Author's Note: Hey, guys! I was reading some amazing Slytherin Harry fan fiction, and decided to update this. I have a few ideas to make this actually have some plot in it!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own it people, if I did…well, I would be really rich, wouldn't I?

First Year Part 4


Harry was incredibly excited, today was his first Quidditch tournament against Gryffindor. The Great Hall was in a buzz with anticipation for the first Quidditch game of the year - especially since it featured the two rivalling houses. Ron and Blaise kept piling food upon his plate, telling him he would need to be well nourished for the game. Fred and George were taking every chance they could to try scaring him - they, of course, were the Slytherin team's beaters.

Draco was positively beaming, not even bothering to eat anything - all he could think about was the impending game. "We're going to absolutely pummel Gryffindor!" He would repeat, what seemed like, every five minutes. Harry couldn't help but be amused.

Pansy couldn't help but notice the odd stares Hermione kept shooting their group every now and then, and vowed to question the strange girl. She passed on telling the others, for now, as they would only be distracted by the 'mystery' presented to them. She chuckled at Ron's antics as he kept trying to shove food into Harry's mouth.

"You're one of the most important assets, Harry! Whether we win or not basically resides on you - no offence, Draco - but I doubt the chasers could get enough points without the Seeker catching the snitch." Draco glared at their red-headed friend, but eventually decided his words to be true.

"We're so going to pummel Gryffindor!" He repeated for the tenth time that morning.

"For Merlin's sake, Draco! Do you have to keep repeating that?" Harry finally cracked, making the table burst into laughter. They were all wondering when he would finally speak up.


Ron and Blaise quickly made their way to the Slytherin stands, wanting to get a good seat before anyone else, giving Pansy a chance to question Hermione. She just told them to save her a seat - she wanted to get her scarf before the game began. Harry and Draco were dragged off with the team to prepare.

Pansy followed Hermione silently through the corridors, figuring the Gryffindor would rather go to the library than the Quidditch game. She was correct in that assumption, and followed the girl to the back of the library were some couches and chairs resided.

"Morning, Granger. Why aren't you off to the Quidditch game?" Pansy began, as she sat herself in one of the plush red chairs.

Hermione seemed disgruntled, and stared at the other girl oddly, "I'd rather study, thanks. Sports don't very much interest me."

"Ah, I see. Well, I've come to ask you a few…questions," She started, thinking through her words carefully. "I've noticed you've been watching my friends and I, and I've come to inquire as to why." Blunt was always the best way to go about things, she figured, and patiently waited for the other girl's answer - she knew Slytherin would probably kick butt anyway, so she wasn't missing anything.

Hermione blushed embarrassedly, "I - I haven't been watching you and your friends! I don't look at anybody - why would I?"

Pansy laughed, "Oh, please! I've noticed your constant stares - despite my friends being horribly unobservant, I am not. So, tell me why."

Hermione fixed her mouth into a straight line, "I've simply been…thinking, is all."

Pansy smirked, "Hopefully not about chasing after Harry or Draco - they're hopelessly attached."

Hermione burst into unexpected giggles, "I've noticed," She seemed to regain her decorum, "I just - I wanted to apologize. To Harry and Draco, I mean."

Pansy smiled, "Well, if anything you should just apologize to Neville, but…I get where you're coming from." It seemed to click into place for the girl, "You realize, to make friends…you just need to be yourself."

Hermione once again blushed, "I - I know that! I have no need for friends…I'm here to learn…" Her words didn't sound very convincing, however, and Pansy simply smiled at her.

"Well, you can consider me a friend, if anything. Might as well consider the others, as well. They may come off as mean, but they're really very friendly." She held out her hand as an offering of peace, but Hermione pushed it aside and gave her new friend a hug - she'd never had a friend before, and certainly never met someone so understanding as Pansy.


Draco was dancing about the changing rooms in his Quidditch gear, singing a strange song he made up. It basically consisted of the words 'pummel' and 'Gryffindor'. Harry just laughed and prepared for the game, doing a few stretches and such.

Flint went around making sure all the members were ready and had their brooms, "You two have your brooms, right?" He asked Harry and Draco, wanting the team's newest members to be prepared.

Harry grinned and helped up his new Nimbus 2000, a present from his parents, as Draco did the same. Flint only chuckled and went on to talk to Fred and George about their newest Beater strategies.

