A/N: Well, I know what you're thinking, "OH NO! NOT ANOTHER ILOVESLINKY STORY!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!" and to that I say, very unenthusiastically, "ha ha, very funny." Anywhos, read and enjoy... OR ELSE!!!
I no owny Jimmy... :(
Cindy Vortex was enraged. It wasn't a phenomenon of nature for this to happen because Cindy Vortex had an enemy that shook the heavens and proved her wrong too many times. This time it was too much and it had all happened earlier that very day.
"Cla-a-a-a-ss," squawked Cindy's very bird like 5th grade teacher, Miss Fowl. "Its Friday and time for, brawk, Show and Tell!" Cindy smiled. She had been up the whole night before preparing her Show-and-Tell and this time she knew it was going to beat her rival's project for sure.
James Isaac Neutron was the rival she was thinking about and she just had to beat him this time. Cindy Vortex didn't take defeat well and Jimmy had done that very thing to her too many times. Whether is was back when they were in 3rd Grade and Jimmy showed Cindy's perfect sculpture of Michelangelo's David up with his very first invention, his robotic dog, Goddard, or two days ago when he defeated her song and dance to Outta Sync's song Hi Hi Hi with his hover shoes it still hurt the same.
What made this certain Jimmy Neutron so special is that he is a boy genius. Smarter than half the scientists at NASA, Jimmy would invent anything and everything that would come to his mind. Also, he would let Cindy, and everyone else in his class, know just how smart he was by answering all Miss Fowl's questions in great detail. After five years of his show-offy brain Cindy had had enough.
The day that Cindy would win was finally there. A look of hard set determination etched on her face as she pulled her project out of her basic black back-pack and set it on her desk with determination. Jimmy looked at her project and stifled a laugh as he pulled out is small, very remote like invention-of-the-week.
"First up to present his pr-o-o-o-ject is C-C-Carl!" Miss Fowl bellowed. The rotund red headed boy in the corner of the room sitting in the seat next to Jimmy stood up timidly from his desk and waddled over to the front of the class.
Back to the class, Carl began to speak.
"You think you've seen it all. You think you know every breed," he said, hunched over his balled fists. "but you're wrong until you've seen," Carl turned in one clumsy move and raised his balled, left fist. "THIS!" he screamed and opened is hand so the class could see what was inside. A tiny plastic llama stood on the platform created by Carl's hand. Jimmy released a great sigh.
"Carl, I hate to tell you this but that's the same llama you showed last week," Jimmy said in his kindest possible tone. Carl scoffed and pulled his hand back to his face and studied the llama intensely.
"Jimmy, I would have thought that you, of all people, would have known what secret dangers lie in the palm of my mortal hand," Carl said like a magician would when he or she tries to lure in an audience to some cheap smoke and mirror effect.
"Bwa-a-a-ck, Carl, I'm afraid that Jimmy is correct. You're going to ha-a-ave to bring in something else!" said Miss Fowl from behind her desk.
"Miss Fowl, this is not the llama I brought in last week, and not even the llama I brought in the week before. This is no ordinary llama," Carl was interrupted by an annoying voice from behind Jimmy's large, brown haired cone dome.
"GET ON WITH IT!" yelled Sheen Estevez, half standing up on his chair.
"She-e-en, sit down!" yelled Miss Fowl. She turned her large beak-like nose towards Carl. "Yes Carl, please get to the point."
"Ok Miss Fowl. The reason that this particular llama is so different is because it and Jimmy have something in common."
Cindy snorted.
"Abnormally shaped heads and abbreviated bodies?" she chided. The class laughed in the background as Cindy looked at the seething Jimmy sitting on her right, his cobalt eyes boring into her deep greens; a smirk settled casually on her face.
"No, what they both posses is nothing that can be seen with the naked eye but something that lies in here." Carl tapped the head of the llama. "Both the llama and Jimmy are SUPER GENIUSES!!!" Carl trumpeted. The class howled with laughter and Jimmy slunk down in his seat so that only his very large head could be seen.
