chapter 3


Rei was able to shift her genetic makeup to irken and the pak took care of the rest. Her disguise was a violet haired child with pale green eyes. Gaz smiled down at her little child and petted an antennae beneath the hair. The funny thing about little Rei was that she was not only made up of sever alien genes but she could shift her genetics around to become one specific being while putting all her other genetics into a dormant state.

Sadly Rei would have to stay with Zim and Gaz would only be able to visit. Gaz kissed Rei on the head and went home. Nobody could tell why Rei's eyes had turned green after the pak attached itself but the truth was that bioweapons had three stages of awareness. Each stage was identified by the color of their eyes. Stage one was green which means it is safe for all contact. Stage two is yellow which means that it is aware of it's surroundings and is searching for signs of danger. The third stage is red which means that the weapon is now in danger mode and will likely tear open anyone it sees except for those it has an emotional bond to.

Kib, the scientist that had engineered Rei called his creation version thirteen. Her twelve sisters had all died in birthing. Their corpses were suspended in the lab in tubes and jars of formaldehyde, they were on display and each tube or jar was labeled with their number their codename and their status which was 'failed'. It was a grim sight for any who beheld it and few wished to see the grim faced alien young ever again as once was enough.

The entire lab was in disarray today as Kib was searching for something. After three hours of muttering and rifling through clutter he pulled out the remote that he'd been looking for. "Finally, now let's see what's going on with my little version thirteen." He chuckled darkly and pressed a few buttons. At first nothing happened but then the screen in the main room switched on and it showed everything from Rei's point of view. Currently she was scrambling around the kitchen snapping up waffles that Gir was throwing toward the floor.

Kib smiled fondly and cooed at his creation through the screen. He recognized the base she was in to be of irken design. He pulled up a list of invaders and began accessing their base cameras seeking a glimpse of his glorious creation. He search was fruitless and he screamed in frustration. Then a secretary poked her head in the door and asked him why he was screaming. He told her and she laughed. She then threw a name his way that was not on the list. Zim. It was crazy but maybe it would work.

He accessed the cameras in Zim's base and was rewarded with a visual of his beautiful version thirteen. He squeamed and hugged himself. She was gorgeous. It had only been three days and she was already the size of a medium dog. By the end of her growth cycle she would be the size of a horse. He was very proud, very proud indeed. He smiled darkly to himself. "Just wait my little pretty. Soon the irken empire will fall and all will pay for my suffering and you will be the queen of the new empire that I build upon their ashes." His smiled grew wicked. And he cut the visual. It would not be long until resisty found her. He was very sure of that.