I Do not own anything associated with Harry Potter which includes Ron, sadly. The songs Hermione sings in this fic all belong to someone, but just for the storylines sake i say she made them up on her own. It means more.

Happy reading!

Chapter One- Nerves

Hermione was nervous. In fact it was safe to say that Hermione had never been so nervous in her entire life. You see tonight was the night that Hermione was going to spill her inner most feelings to the whole world. Well to Hermione it might as well have been the whole world. Performing in front of everyone at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was frightful enough. But performing in front of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons as well was utterly terrifying.

It was Christmas Eve, and Dumbledore had decided that after the events of last year in the Department of Mysteries that for just one night, the witches and wizards of past and present needed to let loose and be worry free, about what would happen in the near future. And so, he had organised a concert and dance, much like the Yule Ball.

It was this idea that had persuaded Hermione into doing what she was about to do. Dumbledore, being the greatest wizard in the world, knew that Hermione had been singing since the tender age of 5. No-one else knew of this ability except her parents, and people in the muggle world who had seen her and her band at a gig. Hermione was very talented, not just as a witch but as a performer. But this was different. Performing an hour or so long concert in front of her friends, wasn't like singing along to karaoke in bar or doing covers in pubs.

Harry would be there to see, and Ginny, and Viktor, and….Ron. Oh how she wished she wouldn't make a complete fool of herself in front of Ron. Everyone else she could live with teasing or laughing at her clumsiness or mistake. 'Even Malfoy would be better to face in that situation than Ron'. She thought with a frown.

You see Hermione had finally realised that Ron was the man she loved. Ron was the one person in the whole entire world she would die for, that she would marry and have a family with. Ron Weasley was also unfortunately for her going out with Lavender Brown. Just the thought of her brought a grimace and cold look to Hermione's face.

If there was ever someone Hermione despised more than Lord Voldermort himself, it was Lavender.

'At least I won't be totally alone up there.' Hermione thought to herself as she put the finishing touches on her first outfit and make up. Hermione had never considered herself to be ugly by any means, but compared to most of the other girls in Gryffindor, she felt she wasn't totally up to standard. She wanted to look extra special tonight.

'Yeah for your boyfriend!' A little voice in her head teased her. 'He's not my boyfriend!' she replied back angrily. 'Maybe so, but you want him to be.' A teasing voice came from the door.

Hermione turned around. Ginny stood there with a smirk on her face. 'I don't- I- I don't know what you're talking about!' replied Hermione indignantly. Ginny's grin grew wider.

'Hermione, my brother may be blind when it comes to your feelings towards him, but I'm certainly not.' Hermione had to grin at that. 'Well he won't be for much longer will he?' Ginny gasped and walked over to Hermione. 'You're going to tell him?' She could hardly contain her excitement. Hermione smirked. 'Tell…no. Sing….yes.' She could have knocked Ginny over with a feather quill. 'You're- You're going to- to sing?' Ginny whispered. Hermione sighed and turned back to the mirror. 'That's the plan.'

Ginny could hardly contain her glee. She jumped up and down and spun around excitedly. 'Oh Hermione! This is so fantastic! Ron is going to gobsmacked!' Hermione couldn't help but smile at that fact. For indeed he would be gobsmacked. Suddenly a horrifying thought came to her. 'What if he- he doesn't like it? What if- if he hates me more after this?' Hermione asked, tears springing to her eyes. "Oh this is a mistake, I know it.' Ginny had stopped dancing around the room at this point and stared at Hermione like she had three heads. 'He wont hate you, he doesn't hate you know. He's totally in love with you. He has been since second year!' Ginny practically shouted.

Hermione snorted. 'Sure, that's why he's attached to Lavender's face 24/7' She gagged at the thought. Ginny laughed. 'He's only going out with Lavender to make you jealous! Surely you must know that.' Hermione doubted it, and turned back to the mirror.

She looked extremely different to normal. Her brown locks had been straightened, and now cascaded down her back freely. She was wearing black tight skinny leg jeans, and black high heeled pumps. The top she wore was fitting and the blue colour complimented her features and her accentuating curves and bust. Her eyeliner was dark and her mascara thick. She didn't looks scary or gothic, but more like a woman who knew exactly what she wanted. She clipped the silver chain around her neck and stood back to admire her handywork.

Ginny sighed. 'You look radiant Hermione.' She gave Hermione a tight hug and stpeed back admiring her. 'Ron isn't going to know what him' she smirked. Hermione had to smile at that too. She really hoped Ginny was right. They walked towards the dormitory door together and proceeded down the stairs. 'Are you sure this is going to work? I won't regret it?' Hermione asked Ginny sadly. Ginny smiled. 'Absolutely not.' Just then the portrait door swung open…..