"Carl, that's enough. Go back to your seat. Bwack! I'll give you full credit this week but next week I'll be expecting something a little less llamaish," commented Miss Fowl.
"Yes Miss Fowl," Carl said defeatedly and ambled his way back to his desk.
"Ok, who bwa-a-a-ack wants to go next?" Cindy raised her hand as high as she could stretch it and nearly stood up in her chair.
"How about you Ci-i-indy?" chose Miss Fowl.
"Yes Miss Fowl," came Cindy in her sweetest voice. She picked up the large, butcher paper covered object that had rested on her desk, eagerly waiting to be shown, through Carl's whole presentation. Cindy arrived at the front of the classroom with a small smile delineated on her
lips and a cunning painting in her hands.
With one swift movement Cindy tore off the butcher paper. Underneath, what had made her so certain that she would win, was a canvas with splotches of paint all over it. It looked like someone had spazzed when they were holding the brush, and the there, right in the middle, was the crude splotch of a face that looked like it was in great pain with an over sized cranium attached to it and the rim of the elastic on tighty-whiteys over the forehead. The class gaped at what it could be until;
"Most certainly hilarious, Cindy," Jimmy said and it clicked. A roar of laughter burst out from the eerie silence and Cindy stood smugly at the front of the class.
"Hey Jimmy, is that a snapshot of last week when I pummeled you behind the lunchroom?" yelled Butch gaily from the back of the classroom.
"This is what I call "Idiot in love"," said Cindy in a cheerful voice.
Miss Fowl was silently chuckling behind her desk as she said, "Cindy, you may sit down now, Brawk! Jimmy, you're up! As usual," she added under her beak.
Jimmy approached the front of the, now tame, classroom and held up his hand. In it clenched a purple hula-hoop with Christmas Lights encasing it and a Computer monitor attached to the side.
"You gonna win the hula-hooping contest, Neutron?" yelled Cindy from the front of the class. Jimmy just smirked at the ripple of chuckles throughout the room.
"Behold, the best thing since sliced bread, the best thing that ever happened. The only thing that can stop it now is the cure for the common cold! In my very hands I hold the most powerful demutation device that was ever invented by the common man," Jimmy said, his voice rising every second.
"Demutation device?" smited Cindy.
"You tryin' to fix that ginormous cone dome of yours?!" finished Libby. The class overran with hoots and howls of laughter as the girls high-fived each other enthusiastically.
"Ha ha," Jimmy said unfeelingly. "But I guess that even you," he continued, "being the smartest girl but CLEARLY not the smartest of all, can comprehend what I'm holding. Today, in this very classroom, I bestow upon you the device that can change the course of man."
"The hula-hoop's already been invented, Dork-tron!" she howled.
"She reverse the course of any radiation related ailment, including mutation, and eliminate all traces that it ever existed in your body," Jimmy continued, without a hitch. "I give you the Neutron Radiation Reducer!" and Jimmy pressed a button on the computer part of the device and the lights lit up and the middle of the hoop shone bright. Inside the hoop was purple light, wreathed in yellow. Jimmy smiled at the oohs and aahs admitted from the class.
"Wow," Miss Fowl said, gaping at the light. "You may sit down now Jimmy. Bwa-a-ack! She-e-en! You're next!"
From that moment on Cindy was detached from the world around her, fuming at Neutron. Every time, every single time, she thought Jimmy has shown me up. But I was so sure that I was going to finally defeat him that it wasn't even funny! But I have to fight back. If I don't fight back now that there would never be another chance for me. But what? What could possibly defeat Neutron? Cindy wondered. Ok, let's look at this from a different angle; what is it that makes Neutron win every time? What has his signature all over it? What is it that he can do that everyone else can't? and then it hit her, like a frozen slush-ball on a cold winter's day. I've got it! I know how to defeat Neutron once and for all! And with that, Cindy went off planning.
A/N: You likey? I write em but I gotta know if I have any readers! Review or NO MORE STORY! Jk!