Pregnancy in Callie's mind officially sucked, especially her current one

Pregnancy in Callie's mind officially sucked, especially her current one. She was nearly a week past due and she swore this baby wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. As she lay on the couch, flipping through the channels on the television she sighed. She poked her belly a few times, only to have the baby kick back.

"You're so stubborn." She said. Trinity looked up from her spot on the floor and smiled.

"Baby." She said, as she pointed to the buddle of fur sitting at Callie's feet. Callie rolled her eyes. The puppy she had received for her birthday was never far from Trinity. The dog had even taken sleeping in Trinity's room, instead on the bed that was placed in the living room. The small terrier perked its ears at the use of her name and hoped down from the couch.

"Sure, abandon me." Callie scoffed as Baby padded to her tiny owner. Trinity giggled as the little dog licked Trinity's face. Callie laughed and pulled herself up, to a sitting position. She had to pee. She pulled herself up from the couch. Trinity looked up at Callie, her head titled to one side.

"Momma, go?" she asked.

"Mommy has to potty. Come on." She said, and held her hand out to Trinity. Trinity stood up on her feet and scampered to her mother, Baby hot on her trail, yelping for approval. Callie rolled her eyes.

"You can come too." She said and the three of them walked to the bathroom.

"Callie?" she heard some one call from the living room. It was Louise. She had been coming over every other day just to look after Trinity so Callie could rest and take it easy.

"We're in Trinity's room." She called as loud as she could. She heard the stairs creak as Louise ascended them. She knocked on the doorframe.

"Hey there." She greeted and walked into the room. Callie and Trinity were sitting on the floor, playing tea. The plastic tea set was strung all over the place and Trinity was more interested in banging the spoons against the plates then actually playing with her mother. Callie didn't mind one bit. Louise walked over to them and started to sit.

"Before you sit down, help me up. I need to put Trinity down for her nap. And then go take one myself." Callie said, putting her hands up. Louise laughed and helped Callie stand up.

"You're nine months pregnant, Callie. Why on earth did you get on the floor?" she said, slightly amused.

"You tell that to my daughter. She insisted on playing with me and doesn't understand that the baby in mommy's tummy makes it hard to get up and down." She said, as she bent over to pick her up. Louise stopped her.

"I've got her sweetie. You go lay down. I'll make you some lunch." She said, and lifted Trinity up into her arms.

"Thank you, that would be wonderful." Callie replied and kissed Trinity.

"You be good for nana. I love you."

Trinity giggled and placed her hands on both sides of Callie's face and gave her a sloppy wet kiss.

"Wub you, momma." She said sweetly. Callie smiled widely. She absolutely loved her daughter's baby talk. She kissed her once more and then walked into her own bedroom. Climbing into the bed, tucking a pillow between her knees, she sighed in relief. Her back was killing her.

"Why won't you come out?" she asked as she rubbed her belly. Ethan only kicked, causing her to groan.

"I just get comfortable and you decide that it's time to play? You're very indecisive." She muttered, slightly agitated. Louise lightly knocked on the door.

"You know he's not going to answer you." She said as she walked into the room. Callie laughed and sat up against the headboard. She sighed, looking down at her hands.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Louise asked, sitting on the bed next to her. Callie looked up at her, shrugging her shoulders.

"Oh, don't do that. I know something's wrong."

"Fine. I'm miserable. And he doesn't show any sign of coming. I know that if I don't go into labor in the next few days that they will induce but I'm going crazy." She sighed.

"Aww, sweetie. I'm sorry. I know the feeling trust me I do." Louise replied, placing her hand on Callie's knee.

"You do?"

"Yes. Ronny was a late baby. You can help him along."

"How do you suppose I do that?"

"The same way he got there in the first place." She deadpanned. Callie's eyes widened and her jaw dropped.


"What? Don't act so shocked."

"I know I shouldn't be but you're like a mother to me. I just … ew!" Callie explained, shaking her head. Louise just rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"I'm a woman, same as you. Just try it. It can't hurt. Now you get some rest and I'll take Trinity with me once she wakes up. You two have fun." She said and leaned in, pressing a kiss to Callie's forehead. Callie smiled and waved her goodbyes.

Alex walked into the house after his shift at the hospital. He smiled at the aroma of dinner filling his nose. Louise had been here. He half expected to see Callie sitting at the table waiting for him but he was disappointed to not see her there. The table was also bare. He walked into the kitchen and quickly went to Callie who was standing over the stove.

"Baby, what are you doing? You need to be resting." He said, taking a wooden spoon from her. Callie protested and yanked the spoon back from him.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm cooking for my husband. Is that not allowed? I'm pregnant Alex, not incompetent." She told him and stuck the spoon back in the sauce.

