The Last Chapter: A Violent Relationship

"Hey Gabriella, I have a great surprise for you." Troy whispered to her in science, watching her face light up.

"What is it?"

"It's a surprise, duh!"

She giggled under her breath, the teacher circling around their table before walking back to her desk. He smiled at her and she smiled back, only a little disappointed.

The bell rang and she skipped out of class, kissing Troy just outside the door. They dodged a few grumbling teachers before rounding the corner and kissing again, giggling and chatting as they skipped and kissed.

"Hey Gabi." Taylor said happily, walking up to the two and smiling.

"Hi Taylor, you look really happy today!" Gabriella giggled, touching her rosy cheeks to see if she felt hot. She just grinned and nodded, looking over Troy's head.

Chad appeared, grinning as hard as Taylor.

"Hey Chad, wanna grab some lunch?" Troy asked, starting up their special handshake before taking the basketball from his hands and chucking it up and down, behind his head and around his waist.

"No, I'm still full from yesterday." He grinned, walking away from his friend and linking arms with Taylor.

"I threw up twice last night." She giggled, smiling up at her boyfriend before guiding him up in front of Troy and Gabriella.

"What's up with those two?" Troy asked, staring ahead of them before shaking his head and smiling down at Gabriella.

She just giggled and shook her head, holding the door open for a freshman.

"So, I'll see you outside the gates at 4.00pm, okay?"

"Okay, I guess you have to see your dad for an excuse for missing basketball and I need to go see Helen about the decathlon dates."

"Exactly, see, I'm smart."

She laughed, throwing her head back and shaking out her hair, before kissing his cheek and walking off, waving behind her.


"Troy! Come on, drive me wherever we're going now, I can't wait!" Gabriella shouted into the cold, quiet air, making Troy look up from the ground and grin.

"Where's your car?"

"Oh, something happened to the wheel, and there's a scratch in the paint. My mom says she doesn't want to look poor. So I walked this morning."

"Okay. Well, get in, and we'll go."

Troy held open the car door for Gabriella, who clambered in and grinned, settling into the soft leather and doing up her belt, pulling it to be secure. Troy got in the other side and turned on the engine slowly, clearing his throat and starting up a conversation.

"So, what you do at lunch?"

"Well, I went and saw what Taylor and Chad were doing, then I sat with a few cheerleaders and asked for some advice on where to shop for shoes, and then I went to do some homework so I don't have to rush it tonight. What did you do?"

"Well, I grabbed a burger, went to find the cheerleaders to tell them they had to practice, and sneaked up with Jason and Chad and watched them change."

"No you didn't... or did you?"

"Well, we did, but we got steered off by Darbus and were lectured for about an hour."

"Oh, stop it."

"What? It's true."

Troy pulled into a car park, turning off the engine and opening the door. He got out and ran around the car, opening the door for Gabriella. She stepped out, kissing his cheek, before seeing where they were.

"We're at the theater?"

"Yeah, I mean, Chad and Taylor went, why can't we?"

He steered her in, not bothering to buy tickets or snacks. Gabriella went to say something, but turned her head to see inside the theater instead. And there, at the front, she saw two big ebony leather chairs with a red carpet leading up to them. There was a side-table on each side of the chair, with a rose in a vase, a soda in a champagne glass, and a fancy china bowl decorated with dolly mix, strawberry laces and Rolo's in fancy shapes and swirls. Each chair had a footstool and the stage was right in front of them, a large red curtain draped over the stage, a hologram dancing upon the velvet material.

"Romeo and Juliet?" she gasped, looking up to see Troy, to see he was being led away by a man dressed in a suit. Instead, a woman dressed in a black and white spiraled ball gown with frills and layers of petticoats hurried up to her and led her to another room.

She found herself in a dressing room, a large table in one corner, a sink with curling irons balanced on the edge in another, and mirrors covering almost all the walls. There was a large tinted window on one side, and when she looked out, she could see a newly decorated car park. There was tinsel and confetti draped across the floor and trees, and all the cars had been moved and replaced with old fashioned cars, and one long black limo.

"Ma'am, here is your dress." The woman spoke in an old fashioned way, curtseying and walking out hurriedly. Her voice had a strong English accent, and all the men around her sounded English.

Gabriella smiled and stopped gazing out the window, turning back to see the large wooden door behind her had been shut tightly and that the large black bolt was waiting to be locked. She pulled the bolt over the door, before turning round to see the dress. It was a long satin dress and a brown-ish red color. It was very puffy and it had spaghetti strap sleeves. There was a pair of matching brown heels with sparkles and brown jewels studded on the strap, and a brown mohair shawl that was draped around the dress. She instantly fell in love with it and rushed across the room just to touch it.

