Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen alice or anything related to it.
My second fic, i hope you enjoy it. If you want me to continue then please Review so i know that my work is bieng read.
It was like any other night. College, home, party, and then back home.
Natsume was driving his car back home. It was nearly two in the morning, like he cared. It was not like any one was waiting for him, no way, in his house no one gave a damn where he was and when as long as he did not insult the family name.
Suddenly a girl ran out from the side of the road. Time seemed to stop as he stomped on the brakes. The car stopped. She had waist long dark brown hair, a rucksack on her back and seemed to be clutching a large bundle to her chest. Dressed in cargoes and a t-shirt while her jacket was wrapped around the bundle she was holding. She rested one palm on the bonnet of his car and vaulted neatly over it. At the same time, he heard shouts. It seemed that at least three thugs were in hot pursuit of her.
Without a second thought he told her "Hop in."
Later he would always wonder why he told her that, and she would wonder why she complied, why she trusted him even though she did not know him.
He drove fast and soon they were far away from there. He realized that the bundle in her arms was in fact a small child of around 4 or 5 years of age.
"Mikan Hanabishi" the girl said, "Thanks a lot for helping me, but do you think you can drop me to a hospital? My sister is ill."
Natsume glanced at her and said "Natsume Hyugga, no need for a hospital, I'll get you to a doctor."
"Thanks" Why do I trust him so completely?
They were now in a very posh area of the city. Suddenly large gates loomed in front of them. A guard opened the gates and Natsume zoomed in without even slowing down. As he stopped the car, a young man in a uniform ran out to park the car. Natsume threw him the keys, motioned for Mikan to follow him and took out his cell phone and made a call.
"It's Natsume. I want you to come here ASAP." He clicked the phone shut.
They had entered what seemed to be a very large hall. But its beauty and grandeur was completely lost on Mikan who had eyes only for her sister Kia. She was following Natsume on the automatic, so she did not notice when he stopped and bumped into him.
"Watch it."
"I am sorry, I was looking at Kia."
He had stopped to open a door. It was the entrance to Natsume's part of the house. He had half of the first floor to himself. Beyond the door he had just unlocked, there was a large circular living room, with a large plasma TV, a complete gaming arcade, a seating arrangement of couches, sofas and beanbags for at least 20 people. There was also a large bar at the side with a very large refrigerator.
There were three doors around the room, other than the one through which they had just entered. Natsume led her to one of these. Inside was a large and spacious bedroom. He motioned for her to lay Kia on the bed.
A few minutes later a man entered the room, he was in his fifties, portly and with a gentle manner.
"Are you hurt again?" He asked Natsume without preamble.
"Not me. Take a look at her." Natsume replied, pointing at the kid.
The doctor, went over to Kia and as he examined her, he told Natsume,
"I woke up Ruka, I thought you must be in his room, so I checked there first."
As if on cue, Natsume's best friend entered the room. He was wearing shorts and a sleeveless T-shirt. His golden hair was tousled but he seemed wide-awake.
"I hope you are not…" He said as he entered the room, but then he stopped mid-sentence as his eyes took in Mikan standing near the bed, worry obvious on her face and the Doc who seemed to be examining a child on the bed.
"What's this all about?" He mouthed at Natsume who just shrugged and said "later."
Both the guys settled themselves on the sofa to wait till the doctor finished his examination. Mikan still stood there, apparently too anxious to sit.
"She has caught viral fever, but it is not major. I'll just get some medication. All she needs is a 5 day medicine regime and 10 day rest, and she will be as good as new."
"Thank you Doctor." Mikan said in a voice filled with gratitude.
Used to Natsume's bluntness, the doc was quite flustered and rushed away to get the meds.
Mikan sat down by her sister and stroked her head lovingly. It was obvious how much she cared about the kid.
"Hi, I am Ruka Nogi."
"Mikan Hanabishi."
The doctor was soon back, and he told Mikan when to give which medicines.
After he was gone, Natsume too got up.
"Are you hungry? If you are then the fridge in the living room is very well stocked, so help yourself. We'll talk in the morning. C'mon Ruka."
"Good night both of you, and thank you Natsume."
"Good night."
Mikan fell asleep beside her sister. It was the first time in weeks that she slept peacefully, without waking up worried about intruders. Her plan was already fully formed and she was not afraid. She had decided the fate of this encounter the moment she had told Natsume her name.
Why the hell did I bring her home when she had given me a convenient way out by wanting to be taken to a hospital? True my conscience would have killed me, if I had not helped her but why did I bring her home? And why am I thinking about her right now? Man, I am freaking myself out...Natsume could not help but mull over his actions that night.
After some more thinking he finally fell asleep.
Yep it was just like any other night, no change from the monotony at all, just a fateful encounter with a girl added to it.