Author's Note: This may be the last chapter, haven't decided. And beware, this is the rated M chapter (Ginny/Harry) - I'm no good at sex scenes - this is my first (Ah!) but i'm trying (which is kinda hard when you've had no experience yourself, lol blushes). please review!

CHAPTER 7 - Healed

It was close to midnight, but Ginny had a nagging feeling within her stomach. She had been plagued too long by terrifying nightmares of isolation and death – when was the last time she had been in Harry's arms? The last time he had kissed her, he had pulled away, as if it were a mistake…

Brushing away her tears, she restlessly turned about in bed, unable to get comfortable.

After Hermione and Ron's disappearance that afternoon and Harry's reclusive nature – barring himself in the guest room next door to her room – Ginny was left with a very boring afternoon, which mostly consisted of writing letters to her friends and replaying her few precious moments with Harry in her head. Ever since the war, he hadn't been the same. Both of them had to grow up faster than any normal teenager – but Ginny could not bear to witness Harry's grief any longer. She understood why Harry had shunned himself away from her family most of the time – she understand many things about Harry others didn't. And yet, all she wanted to do was fix him…to wash away the guilt he was plagued by…to show him, that he was forgiven, that there was no reason to feel culpable for the past year's deaths.

That small nagging in the back of her brain, somehow became louder…until she was sure she could hear it through the wall.

Ginny's eyes flew open.

Cautiously picking up her wand and tumbling out of bed in her pajamas, she made her way to the hallway.

Gently pushing open the door to the guest room, she winced at the creaking of the doorframe. Thankfully, the sound went unheard by the resident. Stepping inside with her dimly lit wand, Ginny took in the scene before her.

There was a small lamp light on beside the bed. On the bed against the wall, Harry lay facing towards the wall away from the door. She watched painfully as sobs wracked Harry's silent form – occasionally a small noise escaping from him.

This wasn't Harry. This wasn't the Harry she knew, who saved her from the chamber of secrets, or the Harry who braved against the Dementors –

Ginny had never seen him this vulnerable before, and instantly her heart began to wretch open.


Harry's form froze on the bed – she could tell he was quickly wiping his face – before he turned around and sat up, his face pale, tear-streaked and exhausted.

"Oh, Harry" Ginny abandoned her wand on the bedside table and wrapped her consoling arms around her savior – her best friend –

Soon both began to shake as sobs wracked them both.

"It's all my fault,"

Ginny pulled away "What is?"

"Fred-" Harry composed himself as Ginny started to fiercely retaliate. "Harry, you're delusional I swear! Fred loved the fact that he was defending his family – he died because it was what he chose – he wouldn't want you to blame yourself for something he chose! He knew the danger he was in, we all did!"

Ginny realized it was going to be harder than she thought to persuade Harry that not everything was his responsibility.

"Harry," she sighed out, leaning her head against his. "Please don't beat yourself up"

Harry nuzzled Ginny's head with his own.

"I was so afraid Ginny…I was afraid we wouldn't have a chance, to be together again…will you ever forgive me?" Ginny felt the small patter of Harry's tears on her pajamas.

Ginny sighed with a small moan, lowering her head to Harry's neck. Harry closed his eyes as he felt Ginny's lips against his collarbone, trailing softly to his jaw. "I already have" she breathed out. The scent of Ginny's breath hit Harry full force – and he jumped into a needy kiss. Ginny's arms wrapped around Harry's neck, pulling herself up into him until she was welded against his form. Harry's lips traveled to below Ginny's ear, to her neck and collarbone. Ginny moved to give him better access, arching her back when he reached the empty space before her chest.

Harry looked up expectantly at Ginny, and she gave him a breathless nod. Before long, Harry was slowly unbuttoning Ginny's blue pajama top- Ginny kissing Harry hungrily. In that moment, Ginny didn't care what her first name was – Harry's movements were driving her wild. She brought his mouth up back to her own, driving her tongue slowly around his bottom lip. She felt him audibly quiver at the deed, and Ginny felt a stroke of accomplishment. Overwhelmed, Harry breathlessly flipped Ginny onto the bed so that he was hovering over her. He conquered her mouth, putting as much passion as was humanly possible, into that kiss. He felt her fingers start to trace the band of his jeans. Within a second, Ginny's needy hands had thrown Harry's shirt over his head, flinging it carelessly to the floor. Harry stroked his rough hands through Ginny's soft, hair- reveling in her strawberry scent. Ginny traced her hands over Harry's chest, wrapping her arms gracefully about his neck. The rain falling on the window pain, only made her feel safer in Harry's arms- a bubbly feeling started to rise from her toes. Harry, heaving and gasping for air from a current passionate kiss, lifted his head suddenly and took in the girl before him. His hunger for her was insatiable as he watched her chest heave up and down, panting in breath – he secretly wanted to count all of the freckles upon her beautiful body. He cautiously placed a kiss on her milky skin – it felt like silk beneath his fingers – he worried that his rough skin would offend her. Ginny only scooted closer to him as he lay against her in the composed quiet- both finally tranquil in each other's presence, although disheveled. Ginny finally realized what Harry had needed, and what she had needed at long last.

