Forbidden Romance

A/N: This is a 3-part story about a MidnaxLinkxZelda love triangle. Or rather, Lidna with onesided Zelink.3 I luff Midna too much for Zelda to get Link. D First chapter is Zelda.


Zelda's POV

Zelda could never figure out why Link rebuffed all of her attempts to woo him, to make him her husband. Whenever the king tried to order them to marry, the silent warrior's eyes would take on that fearsome feral glint and he would mount Epona and ride away. He avoided all attempts at finding him until they gave up the chase, and then he would return to the palace as if nothing had happened.

He was very solemn during the twilight hours, staring into the dusky sky with an expression akin to sadness on his face. And some nights he disappeared completely- on those nights she heard the mournful howl of wolves from the distant reaches of Hyrule Field. He would return in the morning and avoid people for most of the day, hiding on the roof of the palace more often than not. No servant dared go and retrieve him.

She tried to tell herself that he was simply recovering from his adventure, not the other possibility that her mind tried to impose on her. He could not be mourning her… Not the true Twilight Princess. They had been companions, yes… But she had seen nothing to indicate they had been anything more. Other than the pained expression in his eyes whenever her name was mentioned.

Eventually he gave up the fight against their marriage and allowed himself to be wed. But he proved himself to be a difficult prince- moody, reclusive, and still refusing to have anything to do with her. Her repeated attempts to seduce him were stoically ignored. The feral light in his eyes came more often, and he was prone to taking wolf form and disappearing whenever someone sought his presence.

One night, however, she vowed that she would find out what ailed her prince. But when she went quietly out to the garden where she knew she could find him, she was surprised to her the evil little princess's mischievous voice. She stepped back into the shadows and hid.

"Miss me, Wolfy?" Link gasped and drew back, startled, as Midna's impish form appeared in front of him. She smirked at his reaction.

"What, no warm welc-" Her words were cut off as Link pulled her into his arms with the speed of a striking snake, pulling her close against his chest. Her cursed form disappeared, and she revealed herself as the true princess- now happily cuddled in HER Link's arms. Zelda's blood boiled with rage. She would have exposed them both… But the sudden expression on Link's face stopped her.

Pure joy flooded through the warrior's normally stoic features as he nuzzled his face in Midna's dark hair. Her expression was of complete content as she rested her head upon his shoulder, her eyes closed and her arms wound around his neck.

"I can't stay long, love." Princess Zelda's heart broke with that single last word. "I'll have to go as soon as the moon rises. I just couldn't resist seeing you again." She drew herself back and they stared into each other's eyes. Link frowned slightly and she could feel the sensation of a mind-to-mind conversation. Why hadn't he ever spoken to her like that? The fragments of her heart dissolved to dust. Midna sighed.

"I found a rift in the border between Light and Dark. It only opens at twilight and the moon dissolves it. It's just small enough that no other Twili can get through… but I can in my cursed form." Link smiled softly. He lifted his hand to brush her hair out of her reddish-orange eyes. She smiled and let him, leaning her head to rest upon his hand. Zelda turned away and returned inside just as she leaned closer to him, her intentions obvious. She left to mourn the loss of her only love in silence… And alone.


A/N:I don't think it was too bad. Remember, in my version of TP Link is mute and can only speak with Midna telepathically. 3

Midna's chappie is next!