When she was dressed, she fluttered around, pretending to be on the catwalk. She turned to see big brown spiral earrings dangling from a traditional large mirror surrounded by lights and a brown pearl necklace with a brown decoration in between the painted pearls. There were long brown gloves flopped over a large black stool and a stick of light brown lipstick, brown mascara and some other makeup sat on the little shelf in front of the mirror. She jumped into the makeup, piling it into her face and squealing with happiness as she saw herself change. She washed her blusher and mascara caked hands before picking up the jewelry delicately and draping the necklace around her elegant neck. She placed the earrings in her ears and clapped her hands as she saw how pretty she looked. She pulled the gloves onto her hands, before turning and seeing the woman had returned and was standing by the sink, grinning.

"I let myself in, ma'am, hope you don't mind. Come over here, and I'll do your hair."

Gabriella nodded and walked across the room, before regretting it, because as she bounced and flounced, she felt sillier and sillier, yet prettier and prettier with each step.

The woman gently brushed her hair out, then she straightened out parts, then curled some more, then tied some up. She pulled out two little ringlets by the front of her face and then caked her hair with hairspray. She then started combing through the hair at the top of her head, pushing it forwards to make a sort of beehive. She then combed it all back down and tied it up more securely with a brown hair band with tassels and feathers and sequins coming off everywhere, and then she patted the hair with her hands.

When the woman turned the chair around so Gabriella could see in the mirror, she gasped and felt tears sting her eyes. Her hair was gorgeous, it was tied up so tightly and it had taken ages, but it looked so simple. The beehive helped make her head look bigger, making her features look smaller. The ringlets by the front of her face curled like curly fries, and hung just below her jaw. The bits that she had straightened and curled at the back bounced and zigzagged up and down, making her hair look mysterious and wonderful. It did look as if she simply couldn't be bothered to straighten all her hair and just did it up in a messy pony.

"I love it!" she whispered, but the lady just nodded and walked out, holding the door open. Gabriella obediently followed, gazing around the tapestry covered hallway. The path they were following led them into a newly decorated ticket office, which was now a fancy reception, with elegant couches and the desk and the candy counter were now covered with assorted and exotic red cloths and covered with bottle of champagne and soda. Glasses were stacked by the side, and where the popcorn machine stood, three men and a woman were singing quietly. There was a small chandelier hanging above her, and the walls were elegantly white, and all the doors had ruby red curtains draped over them. The flag of England flew about outside the door, and a smaller version was pinned above the exit.

As she entered the theater again, she saw that the woman and the man who had led Troy away were standing by the door. As Gabriella entered, a band began to play and they began to hum quietly, and Avril Lavigne came out from a curtained off door and belted out as hard as she could, the song 'Keep Holding On', one of Gabriella's favorites.

She looked up to see Troy entering the room, looking a bit stunned, before smiling and crossing the room to stand by Gabriella. He was wearing an elegant brown suit, with a cream shirt, bow-tie and cuffs, and brown shoes. His hair was held back with layers of hairspray and gel and he smelled awfully strong of aftershave.

All the other seats in the theater had been moved away, and there was a large black screen across the theater, making the room look smaller.

Avril was still singing as she handed Troy and Gabriella a rose and a brown bag each, before walking off to a corner and starting 'Hot'.

They walked slowly down the red carpet, hand in hand. Gabriella couldn't help but giggle when she saw the effort Troy had put into this, seeing this was what she really wanted.

"Troy, I don't need all this attention." She whispered as the climbed into their seats, smelling in the leather and settling down.

"Yes you do. Well, I felt so guilty I had to do something nice for you, but this is the maximum for my extreme niceness." He whispered back, opening the bag to see a handful of elegant and expensive chocolates and a little bottle of beer.

"They want us to get drunk?" she whispered, eying the bottle in his hands, but he just waggled his eyebrows at her a few times before looking back at the stage.

The curtain swept across, disappearing backstage, and a Romeo wearing black tights, black shorts and a silver and black striped shirt (with most of its buttons undone) and a striped hat with a black feather poking out of the top. Gabriella giggled, finding the hopelessly romantic and good-looking Romeo to seem slightly silly, as he walked along stage, tiptoeing, before leaping across gracefully and pulling a Juliet into his arms. He placed her on the floor, to show off her knee-length white dress with a silver rose clipped to her hip, silver ballet shoes with ribbons tied up her legs and white tights. Her black hair was placed in a bun but hair fell out all over the place, she looked happy and bright and she smiled at Romeo in an awfully friendly way.

