It's short because i'm only slightly pissed.
and because i wrote it in 40 minutes...


The Wizard of Forks

"What now?" Bella asked the sky.

"I think we need a scared lion or something…" Jacob answered her.

You're not supposed to talk. Shut up.

"Well maybe if you came up with a plot fast enough, we wouldn't have to walk around in circles," Jacob shot back.

For some strange reason Toto lost his voice.

"No I didn't," Jacob didn't say. He didn't say it because he lost his voice.

What a loser.

"So where to now oh knowledgeable one?" Emmett the scarecrow asked sarcastically.

"Rawr," a voice called from the forest unenthusiastically. The voice didn't seem too happy.

That wasn't cowardly enough.

"Deal with it," the voice said blankly.

"Jasper?" Rosalie asked the forest. The forest sighed back.

"This doesn't make any sense," Jasper told the sky as he stepped out of the darkness. "I'm the most courageous one here."

"You're the only one left," Bella shrugged. "Now, off to the Emerald City!"

There is no Emerald City

"What?" Bella stopped halfway and looked up. "Where are we going then?"


"Ew," Rosalie remarked. "Why would we want to go there?"

Because it's the plot of the story! Bella goes to Forks so she can ask the wizard to go home!

"Then why are we here?" Emmett asked. "There are a lot of fun things I'd rather be doing…" On cue he grabbed Rosalie and pulled her closer.

You're going to get a brain, the tin man's getting a heart, and the lion's getting courage.

"How am I going to receive this 'courage'" Jasper the cowardly lion asked. "What's in it for me?"


"Hey!" Jasper exclaimed. "You didn't ans—"

The group decided to pass through a field of flowers.

"Let's go through that field of flowers," Emmett decided.

What they didn't know is that the Wicked Witch put a spell on the flowers to make them pass out.

"Let's keep following the yellow brick road," Bella decided. The group followed her.

You're supposed to go through the field of flowers!

"Why would we do that if they're poisoned?" Bella asked. "That would be stupid…"

You don't know they're poisoned!

"Yes we do," Rosalie said.

"We're not stupid," Jacob didn't say. He still couldn't talk.

They… aren't poisoned.

"You shouldn't lie," Emmett grinned. "It's rude."

You know what? I'm telling the story and you went through the flowers. Suck on that!

The group randomly poofed into the middle of the field. Bella and Jacob fell asleep instantly while the others were wide awake as usual. Even in a fictional story; they still can't sleep.

Somewhere in a castle far, far away
Volterra to be exact.

"Well that was useless," The Jane flying monkey commented.

"Whose idea was that?" the Demetri flying monkey asked.

Aro sat in his corner, sulking over his failed plan.

i have decided that i will not update til i am pissed.
i write best when pissed.
it makes me less pissed.
i am now less pissed.

review or i'll just stop.
i might not "just stop" it but if people don't review i'll just end it next chapter with
"then they all just died."

don't think i won't.
