Tagline: How do you live with the knowledge that you've killed the person you love most in the world?

A Gundam Seed/Destiny Fanfic. Yes, I will be updating Island of Secrets, …eventually…

Note: not saying it's a KiraxCagalli fic but it does center on those characters as a basis for the plot. Also, I don't know how they deal with…funerals in Japan, if it's at all different and you know, it might even be different in the Gundam Seed Universe, and so, just ignore however way I write it out, kay? Thanks.

Lovely Phantasm


The scenery before him was bright, it was early within the day and the sun had settled in high above the sky, staring down at the miniature beings with its hot rays of light, providing warm yet exhaustion amongst its other dutiful means.

The breezed billowed gently, calmly, as it made its way entangling amongst the brown, dark locks of the boy sitting perched upon a stretched seat staring out at the world motionless. A figure had come from behind, from whereabouts unknown to him, to place their hand gently upon his forearm, a means to gather his attention failing miserably.

A soft call of his name.


A call not from the woman behind the man, but from a voice distant beyond reasoning, a voice only heard, nowadays, by him and solely him alone.

"It's time to go…" There is a shuffle and she leaves him, her pink cascading hair following slightly behind her moving frame, she finds comfort in the arms of an equally composed yet distraught form, with emerald eyes and a midnight shade of blue hair. She wants to cry, her tears spent from the days before yet all the more rekindled by the sight before her.

So, she cries. Silently, and the man holding her laments along with her for the atrocity that had been committed, for the doubt within their minds, for the cruel harsh reality of it all.

"Okay." His voice is silent, barely audible. His moves are sluggish at best and it is as if his body is screaming at him to just stop moving, to never breathe again, to never live again.

He walks past them and their embraced form, narrowly missing the extended hand that falls lifeless against the flow of the wind upon missing its designated target. He gets in on back, a car dark and meant for the most precious of people of those dearly departed.

Its funny, he muses. She always use to drive around in dark cars, just like this, for meetings. Just like this.

A meeting of fate, destiny. Something inescapable.

A car, dark and polished, meant to escape from the outside world and its light if only for a second.

It was as if, she had it all planned out. He grimaces. It was as if, she was having her fair share of it before undoubtedly he would too.

As the windows pull up, he catches a side glance of his companions entering their own car. He affords a tint of a smile when the window is rolled to a shut and his car takes off. She is just before him now; he can see the car withholding her.

He should have gotten her a prettier car.


The place is massive in size, yet empty and hollow. There are tears here and there and there is apologetic sympathy, words that ring within his ears that for the life of him, he cannot disperse.

'She was so young'

'I'm sorry'

'The world will not be the same without her'

'Orb will not be the same without her'

'I can't imagine how hard it has been for you'

'She loved her country very much…'

'She loved…you very much…'

'why did she…'

The ceremony starts yet the words are faded, the lights are dim and subtle flashes of pictures engulf the church, photography, it's all over the headlines, the world needs to know it's without a leader now.

He wonders who will be up for the position.

He frowns.

No one could take her place, not even her own twin.

That's exactly what he told the union when they had offered the position to him. 'The country needs you'

Well, I need her.

His thoughts are interrupted when a slightly booming voice asks if anyone has anything prepared to say before the ship off. He feels the eyes on him but he makes no move to speak, he hears an angelic voice soon after, one he had come to know well yet seems to be ever fading within the following days.

All is at calm, a mellifluous voice soothing them into submission, into silent tears of sadness blending in with hope. It ends and the shuffling begins, a lily is given out to all whom dares stand up to the funeral casket, he eyes the floor gloomily, hating how to the point everything is amongst these things for a representative, a leader. How formal, how detached from emotion, all of it nothing but a mere nuisance, a hindrance to him and his wants of peace and tranquility, to just have her back.

"Lilies are often used to denote life or resurrection, isn't that correct Mr. Yamato?"

The voice is odd, bordering on a smirk with a hint of sadness and disdain.

"Funny how they can't just use something like, daises, something to deter the gloom, you know?"

"Daises are used to symbolize innocence."

"Ah, here…" the hand of the man hands him a Lily, and the receiver twirls it amongst thumb and index finger. Hesitantly he walks up to the casket, its open, her face pale with way to much make up on to denote life amongst her lifeless form.

His heart aches and he feels himself giving in once more.

The man beside him, his shoulder brushing against the now sunken form of the depressed being yet ungoing unfelt shrugs before dropping the flower amongst the many surrounding the casket. The flower blends in amongst the others, so much so it is as if it was never added.

"Daises wouldn't have worked, eh? After all, suicide wasn't very becoming of a woman within her position."

With that the man took off, took leave of the frozen body now standing and staring before and at that which lied before him.

"Kira,-" A pause. "It's time to go…"

"Lacus?" Her head shoots up along with the eyes that were staring at the floor below her. "Y-yes?"

"How do you live with the knowledge that you've killed the person you love most in the world?"

Such bated breath answered him and as he turned to leave without her to follow, she answered with a mere whisper.

"You don't."


Please review. I should update moderately and hopefully with Island of Secrets to follow.