Chapter 4
Spike paced what was left of his crypt. He had destroyed practically everything there when he got home. He knew it was stupid but he needed a release, and the little relief he got from smashing shit was just what he needed. Maybe he could go to Willy's, no, the demon community didn't want to be anywhere near him. NOW that's what he needed some good old fashioned violence. Walking to the door he spotted his duster, shaking his head he left it, leaving his home.
Giles sat in the training room listening to every complaint Cordelia had about his seriget daughter. He was trying to tune her out but just like back in the Library days he just couldn't. If he had to listen to it much longer he was going to follow Buffy's example and fight with the vampire.
"So how tough is Glory?" Angel asked.
"Exceedingly, each time Buffy and Spike have fought her she has left them in barely walking condition." Giles said not looking up from the book he was reading. The information Angel had brought had been quite beneficial. So far he'd learned the name of the demention she was from and why she had been kicked out. He knew he was close to discovering how they had disposed of her before.
Angel paced the room, the sun had set a half an hour ago and yet no sign of Buffy. He wanted to apologize, his soul was weighing heavy on him today. Beinging back in Sunny Dale was harder than he'd like to admit. a lot of really bad memories came from this place, cheating on Buffy, loosing his soul, trying to kill the Scooby's, killing all those people including Cordy, oh not to mention that torture session he had had with Buffy. He needed to make amends, he'd put her through so much pain. The whole reason for coming back to Sunny Dale was a penance mission.
"Maybe I should go talk to her." Angel suggested. All eyes flew to him, Cordy looked hurt, Fred looked confused and everyone else looked about ready to stake him.
"Speaking as Buffy's friend and as someone that truly wants to see you dead I say go for it. The moment she sees your undead ass she's going to stake it." Xander said looking back down at the book in front of him.
"You would like that wouldn't you Xander! You just can't live with the fact that me and him are happy together can you?" Cordy said getting his attention.
"Xander doesn't want you he wants me, we have lots of sex together…Well tell her Xander!" Anya all but screamed. He calmly walked over to her whispered something in her ear and they left the room together, hand in hand. Cordy rolled her eyes she still couldn't believe those two were together.
Silence over took the room again, "Maybe…" before Angel could even finish his sentence the two former watchers both yelled out a definite NO.
Buffy finished her shower and made her way to the computer drying her hair as she went. She needed to calm down and sunset was still a ways away. She thought about going and talking to Spike but she needed to calm down and come up with a good way to explain her smell. She knew how sensitive Spike was about Angel. She needed a damn good game plan if she wanted smoochies again. Sighing she sat down, remember a few days ago when you didn't care what Spike thought? Her inner voice answered immediately, No. sighing again she opened her file to finish up her story.
Spike stalked up to Angelus' mansion on a mission.
"That's not where I left off…" Buffy said looking over the screen, must have had a computer malfunction and it forgot to save or something she shrugged her shoulders and began reading. Hopefully she would remember all that she wrote, or maybe she just opened the wrong one.
Spike stalked up to Angelus' mansion on a mission. Nothing was going to stand between him and getting his girl back, nothing. Two fledglings attacked him as he reached the front door. They flanked him on both sides one throwing a punch to his head and the other a kick to the midsection. Spike lifted his right arm up blocking the punch, while his other arm came out and caught the others leg tossing him backwards causing him to fall. Turning his attention to the one on his right he pulled the stake out from duster with suck speed that the Vampire never knew what was coming. He staked the fledgling to the wall the stake going through the vamps shoulder into the wood wall trapping him there. Whipping around causing his duster to flow behind him making him look all the more sinister. His eyes shown yellow in the darkness causing the other vampire to freeze in fear just long enough for Spike to come up and rip his head right off. Turning back to the vampire still stuck to the wall he stalked up to his prey his vampire features becoming all the more teriffing when Spike stepped into the emergency lighting.
"Your goin to tell me where she is mate, and your goin to do it fast 'cause 'm gettin' bored and when that happens I have to find something to entertain me." Spike threatened twisting the stake in the others shoulder then pulling the axe from behind his back were he had tucked it away. The vampire cried out but Spike held his hand over his mouth. "None of that now…it makes it too much fun."
"The…basement…the bitch is in the…base…" before he could finish Spike had pulled out the stake and hit his heart. No one harassed the bint of a Slayer but him. Claming slightly at the knowledge he knew were to look for her he continued his quest to rescue his Goldylocks. His fists were clenched around the battle ax he was carrying. He body language was just daring anyone to try and take him on. He hadn't run into anymore vampires yet, but he knew as he got closer to the basement cages there would be more that was for sure.