The show went on, to be funny, sad, silly and happy all the way. In the end scene, where Juliet lay playing dead across a bed, her red and orange exotic looking dress ripped and torn at the ends, Romeo swaggered in, holding a bottle of poison in his hand, before collapsing by Juliet's bed. He looked very uncomfortable, and Gabriella started to cry as the sad music played and Juliet slowly woke, her dress flapping around as a hidden fan blew on her, making it look more dramatic than it was.

As the both stop moving and the curtain pulled across, Gabriella wiped her wet cheeks and started to smile, sniffing and looking at Troy, who looked like he might cry too.

The curtains pulled open as Romeo, Juliet and their families bowed, but there was no one to watch them because everyone had left the couple on their own, and they were too busy kissing to worry about Romeo and Juliet.

"Troy, that was amazingly sweet of you. I thought that play was magnificent!" Gabriella cried as she walked out of the dressing room (in her old clothes of course) and saw Troy standing there, waiting. "And that dress was gorgeous!"

"I thought you'd like it. I never saw it before; my mom got it for me, and I thought you looked amazing. And, just so you know, that dress is yours, so no arguing that I look after you too much, okay?" he said, and she nodded, laughing. They kissed before walking into the ticket office, where the curtains were blowing in the breeze and the champagne bottles were all half empty and glasses lay empty and deserted on the side.

They were led into the long black limo, grabbing a leather couch each, and a glass of soda appeared from a compartment in the car. Troy thanked the chauffeur who waved and started driving, and they sipped and talked the whole drive.

After a few minutes of silence the limo stopped and the chauffeur opened the sliding limo door. Gabriella stepped out to find herself outside a burger bar, the fanciest in Albuquerque. Gabriella found herself laughing as Troy guided her inside, and when she saw the interior design she burst into tears of laughter.

It was all red and blue, and French flags flew around the room.

"Oh, I get it; the first was old fashioned English people, and now this one's French!" Gabriella said between giggles, and Troy nodded and sat her down on a suede armchair. She looked around to see the room was quite dark; just a few candles were lit here and there. The blues looked darker and it seemed so intimidating, but then a man with a tiny mustache balancing on his upper lip flicked a switch and huge lights banged and popped and a light bulb hanging above them flickered on.

"Hello, what would you like?" he said in a very strong French accent, and he pulled out a notepad and licked the tip of his pen, ready to write down.

"We'll have the special." Troy said, and he jumped and down before writing it and speaking in French to someone else.

Almost immediately a fat man in a chef's suit came waddling out of some large automatic doors holding a large plate, filled with burgers, chips, ketchup, relish, chicken strips, any sort of fast food you could think of. They were delicately placed in a pattern of swirls and stripes, and it outlined 'Troy 4 Gabi' in chips.

"Wow." Gabriella said, picking up a chip and placing it in a swirl of ketchup, before crunching on it, and watching Troy do the same.

After they had devoured the whole plate, three very petite women were small pink and white pinstriped dresses with frills and white aprons came and collected the plates.

One had a very big chest, and Troy couldn't help but look, even though he knew Gabriella must've been glaring at him right then. But then, a topless guy walked through, holding two soufflés and he placed them on the table, and now it was Gabriella's turn to stare.

They both exchanged looks while eating their soufflé, but as they both placed their spoons down simultaneously, they both burst out laughing, making the waiter walk out and collect their plates.

"I hope you enjoyed." He said in his French manner, and Troy nodded and stood up. Gabriella followed, and they both walked outside to find the street covered in snow.

"What the..." Gabriella started, but reached out to touch it. In fact, it was real snow.

"Wow. I didn't plan for this to happen. Oh, and we were going skating..." Troy said, pouting, but pulled Gabriella across the street and into a large marquee type thing, and when they came out the other end they found themselves at an icing rink, where two pairs of skates stood on a bench covered with a pink blanket. They took off their shoes, but then a woman walked up and gave them both outfits to put on.

Gabriella stepped into the dressing room to find it was all decorated in pink and black, and her lacy outfit in her hands was also pink and black. There was a short pink dress with pink leggings attached to it, and the arms of the dress had spirals all up them. There were black satin gloves and pink covers for her skates, also with the black decoration. There was a black translucent jacket as well, that covered her shoulders, neck and stopped halfway down her stomach.

A woman did her hair, tying it in a bun but leaving pieces out, then twirling the pieces round into little swirls on the side of her head. The woman then placed little professional clip-in extensions of hair, in light brown and black.

She tucked the extensions in and Gabriella gasped as she saw how cool her hair looked.