"Ok, I'm sorry. But you didn't need to. We can always order out."

"Well I wanted to, so deal with it. Will you please set the table? But only for us, Trinity is with Louise for the night."

"Of course, but why is she with Louise?"

"You'll see." She said with a smirk. Alex chuckled and kissed her cheek before going to set the table.

He was just about to place the plates on the table when he heard a pot clatter to the floor. He dropped the plate he was holding and ran to see what had happened. Callie was standing at the stove both hands gripping the edge of the counter and the pan of sauce on the floor.

"Callie, what happened?" he asked, rushing to her. Callie looked up at him, the look of pain across her face.

"Contraction?" he asked. She nodded. Alex put his arm around her back, helping her to stand upright.

"Is this the first one?" he asked.

"I've had twinges since about 4 but didn't think anything of it, because of all the Braxton Hicks I've been having." She explained.

"Maybe we should go to the hospital."

"No, I'm not going until I know for sure. I don't want to go just to be sent home again." She told him as he helped her into a chair.

"Ok, but don't try to be the brave one and just not tell me you're having them ok?" he said, giving her one of her own looks.

"Now would I do that?" she asked.

"Yes you would. You did with Trinity. Just please relax, I'm going to go clean up the spaghetti sauce." He said and kissed her cheek. Callie sighed as she watched him go to the kitchen, her domain.

"Look here, little mister. You better not be yankin' my chain again." She said, rubbing her belly. As if on cue her water broke. She gasped and stared at the puddle that had just formed on the floor below her.

"Alex!" she screamed, knowing she didn't really need too. She heard the same pan she had dropped clatter to the floor. She laughed as Alex came running into the dining room, covered in spaghetti sauce.

"What's wrong?" he asked, as she stripped his soiled shirt over his head, leaving him in a black muscle shirt.

"My water broke."

"It did?" he asked looking to the floor, the puddle confirming his stupid question.

"No Alex, I just decided I should piss myself." She said, with sarcasm.

"I deserved that." He said and walked over to her helping her up out of the chair.

"Yeah you did, but it's ok. I still love you." She said, kissing his cheek.

"I love you too. Come on, lets get you to the hospital." He said, helping her to the door.

"Can you first clean this up and get me a fresh pair of pants please?" She asked. Alex nodded, and then ran up the stairs to get a towel and a pair of her yoga pants.

Callie paced her room. Ethan was taking his sweet old time. She had been in active labor for 4 hours and still no sign of him making his presence. She had done everything possible to get him to descend. She stopped mid stride, doubled over as a contraction ripped through her body.

"Someone get me the god damned epidural before I go crazy!" she yelled. Alex ran out the door to get Callie's doctor. He came in, wearing a goofy smile, which made Callie want to reach over and slap it away. How could he smile like that when she was in pain?

"How are you doing, Callie?' he asked. Callie looked up at him as if he had grown a second head. How am I doing? Did he just really ask me that? Where is a scalpel when I need one? I'd stab in his stomach to let him know just how I feel.

"I'm just peachy!" she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Let's just see how you're coming along." Dr. Wiseman said, pulling out a pair of gloves. Alex helped Callie back into her bed. Callie relaxed as much as possible so he could examine her.

"You're about 5 cm. You can have the epidural when you want it. It can help you relax a little and possibly get him to move down." He said.

"I want it now." She practically demanded. Dr. Wiseman nodded and told the nurse who had entered the room to order it ASAP.

Dr. Wiseman had been right. Once she had the epidural she had been able to relax, and 2 hours later Ethan was crowning.

"Give me a big push, Callie." Dr. Wiseman coached. She took a deep breath and pushed as hard as she could. Alex sat behind her holding both of her hands as she pushed.

"Callie, give me your hands." Dr. Wiseman encouraged. Callie let go of Alex's hands and reached between her legs and Dr. Wiseman guided her hands to the top of Ethan's head.

"Give me one more push and you can lift him out, ok?" he said and Callie nodded. She pushed once more and she helped Dr. Wiseman pull him from her body and she lifted him to her chest. Callie held him to her as the nurses helped to clean him a little. He erupted in a fit of cries, making his parents cry with happiness. She ran her hands over his body, checking every inch of his tiny body.

"It's about time little guy." She said, as she pressed her lips to the top of his head. Alex stared in wonder at his wife and son. He was speechless.

"Dr. Karev, would you like to cut the cord?' one of the nurses asked. Alex nodded and shakily took the scissors from her and cut the cord. Callie smiled up at him and he leaned over, kissing her forehead.

