Emily was pacing around Casey's living room, staring at her best friend and her best friend's brother

Emily was pacing around Casey's living room, staring at her best friend and her best friend's brother. Luckily the rest of Casey's family was out shopping.

"I just don't believe it," Emily said. For a moment Emily couldn't even speak, but then she worked up the nerve to ask, "Well…what are you going to do….?"

"Keep it, duh," Casey said. "You know I'm against abortion."

"But won't it be…." Emily started, but Casey interrupted her. "Maybe not," Casey said. "Maybe not."

"I don't know," Emily said, pulling Casey into a hug. "How did this happen, Case?" Emily asked. Both of them were sobbing.

"I love him, Em. I know I'm not supposed to but I do, and he does, and why should what everyone else expects even matter?" Casey was sobbing.

"But…" Emily started.

"Em," Casey said. "It's mutual…we love each other; no one's hurting anyone so it's not really wrong. Or even if it's wrong it can't be evil because we aren't hurting anyone. It's not just carnal, Em; its not just about sex…I love him….our souls are one….I just can't live without him. And right now….I guess I don't even care if the whole world knows."

Casey let go of Emily and walked over to Derek, who was still sitting on the couch, and kissed him passionately. "I love you," she whispered. "But we have to tell our parents. We can't keep hiding; they'll find out eventually and they'll be less angry if we come straight out and tell the truth instead of them finding out from someone else."

"They'll never let us see each other again," Derek sobbed.

"You don't know that," Casey said. "Maybe we can make them understand."

"No," Derek shook his head. "Let's run away. You can legally change your name and start a new life."

Suddenly the idea sounded perfect. "I love you, Derek," Casey whispered seductively.

Both of them packed the minimal amount of clothing that they needed. They walked to the bus station and bought a ticket to New York. Derek got a job to pay for Casey to attend law school. Casey decided to dye her hair reddish brown so no one could tell that they were siblings.

5 Years Later

Casey and Derek were living together in an apartment. Casey had lost touch with her old friends, but she had made new ones.

Her phone rang. "Casey Novak speaking," she answered.

"We have a suspect. Can you get us a warrant?"

"Sure thing, Liv," Casey said. She hung up and kissed her boyfriend. Life was hard, especially now that she was the assistant district attorney for the special victims unit in Manhattan.

"I love you, Derek Venturi," Casey said, grinning. "One day, we'll get married." At least, she hoped. They were undocumented. No one knew they were siblings, but neither of them knew if they could fool anyone if they tried to get married. Their secret would be there, hiding. It would be there in their files. Forever. They couldn't get married, at least not officially. But they were married.

"I have to go, Der," Casey said. She drove to the 16th precinct to talk to her favorite detectives. She wondered why Elliot and Olivia were so oblivious. They were both in love with each other, Casey could tell. Maybe they thought that the other one didn't love the other one, or maybe it was because Elliot had just came out of a shitty divorce, or maybe it was because they worked together and they thought it was forbidden. 'Forbidden. What do they know about forbidden?' Casey thought. Elliot and Olivia had every right to be together.

And….and….It was time for Casey Novak, formerly Casey Venturi, to play matchmaker.