"Now, for the Swedish makeover." The woman pronounced slowly, as if English was a language she knew not a lot about. The woman layered bright pink lipstick on her mouth, with darker lip liner and a lot of blusher, then coating her eyelashes with black mascara and black eye shadow and eyeliner. The woman then dabbed at her lips before adding a brown lip gloss over the lipstick, and then she wiped at her cheeks and smacked them a few times (lightly) to produce a natural glow. When Gabriella got up and looked in the mirror, she saw she looked like one of those professional skaters of the Olympics.

She walked outside and sat on the bench to put her ice-skates on, when she saw Troy walk over in a black shirt with white leggings and black shorts over them. He was grinning as he looked at Gabriella and said he found himself highly attractive in such tight clothes. This made Gabriella laugh, and she struggled to tie the laces because she gave herself the hiccups. Then, when Troy and Gabriella had done up their ice skates and managed to figure out how to put the covers on (they had to take their ice skates off many times because they couldn't get it right) they stumbled onto the ice and started to skate slowly in a circle around the rink.

'I Will Always Love You' by Whitney Houston came on, and Troy took Gabriella's hand and swirled her round and round and round, and then let go, watching her spin on her heel before stopping gracefully.

"I didn't know you could ice skate!" Troy gasped, skating wobbly over towards her and bumping into her.

"I used to go when I was 12. I guess I just remembered how to. You, on the other hand, need a lot of practice. First, you need to learn how to stop."

They skated around for another hour, practicing stopping, starting, spinning and going faster and faster. Troy fell over a lot of times, but Gabriella didn't even wobble, she performed twirls and twists and jumps and splits, while Troy managed to spin once and stop at the other side of the rink, narrowly missing flying over the edge.

"Troy, you're so funny!" Gabriella hiccupped, holding her breath for a few seconds before hiccupping again. 'Teardrops on My Guitar' by Taylor Swift echoed through the rink, and Gabriella skated over to Troy, pulling him into the middle of the ice, wrapping her arms around him and spinning slowly. A spotlight slowly shines down on the two and when it ends, they kiss passionately and they wouldn't care if the world ended, they're happy and it's all they need to know that they're finally together again.

"Troy..." Gabriella said quietly, looking up at him as she pulled her jacket across her body. She packed the skating outfit into a bag and left the shoes on the bench, before turning back to Troy who had her full attention. "This was an amazing night. I don't know why you felt you had to do this, because being with you is all that matters. I wouldn't care if we were stuck in the bloody sewers, I'd still be happy because we'd obviously find something to do and because I'd be with you and no one else and I'd be cool with that. I don't need this fancy stuff to reassure me that each night when I put my head on my pillow and think of how much I love you, I know you're doing the same and thinking of how much you love me." She whispered, and he pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.

"Well, I hope tonight you do go home and put your head on your pillow and think how much you love me, because I'll do the same, in fact, I've done that same thing each night since we started dating. My love for you has never changed, no matter how big or small my presents are."

"Well, from now on, I don't want any fancy gifts or presents. If it's my birthday or something, buy me a DVD and we'll snuggle up and watch it together and then I'll be happy, okay?"

"Same here, but no chick flicks."

"Okay, and not horror films either."

"Deal." They said in unison, spitting into their hands and shaking each others hands. They both shuddered with disgust and wiped their hand down their side, smiling at each other.

"So... Wanna sleep round mine tonight? My mom's out doing business stuff tonight, we have the house all to ourselves..." Gabriella purred, stroking his arm.

"Hmm, you drive a hard bargain, but I'm going to have to accept."

They smiled and kissed once more, before walking out into the cold air, checking their watched to see that it had just gone midnight.

"Good morning, Troy." She whispered, clambering into the limo, and he just smiled and jumped in behind her, making her squeal with delight.

"I love you." He whispered, pulling her onto his lap and kissing her continuously down her neck.

"Not here Troy, we're in a limo!"

"I know. It's just the words that count."

"Troy, this has been one Violent Relationship, but I know it'll work out."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too."



Troy pushed Gabriella to the floor of the limo, and suddenly the time was right... until the chauffeur opened the door and declared that they were at Gabriella's house.

"The bed's comfier." She said truthfully, and they chased each other indoors, slamming the door behind them, which, in all good films (although this wasn't a film) has a door hanger saying 'The End' on it.

The End!


It's over! This story is officially over! Now, I expect more reviews please :(

Or I won't update my other stories, if I say that they'll come flooding in:D

Thanks for the small amount of reviews I've had so far, I've written this fromt eh bottom of my heart and I love this story to bits, although I think it was very bad in places some of you liked it, so I'm not that bad at writing. :D

Love Chloe xxx