"You did great, baby." He whispered. Ethan opened his eyes, staring up at his parents. Callie rubbed her thumb across his cheek and stared in wonder at him. Ethan's cries softened to a barely audible whimper and Callie smiled as she felt him shiver slightly. She pulled the small blanket further around him to warm him. She really wasn't ready to let him go just yet, but the nurses had other ideas. They took him from a disappointed Callie, she felt empty not holding him. Alex kissed her forehead and brushed away her sweat drenched bangs.

"They'll bring him right back, baby. They aren't going to keep him." He said, sweetly. Callie smiled and moved her head to the side to get a better look at Ethan. He didn't like the newfound temperature he had just been forced to endure. They removed his blanket and he screamed in protest. Callie couldn't help but smile. He got that from her. The more blankets she had the better. She watched every move they made, from cleaning him to completing the removal of his cord. She even winced when they took a small sample of his blood for tests. She just wanted him back. She couldn't help but smile when he was placed back in her arms; clean and smelling like a newborn. He definitely had her skin tone but his hair was a mix of hers and Alex's, dark brown but her curl. The blue cap on his head barely covered it all. Ethan opened his eyes and stared straight into hers. She had gotten what she wanted; he had Alex's eyes. She kissed his soft cheek and then passed him over to Alex. She watched him cradle their son and smiled as he started to talk to him.

"I'm going to teach you everything; How to play football, and wrestle. You may be the little brother but I'm sure you'll be fighting any guy that hurts your sister." He whispered. Callie giggled softly. She heard a soft knock and called for them to enter.

"Momma!" Trinity yelled from Louise's arms. Alex put his finger to his lips.

"Shhh, the baby is sleeping." He said and looked down at Ethan. Trinity followed his gaze to the bundle in his arms. She tilted her head to the side, like she always did when she was forming a thought.

"Baby?" she said, looking back to Callie. Callie held her hands out to her and Louise walked her over and Callie took her into her lap. She wrapped her arms around her little waist and stared up at Alex, with her.

"That's your baby brother, Ethan." She said, pointing to the baby. Trinity looked at Callie and then pointed to Callie's stomach.

"Baby?" she asked again. Callie nodded and kissed her. "Baby?" she asked again. Callie nodded and kissed her.

"Yes, that the baby. His name is Ethan. Can you say Ethan, baby?" she asked. Trinity nodded happily and sat straight up, as if she were about to perform a mind-altering act.

"Efan!" she said, proudly and smiled widely at her parents. Callie kissed her cheek and praised her for doing so well.

"That's right Ethan."

"Trinity hold, Efan!" she said, holding her arms to Alex. Callie giggled and Alex walked over. He gently sat on the bed as Callie helped Trinity shape her arms to hold her brother. Alex placed Ethan in her tiny arms and Callie helped her stable him. Trinity looked down at him and grinned.

"You have to be easy. He's little. You have to be the big sister and help mommy take care of him." Alex said, ruffling Trinity's unruly curls. Trinity giggled and placed a gently kiss to Ethan's cheek.

"Trinity, be easy." She said, telling them she did it.

"You did a good job, sweetie. For that you get two kisses." Alex, praised and kissed either side of her cheek.


"Again? How about mommy give them to you." Alex suggested. Trinity nodded and turned her head to Callie.

"Kisses mommy!" she said and puckered her little lips. Callie leaned down and kissed her. Callie looked down at her family and smiled warmly.

If someone had told her 3 years ago that she would be divorced, while pregnant, she would have told you that you needed a one way pass to Dr. Wyatt. If that same person had told her that she'd find love in one Alex Karev, she would have made sure you had gotten that ticket. 3 years ago, she had thought she had met the love of her life and that he would be hers forever. She had thought that George would be her everything and her life. But She was wrong. George loved her but it was too late. By the time he had realized it he was dead. Never in a million years did she think that the person that was meant for her was Alex. He was there for her during at the time what she thought was the worst moments of her life, a divorce and the loss of a child she'd never known. He helped her pick up the pieces and love again. He even took on the responsibility of being a father to a little girl that didn't share his DNA.

When Matty died, a part of her died with him. She never wanted to see the light of day again. She had wanted to crawl into that hole with her baby and stay there for eternity. It took a threat of losing everything she knew, including taking the life of the infant currently curled in her daughter's arms, and the promise of a little boy who would never learn to walk, tie his shoes or ride a bike, to make her wake up and see her life for what it truly was.

As she looked upon the faces of her children and husband she couldn't help but thank God for granted her the world's most precious gifts. She was never one for religion but she knew someone was looking out for her. Her life didn't end Matty died as she had once thought. Her life was just beginning.