He reached the basement but still nothing. He was beginning to curse the dead vamp thinking he lied to him, and that's when he saw her and his heart stopped, or it would of if it had been beating. She was cut up and bleeding and her shirt was gone. There was a large A carved into her shoulder and her head was laying on her chest as if it was to heavy for her to hold up. He didn't want to drop his guard and run to her until he killed Angelus, but she had lost a lot of blood. Slowly he made his way to her eyes scanning the darkness for Peaches. All he wanted to do was just look into those green eyes and see them shining back at him, he needed to see the life in them he had no idea what he'd do if the life was gone from them. He kneeled next to her and reached for one of her chained arms, that's when he sensed something was wrong.
" late again Will my boy." Angelus said leaning against the cage's door. Spike whipped around growling at his sire. He golden eyes shone with so much hate as he looked upon his former friend. "I thought you said the blood of a Slayer was extraordinary. Trust me William, she wasn't that special." Spike's eyes went wide he'd tasted her if he wasn't going to kill him before he damn sure was going to now. Spike sprung at him beating him down as Angelus laughter echoed in his ears. Tears began to stream down his face as he continued to pound on him. Spike could hear the cartilegge snap in peaches noise from the beating. His face was beginning to look completely red. Reaching for the stake tucked behind his back Spike Staked his sire, without hesitation, and without taking any pleasure in the act. Bastard had it coming.
Walking back over to Buffy he slowly he unchained her from the wall. Her eyes were closed but the reassuring dun-dun of her heart was all the hope he needed to hold onto until he got her to a doctor. There was no bleeden reason she shouldn't go now, Angel wasn't going to get her. I should of been faster should of left when the sun was still up. He had gotten to her in time to stop further damage but damage had been done none the less and he should of stopped it. Her heart beat was driving him crazy on the drive to the hospital, instead of dun-dun, dun-dun he was hearing, My Spike, My Spike.
Buffy scrolled the screen again, this wasn't what she'd written. She was pissed and when she found out who had gone and done it there would be hell to pay! Oh mark her words someone would possibly die for this. Going through her stuff was one thing put changing her work was to much.
Going through the tool bars and using a few tricks she had picked up from Willow she brought up an earlier copy of her story. Dawn was in so much trouble she was just lucky that she had had enough foresight to make an extra copy and store it in another part of the computer. Reopening her old document she went to put the finishing touches on it.
As soon as Spike felt sure that no one else would be coming back he stepped forward. "Couldn't leave you, luv." he said looking down at the recently covered grave. "Sorry I know you hate it when I call you that." he looked thoughtful for a moment, remembering how angry she got when he forgot and let it slip. The tears just wouldn't shut off, he had made it all the way to LA and it wouldn't stop, he couldn't make it. He felt like he was betraying her by leaving her in SunnyDale while he wasn't there. He took a deep unneeded breathe and exhaled it. Looking down he felt empty inside, worthless. She had giving him meaning, what had he ever given her? Nothing, that's what. The tears stung more now as he thought about how he could of saved them both so much pain if he had just let her go the last time. But he couldn't, and she didn't either. He felt like the strong Spike was gone and all that was left was the broken poet.
"At first we when we met
We fought
We still fought to the very end
But now I must say goodbye
We never had our chance
It wasn't in the cards pet
It seems the house always win
Taking the young early
It never seems fair
But that's life right?
Standing here at your grave
I wonder…
If your feelings were the same?
If they were you hid them well
But if you didn't feel the same
Then why do all the things you did
Why treat me like a man?
When you know I'm a monster
That's what I am you know
But you never seemed to see me like that
I just thought you should know
That it meant something here
And it always will." Spike looked down wishing that the head stone said more. She saved the world a lot didn't do her justice. He didn't want her to ever be forgotten. He never would let her be…
"I love you Buffy Anne Summers." Spike said heading back to his Crypt.
Her eyes had slowly opened she couldn't remember where she was or how she had gotten there. It was dark and the ceiling was just a few inches in front of her face. No it was, Lace? Her hand reached up and it was solid. She slowly felt around to try and find away out. Nothing… suddenly the situation it hit her. She was trapped.
"Help Someone! Somebody! Help me!" she yelled freaking out. Spike woke to the noise, his hangover demanding it stop. He walked out of his crypt searching for the noise. He was stumbling and leaning on tomb stones as he went. When he reached the source of the noise he was more than pissed. It was just a fucking fledgling.
