of the gods. After Will and Aphrodite worked out their issues, they decided to talk to William and Lizzie together. Will stood up to go find them and bring them back to the cabin but as he neared the door he stopped.
"Will," Aphrodite said watching him, "what's wrong?"
He turned around and faced her, "I almost forgot this." He walked to her and pulled her to her feet. He looked deeply in her eyes and put one hand on the side of her face and the other hand he put around her waist pulling her in for a passionate kiss.
"Oh Will," she said with tears welling up in her eyes, "I love you so much."
He kissed her again; she closed her eyes and felt herself melt in his arms. "I love you too Aphrodite." He finally released her and opened the door, "I'll be right back with the rest of our family." Aphrodite smiled at his choice of words.
It wasn't long before Will returned with William and Lizzie. Aphrodite was scared. She realized that William did not really know her. Would he like her? Would he be ever able to forgive her for her past deceptions? There was an awkward silence before William finally spoke up, "I'm glad you're safe Aphrodite."
"I'm glad we all are safe," she replied. She took a deep breath and finally decided to try and talk to William. "William, I've done some things in the past that I'm very ashamed of doing. I used my powers to make your father forget your mother for a short time." Aphrodite began crying because she was so ashamed of her past actions.
Will saw the pain and stepped in, "whatever the reason, there was a wonderful consequence of her actions. William meet your sister – Lizzie."
William went from a look of shock to one of pure joy. "You're my sister?"
Lizzie smiled at William and then ran over and hugged him tightly. Will went and put his arms around Aphrodite. She looked up at him and gave him a weak smile.
"Your name is Lizzie?"
"I named her after your mother William. I saw that your parent's love was a great love and I knew that when your mother's time came your father would be missing her so much. I saw what a wonderful person she was."
William turned to Aphrodite, she braced herself for harsh words, "I lost my mother and baby sister. Now I find another sister to help fill the void in my heart."
The new family spent time alone in the cabin just getting to know one another. Lizzie had some catching up to do after not seeing her mom in so long and William wanted to get to know his little sister and the woman who his father loved so much.
"Aphrodite, children, I'm going to see how Jack is doing. I leave you all to your stories." Will went to each of them and kissed them before he went up on the deck.
Up on the deck, Will looked for Jack and found him at the ship's railing. Will noticed that he was deep in thought and he had a scowl on his face. "Jack you almost look like you're – well pouting."
"So what if I am – what's it to ye?"
"Jack what's wrong? No one was hurt and everyone is safe. Ares can not touch us."
"No one can touch ye or any one else."
"Jack what are you talking about?"
"Everyone's immortal but me and me family."
"No Jack – that's not the case," Will smiled, "In reality only Aphrodite and myself are immortal and we both want to be mortal but Zeus said he won't change that right now. He wants to wait a little while."
"Hmm – so ye telling me that ye don't want immortality?"
"No Jack – no one should live forever. I want to grow old not live beyond my children and grandchildren." Will's talk is cut short and Jack's thoughts are interrupted by Jasmine running as fast as she could to him.
"Daddy, Daddy!' Come quick!"
"Jasmine darlin' what's wrong?"
"Me and Mommy were playing and Mommy fell down and I think she's hurt," she said pointing to below deck.
Jack didn't give it a second thought and started sprinting towards the stairs.
"Jack!" Will shouted but he was too late. He watched Jack tumble down the stairs. Will turned to Jasmine with anger in his eyes. "You untie that rope right NOW young lady and don't ever trip any one on the stairs again!" Will stepped over the tope that Jasmine had tied at the top of the stairs only a few inches above the deck and started down the stairs. He suddenly stopped looking at Jack and Jess at the bottom next to one another.
"Are you both alright?"
"Not exactly," Jack replied.
The Jack and Jess looked at one another and in unison said to each other, "She's your daughter!"
"Nice rescue and help Jack," Jess said rubbing her ankle and back.
"Well love, I didn't expect this?"
"Obviously Jack." Both Jack and Jess tried to stand up but found themselves just falling back down unable to stand on their own.
