A/N I'm back with another chapter and I hope you like this one, you got to tell me what you think of it, because I SAID SO!! Ha… whatever.

Chapter 2 – You're a Witch!

It was midafternoon when Harry apparted in front of the small white house.

He stood there for a while before knocking, he was about to knock again when he heard footsteps and the door opened.

"…Harry?" asked the man hesitated.

Harry smiled "Dudley, how's it going?"

"Good…good," said Dudley nodding "Umm…would you like to come in?"

Harry nodded and walked in the hall as Dudley closed the door.

"She's witch isn't she?" asked Dudley looking at him "That's why you've come…mum's been excepting a visit any time now,"

"Yes and no," said Harry taking out the letter that Arthur gave him.

Dudley took it from his hands and asked "What do you mean yes and no?...some coffee?"

"Yes please, one sugar and white," said Harry following Dudley into the kitchen and watched Dudley pulled down to cups "I guess, you followed that diet after all,"

Dudley's lips twitched upwards before he said "The two people who dropped us off hiding said we better start a new life and I started my new life by losing weight," he poured the hot water in each cup before stirring the sugar and then the milk passing it to Harry.

Both men fell into a silence and then Dudley asked "Why did you come here? You know someone from the school, could have dropped it off,"

Harry looked at Dudley and said "I know…I just…I don't know, for whatever whacky reason I wanted to see everyone again, I got Mr. Weasley-that man who picked me up in my fourth year for the Quidditch Cup, who help with your tongue-he got me information I needed to know and then this morning he came told me about your daughter Kasey said you needed the Hogwarts acceptation letter, I told him I would drop it off and he knew I would say that,"

Harry sipped his coffee and asked "How do you know I wasn't with the school anyway?"

Dudley snorted as he tipped the left over in the sink and then rinsed it and put on the rack to dry, before drying his hand on dry-towel and saying "You, Harry, aren't the teaching sort anyway, I know Linda's cousin Lavendar,"

Harry choked on his coffee and Dudley smiled and said "However, I think you know has Lavendar Thomas now,"

Harry put his coffee and said "Well…isn't this a small world, you marrying a girl whose cousin I used to go to school with,"

Dudley shrugged and said "Linda…she's…you know the opposite to what…muggleborns or something,"

"Squib," supplied Harry raising his eyebrow as Dudley nodded "Whoa, Dudley, you really have changed I didn't know you like anything to do with magic,"

Dudley laughed and said "I didn't know, until after we were married,"

Harry rinsed out his cup and said "Seamus's mother told his father after they were married too...but she's was a witch,"

Dudley looked out the window and saw a car pull up "They're here, would you like to go see them?"

Harry nodded, drying his hands on his robe ignoring the dry-towel handed to him.

Harry followed Dudley out the door and into the drive-way when a voice shouted out


Harry looked to see who it was and saw Lavendar "I guess it is, isn't it…" he smiled and went to hug Lavendar.

"What are you doing here?" she asked after the hug and they were inside.

Harry placed the bags on the bench-top and said "I've come because I need to give Kasey, her Hogwarts letter,"

There was a little squeal and Kasey started bouncing up and down "My letter! My letter! My letter!"

Harry looked over to Dudley who brushed it off.

"Well, Harry Potter, I've heard many things of you, both from Dudley and Lavendar," said Linda shaking his hand

"Well," said Harry smiling running his hands through his hair "I hope it's all good things,"

Linda smiled and nodded and then took the letter off Dudley and handed it to Kasey, who opened it, everyone's eye upon her. Her eyes skimmed read it and then she started to cry.

Linda and Dudley looked at Harry who had his brow narrowed and asked "Is something wrong?"

Kasey looked at Harry and held out her letter and took it and she said "They sent it to the wrong person,"

Harry looked at the letter and saw that McGonagall had written Miss. Dursley instead of Miss. Daniels.

Harry cleared his throat and said "No, they sent it to the right person."

Kasey settled with her hands on her hips and said "My name is not Miss. Dursley,"

Harry raised his brow and looked at Dudley and said "You haven't told your daughter,"

Linda said "He wanted to, but I told him wait until she's older to realise why,"

"REALISE WHAT!" shouted Kasey.

Harry kneeled and came eye-leveled with Kasey and said "When I was little my parents were killed by a evil wizard and then I went to live with your father, but at the time, your father and his parents were Dursley, and when I grew older the evil wizard was after me again and I wanted to save your father and his parents, so I decided to put them into hiding and that also meant re-naming their names, you see, your father hasn't always been Dudley Daniels, it was Dudley Dursley."

Kelly blinked and said "So, you wanted to save my father's family,"

Harry nodded as he stood up and handed her back her letter and said "Professor McGonagall will never ever send the wrong thing to the wrong person, she was only using your real last name, because it would have showed up in the Hogwarts book,"

Kelly looked down at the letter and said "Do I have to change it?"

Harry glanced at Dudley before looking back and said "That's up to your father, but at Hogwarts, you'll be known as Kasey Dursley,"

Kelly nodded and hugged the letter to her chest "Thank-you, Uncle Harry,"

Harry looked surprised but didn't say anything and only said "Your welcome," patting the girl on her shoulder before saying "Sorry to cut this visit short, but I must go. McGonagall will be excepting your owl, sooner or later. I'll get my owl to come here for the reply,"

Dudley nodded and Harry went to the door and pulling out and parchment "Just in case, you need help to get to Diagon Alley,"

And then he disapparted.

I hope you like. if I get good reviews again, I might out a squeal or something.