"…Oh god…somebody." the vampire cried. Spike sat himself on one of the stones. When the fucking bitch emerged he was going to show no mercy.
"well hurry up already. Some of us want to sleep." he mumbled.
"Help Someone!" Spike straightened up. BUFFY? "I…can't breathe….sp…ike…"
Spike shot up in bed. He was gasping for breathe he didn't need. Buffy? Grabbing at his pocket that was vibrating he read a message from Clem saying he was sorry to hear about Buffy. Checking the time on the phone he noticed he's only been out for a little under an hour. Deciding that sleep wasn't going to help he got out of bed and walked to the door, a drink was defiantly in order after a dream like that. Whipping the door open he was met by the last person he expected to see…
She was covered in dirt the cuts and bruises from last night still prominently there. She was trembling standing there just starring at him with the greenest saddest eyes he had ever seen. What had Angelous done?
"…help me…" it came out as bearily a whisper and the pain it brought forth to Spike's chest was immense. His hands shook at his sides as he looked at the woman who had always owned his heart.
He stepped aside letting her in, he was afraid to touch her, he remembered how disturbing the transformation could be. Not factoring in the fact that she was a Slayer and everyone knew Slayer's didn't turn right. She sat in his favorite chair just starring off into space, she had just been through too much he would wait until she was ready, he sat on the sarcophagus waiting. He was in no hurry they an had eternity together now.
Smiling at the finishing touches to her story, it was perfect it was like she had actually planned it all from the beginning to end that way. She laughed at herself for having such a hard time coming up with a way to end it. It really did seem planned the Ending chapters title was after all Ending All the ends. What better way to do that than with a Vampiric life span. Dawn would feel stupid about the changes she had tried to make, she had to admit the fight scene between Angelus and Spike had been amazing and well really graphic she would have to talk to her about that but right now she was feeling pretty good.
Stretching her arms above her head she felt all of today's tension fade away. Getting up she got up and looked under her bed for her keepsake box. Pulling out the small cigar box her grandfather gave her when she was five she opened it up looking through the few pictures she had stored in there.
Her first boyfriend Steve, him and her were sitting cuddled under a tree in the picture, the next picture was of Pike her first boyfriend after becoming a slayer. They were standing next to the Mirage in Vegas, she smiled to herself at that memories it resurfaced. Then angels necklace, there memories hadn't been all smiles and kisses so no photos. Though thinking of it now she probably would of burned them when she found out he was in a relationship with Cordy. The only reason she had the necklace was cause it wouldn't burn. Next came the picnic picture of her a Riley. She quickly moved past that one, to the one of her and spike back to back. Last week she would of denied to her dying day that she had a picture of Spike in her boyfriend box but not today. Today she smiles and sets their picture on the top of the pile. The next and final picture she had was another for Dawn, well technically she took it. She had snuck up on the two while they were fighting in the magic box. In the picture they were both glaring at each other, just a couple of inches away from the other.
She wished she had a nicer picture but it kinda worked for the story. Reaching over to the scanner she scanned the picture in and copied and pasted it to the cover page adding the title and her name she sent it to the RNPC (Romance Novel Publishing Company). Now all she had to do was wait and see what they said, hopefully they would like it and wouldn't want to many changes.
Now all she had to do was come up with what to say to Spike. Going over to her closet she chose an outfit she knew he would approve of. Black leather skirt with a red corset tightening it up to the point it looked like her breasts were going to fall out if she inhaled or exhaled to much. He'd go crazy smiled to herself, she could tell him he had blood breathe and the body of a sheep and he probably wouldn't hear it cause he'd be to busy staring at her. Going back over to her boyfriend box she pulled out the last thing in the box that even at that moment she couldn't believe she was going to put on again. Spike's skull engagment ring for her, hopefully he would take the hint so she wouldn't have to explain. Cause right now she wasn't sure how to explain it to herself let alone him.
With a final look at herself in the mirror she smiled and left her room smiling like she'd just been told vampires were extinct and she could just go back to being an average everyday girl. Strange how he could always seem to make her feel special and normal all at the same time.
Sorry it took so long work is torture, and that it's short I was going to spend the 30th catching up but I forgot it was stupid trick or treating and the 31st was even worse you have no idea how horrible teenagers where I live can be lets just say if you wanted eggs in Wisconsin you would have to scrape them off the sides of the houses on my block cause there is no more left. But I told Libby Lee Smythe that I would be posting and I do plan to do more so this is what little I got done between pulling toliet paper out of trees and pressure washing houses. Thanks for hanging with me hope you liked it I plan to post more soon, Bye.