Disclaimers: I don't own Kingdom Hearts. I'm simply using the characters for my and my muse's entertainment.
Mirage by Yaoi Girl
Now, I should mention that I'm easily embarrassed by drawing any kind of unwanted attention to myself, whereas Roxas has more of a 'I don't give a fuck; they can fuck off' attitude about people. So, naturally, he put up a fight.
"You've been following us around for years, we have no clue who or what you guys are, and you just expect us to follow you, just like that?" he seethed as I had started to follow the silver haired boy who was still griping the red-head's ear, who by the way was whining the entire time.
The silver haired boy then turned and gave a rather dark glare towards my brother, and I couldn't help but inwardly wince and thank whatever's out there that it wasn't me he was glaring at.
"C'mon, Roxas. The mall is the last place we need to be banned from!" I scolded him as I took a few steps back towards him, glancing around awkwardly at the growing amount of stares before finally fully focusing on my twin.
"I can assure you that you're in no harm," the silver haired boy continues with a sigh as he finally released the other guy's now bright red ear.
"Tch. Like I believe you. I'm only going to go with you because my brother's right. You're lucky he's here, otherwise, we'd have some problems," he said as he crossed his arms over his chest, turning his nose in the air as he finally began to follow us.
We walked in silence through the mall and out to the bus stop, all four of us boarding, and it was kind of unnerving how willingly I was going along with them considering we don't know anything about them.
And silence only followed on the bus until the silver haired teen whispered in my ear some time later.
"It's almost time."
And despite the fact that it had been years since he had spoke those few words, his voice still made me shiver at how beautiful it was. And I knew what he was talking about. He was going to tell me soon who he was after all these years of waiting.
"Stop touching me!" I then heard Roxas yelp as he pulled his knees into the isle, glaring at Axel who was grinning, trying to look innocent with his hands in the air for good measure.
"Axel, leave him alone. You yelling is bad enough, but he's worse," the teen next to me said as he swiveled around slightly, glaring at both Axel and Roxas. "If you keep this us, Axel, you know you won't last past the upcoming conversation."
The red head clamped his mouth shut, looking slightly hurt as he focused his eyes out the window. What the heck is going on?
"Where are we going?" I finally ask, seeing as we've been on the bus for about twenty minutes now and getting farther and farther from town.
"To a secret place so we can talk," the boy next to me simply replied, looking down at me with a smile. "Why, you scared?"
"Well, yeah. A little," I admitted, looking to my untied shoelace, contemplating tying it now or when we got to wherever.
He chuckled a little. "Don't be. We aren't allowed to physically hurt anyone."
So many unanswered questions right now…
Finally, way out in the outskirts of town near the forest line, the teen next to me pushes the emergency stop button, standing and beckoning for us to follow.
My heart pounds against my chest as the bus drives down the road and finally disappears and the teen takes my hand. "This way."
We start heading through the thick trees and weeds until we're far from the road. Are they really gonna kill us out here?!
Finally, we come to a small clearing where there are some cut logs laying sideways for seats and a fire pit that had been used the night before.
We all sit, Roxas and I together and Axel and the other teen on the other log, facing us.
"I'll tell you know, this is gonna make very little sense to you," Axel warned as he squirmed into a more comfortable position.
The other nodded with a sigh.
"How old do you think we are?"
"18 and 19," Roxas said, pointing first to the silver haired teen, then to Axel.
"Close, 19 and 20."
"So what does that have to do with anything?"
"The fact that we weren't born, but created."
"Huh?" Roxas and I manage simultaneously.
"We came all the way here because it was destiny that you found those stones. Wherever the stones are, that's where are creator is."
"She designed us for a specific reason, and we have to find her to get that reason."
"And we found her just a couple days ago," Axel then spoke. "That's why the stones haven't vanished yet. Until she gave us a 'true' existence, our souls resided in those stones. When we first met you, we were nothing more than mirages."
"But in order for us to keep these 'true' forms, we have to fulfill her requirement."
"So, wait. Let me get this straight," my twin says while pinching the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed in thought. "Some girl that lives here created you guys years ago in the form of a stone, we found those stones through fate, you followed us until you found her, and now you have to do the one thing you were made for in order to live."
"Close enough," Axel shrugged.
"But in order for us to meet her requirement, we have to erase all existence of us from your minds."
"This is just great!" Roxas laughs. "And just how do you plan on doing that?"
"Since we're not human, we have a few tricks up our sleeves."
"Well, since you're going to erase our minds anyway, can you tell us what that reason is?" I finally speak through the entire ordeal. "And who are you?!"
The silver haired teen smiles with a faint blush. "My name is Riku. And the reason is, we were created for you two specifically. She's a relative of yours somewhere down the line. Her demand was that we make you fall in love with us."
Roxas and I simply look to each other before starting to laugh.
"It doesn't matter what you think now," Axel smiled as he stood. "Because now you won't remember a thing."
And with that, Axel and Riku were side by side staring down at me and my twin before Axel suddenly launched himself forward onto Roxas, the two of them flying backwards off the log while Riku grabs my hands and hauls me up before he cups my cheeks, staring deeply into my eyes.
"If we don't fulfill this demand, we'll be destroyed," he smiles before leaning in and kissing me full on the lips.
I couldn't resist his kiss; it felt like it was natural, like it really was fate. So I simply melted to him, giving in to his demanding lips and tongue.
Then the feeling was gone. No one was there…
When I opened my eyes, Roxas was lying on his back with his legs hooked over a log, like he had been knocked over, holding the side of his head with a groan while I simply stood there in the middle of a clearing, having no clue where I was or how we got there.
"Roxas, where are we?"
He manages to pull himself upright, coming to stand next to me.
"I have no clue," he speaks slowly as we both look around.
Out of habit, I guess, I read up for something around my neck. But there was nothing there and I frowned. Where are we and what happened?
Later on you'll get to meet said creator. I know it's not all that great of explaining them, but meh. It's something! I may come back and edit this chapter once I get a little further into the story.
Reviews and comments please :D