"So, are you ready, Sunshine?" Harry asked Draco, using his old nickname for him.

Draco grinned the infamous smile and hugged his boyfriend securely, "Always" A whistle could be heard, and everyone began filing out of the change rooms, Draco held out his hand to Harry, "Shall we?"

Harry gripped his new broom with one hand, and held Draco's with the other, "After you!"


The Slytherin common room was in full celebration mode, they had ended up winning the Quidditch game, with Harry catching the snitch half an hour in. Of course, it was completely unconventional and earned him a sore bottom, but they still won!

Pansy had invited a reluctant Hermione, and the group of Slytherins had warmed up to her, after a few apologies had been exchanged - Draco was against allowing her in, at first, but upon hearing she too had a fascination with ancient runes, couldn't help but strike up a long conversation with her.

Ron still couldn't get over Harry's catch during the game, and kept teasing him about, "I cannot believe you caught it in your mouth!" He would laugh heartily after saying this and continue, "And then further proceed to - to -" Here he would pause for several bouts of laughter, "Fall on your arse!" Then him and Blaise would erupt into several minutes of laughter.

Draco would then coo at his Harry and ask him if his 'wittle arse still hurt', causing Ron and Blaise to laugh even more. Eventually Harry just laughed with them - it was an odd way to catch a snitch.

Several hours later, students started heading to their dorms - it was getting awfully late, and all the excitement from earlier was adding to their fatigue.

Hermione decided it was time to head back to Gryffindor tower when the seventh years started to head to bed; Pansy, of course, couldn't allow her to simply make the journey herself, so decided to join her - then Draco decided to go, and Harry just had to follow… till eventually Ron and Blaise made the decision to tag along.

They made their way through the castle silently - it was well past curfew - save their hushed whispers and occasional giggles. They had several near run-ins with Filch and Mrs. Norris, and finally made it to the…third floor! Ron and Blaise erupted into laughter, "Are you serious? I thought we'd be there by now!" Blaise exclaimed in amusement.

Hermione giggled, "Yeah, well, now you know what it's like to make this trip everyday - several times a day!"

Everyone else laughed at this and they waiting for the 'up' staircase to reach them. Draco stopped them wordlessly before the could walk onto the marble staircase, however, and motioned for them to be quiet. He pointed to a door that appeared locked, "Did you hear that?" He whispered.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head, everyone else seemed as confused as he was, "No? Why?"

"I swear I heard an odd noise come from that door, right there! Didn't you hear it?" He seemed peeved at their confusion and stalked over to the door.

Harry chased after him, "Draco, what are you doing? This floor obviously isn't meant for students to wander!"

Pansy was quick to agree with him, but strangely Hermione was just as curious as Draco. "Perhaps we should check it out? It's not like Dumbledore strictly said the third floor was restricted. It just seems like it's not used - maybe someone's breaking rules?"

Ron agreed, but he just wanted an adventure. And Blaise, ever the coward, didn't. "I'll pass on that - what if it's a seventh year or something and they hex us!"

Draco and Hermione shrugged and examined the door, "Do you think it could be opened with Alohamora?" Draco asked.

Hermione nodded, "It looks like a simple enough lock; shall I do it, or do you want to?" Draco waved at her to proceed and they soon granted access to the room.

Harry couldn't help his curiosity and joined him, despite Pansy's protests, "What if we get caught? Or hexed, like Blaise said!" But eventually all protests died out, and the group headed through the door.

It was dark when they walked in, and Harry cast a quick 'Lumos' so they could see, "It's a corridor!" The corridor mentioned was dark and seemed to head on for a long time, decorated simply with stoic looking portraits.

"Should we go further?" Pansy whispered, as curious as the rest of the group. The answer to her question was instantly answered and they started the trip forward.

Draco held onto Harry's arm tightly, occasionally frowning at the many cobwebs and dust in the seemingly abandoned corridor. Blaise was positively shaking and hiding behind Ron as they continued to go further and further into the darkness, Harry leading the way.

After what seemed like an hour of walking, they came upon a large door. The silence was deafening as Harry cast the necessary spells to unlock it, and the tension was tangible as he opened the door slowly.

The sight that greeted them was absolutely shocking.


To be continued…

Ha, I'm evil ;D

Hugs, kitties, and spreading of uke boys asses!

Laynie xox