Will called for Aphrodite to help him and they both helped the injured couple to Jack's cabin. Aphrodite started tending to their cuts and scraps and Will began wrapping sprained ankles. Both Jack and Jess winced in pain as he carefully wrapped their matching black and blue, severely swollen ankles. After tending to them, Aphrodite called Jasmine into Jack's cabin.
"What she needs is a good spanking," Jack said as she walked into the room. He squinted at her and glared at Jasmine.
"I'm not sure that's enough, dear husband," Jess said with the meanest look she could make.
"If I might suggest something," Aphrodite said looking at both Jack and Jess.
"Go ahead love," Jack answered, "just might save her life."
"Make the punishment fight her crime," Aphrodite suggested.
"What throw her down the stairs," Jack inquired.
"No Jack. Listen to her idea. I think you're going to like it," Will told him smiling broadly.
"Go ahead Aphrodite," Jess encouraged her.
"Well, you both are going to have to stay off your feet for a while."
"Yes, we know," Jack said.
"Well that means you will need someone here to wait on you hand and foot. To help you and to get you thinks constantly," Aphrodite said.
Jasmine's eyes got huge, "Oh no. I can't stay in here - "
"Ye will do what ye are told little girl. And I believe ye dear ole mother is hungry. Aren't ye love," Jack asked smiling at Jess.
"Yes darlin' and I believe we need this cabin cleaned. I know the floor must be scrubbed," Jess said smiling at Aphrodite.
"Well Aphrodite, ye have the perfect idea. Me and me wife thank you."
"You're welcome Jack. Jess," Aphrodite answered.
"Yeah thanks Aphrodite," Jasmine said in her most sarcastic tone.
Will grinned at her and offered his arm to her. "Would you like a walk up on the deck my dear?"
"Of course, my dear Will."
The Sparrow family all rolled their eyes and sighed. "Go on. Get out of here. We don't have to witness this mush," Jack said motioning with his hands for Will and Aphrodite to leave. Jess raised her eyebrow and tried to slap at Jack just missing him.
Will and Aphrodite walked around and finally stopped looking over at the water. William and Lizzie walked up and joined them. Lizzie scooted in between Will and Aphrodite. She put her arm around Will the best she could and then William scooted in between William and Aphrodite. He put his arm around Aphrodite and Lizzie. So this new family stood looking out over the sea – Will, Lizzie, William and Aphrodite.
"Looks like we have a true family," Will said smiling over to Aphrodite.
Aphrodite smiled back and looked down at the two children. "One that I feel honored to be a part of."
Will bent down and kissed the top of Lizzie's head and then looked up at Aphrodite. "It would seem that I must make an honest woman of you just as soon as Jack is up and about that is…."
The family chucked to themselves. "Uncle Jack loves wedding," William added.
"Yes, and I'm sure there will be rum," Will added. "Guess we should go down and check on them. We need them to heal as quickly as possible."
"Will, we can wait. At least we are together. We have our whole lives ahead of us," Aphrodite said trying to reassure him. The children had gone ahead down to Uncle Jack and Aunt Jess' cabin.
"I understand my love. But I can't help it that I'm ready to start the honeymoon," Will grabbed her and kissed her passionately.
"I can't wait either."
"Ew Yuck! I left mom and dad's to escape this and now you two," Jasmine said her face scrunched up.
"Ah but you see Aphrodite is the goddess of love," Will added.
"But I've had no influence over this, Jack and Jess' love is true as is ours. So that means that you Jasmine better just get used to it." Aphrodite explained.
"I know I'll never get tired of his," Will said kissing Aphrodite once again causing Jasmine to leave the deck and go back down to her cabin.
"I love you so much Will Turner."
Will brushed Aphrodite's long blond hair back from where the wind was blowing it, "I love you Aphrodite. Now, how do you feel about more children?" She only smiled ready to start her life with the man she loved.
Hope you enjoyed the story. I enjoyed writing it. Thanks for all of the wonderful reviews – they were truly inspiring!