Ginny began to play with Harry's black hair, running her hands through the mess upon his head, while Harry buried his head into her own hair- breathing in her smell. Harry lifted his head – both pairs of eyes caught. A knowing smile spread on Ginny's face, the fervor within her very glance sending the pits of Harry's stomach to lose all control. Harry's mouth dominated hers within moments, and Ginny's hands were cascading down Harry's back as he lowered his kisses down the T of her chest. Ginny arched her back in a moan- sending Harry into unknown heights. Then she felt the odd pain of her stomach as Harry traced the three deep scars.


Ginny watched Harry's face change to pain.

"Ginny," he opened his mouth to continue, but Ginny put her finger to his lips. "I'm fine." She smiled. "Because of you, I'm healing…"

He kissed Ginny's forehead, still winded, watching her nose wrinkle as a smile spread upon her blazing features. Harry suddenly felt a tugging upon his jeans, and realized that Ginny had just released him from the bonds of the tough fabric. Blushing, he only then discovered the hardness between his legs – and grew afraid that it might frighten Ginny.

As if on cue, Ginny's face went crimson, a mischievous smile spreading across her lips, sending Harry wild. Ginny tossed herself on top of Harry, kissing his brow, tracing the outline of his face with her lips whilst he started to slip his fingers into the sides of her lacy panties. She audibly gulped, unable to contain her nerves. Harry obviously had heard-

"Ginny," he looked up at her in panic "We don't have to do this if you're not ready-"

Ginny stalled him, leaning down to his ear, her hand inching deadly close to the bulge in his boxers. "I want this Harry…I need this…" and you need this too…

The smoky tone of Ginny's seductive voice sent Harry over edge- and in his excitement he ungracefully dragged the last piece of lingerie off of her, discarding it carelessly to the floor with the rest of the intermingled piles of clothes. Harry couldn't remember when Ginny had become so damn sexy-

Harry wrapped his arms around Ginny, gently turning her over – looking over her gorgeous body. His green eyes went wide.

Ginny blushed. With any other bloke, she would have felt like she was being scrutinized – but with Harry, she wanted him to see all of her.

Ginny raised her head, her red hair cascaded behind her. Harry's breath was caught in his throat as he felt Ginny's mouth smooth against his chest, rising to behind his ear-

Harry moaned as Ginny kissed his spot, struggling to keep his weight up with his shaking arms. Ginny's other hand was carefully brushing across the band of his boxers, lowering them till they were to his ankles and Harry could kick them off himself. Her hand still around his neck, Ginny drew away to glimpse at Harry's manhood. With a flabbergasted grin, she rose her face back up to Harry and dove into a passionate kiss. Harry vigilantly lowered her onto the bed, smothering Ginny in kisses.

At last, after a considerable time snogging, Harry broke away- holding himself above Ginny.

"Ginny, are you sure? Are y-you sure you want to d-do this?" Harry struggled to keep his composure. Ginny giggled inwardly, realizing how hard it was for Harry to restrain himself. Both realized they were about to travel into unchartered, unknown territory. Ginny quickly took Harry's face in her hands, resting her forehead against his.

"More than anything. I love you Harry Potter."

Harry grinned "I love you Ginny Weasley"

Ginny was compressed against the pillow with the force of the kiss, her arms trailing around Harry's back.

Harry lingered his lips against Ginny's, slowly entering in.

Ginny let out a painful moan, trying to cover it with her hand. A small tear escaped her eye.

"Ginny! Ginny, did I hurt you?" Harry panicked, stopping half-way. Ginny shook her head, heaving a breath – beaming up at him. "Harry, it's supposed to hurt – please, keep going."

Harry was tentative, but soon he could feel Ginny enjoying herself when he was fully in her. He could have died right there – he was the happiest he had ever been, with Ginny so close to him – her heart beating rapidly against his own. Although inexperienced, Harry instinctively reacted to Ginny's groans and cries – the small movements of her hips sent waves of pleasure rippling through his body. They could feel each other climaxing and knew they could fight it.

As he started to feel the climax coming for Ginny, he rolled onto his back pulling her to sit on him. He pushed even deeper then, causing Ginny to come before she knew it, wrapping her in a haze of pleasure.

"Oh, Harry!" she cried out in a half moan.

As her muscles tightened around him she dragged him to point of climax and with one last jerk of her hips he tipped over.

"Gin…"Harry breathed, devouring them both in a haze of intense pleasure and ecstasy with the last movement of his body. Harry's body shuck hard against her small one and she held onto him for dear life sure they'd be swept away.

Ginny wrapped her arms adoringly around Harry, mingling her hands in his hair as he tried to compose his breathing. Both covered in a small sheen of sweat, Ginny gazed at her lover who had undeniably proved his manhood. Ginny realized then, as Harry positioned her within his arms, pulling the covers over their exhausted bodies…that Harry was healed…and so was she.