1What Now?

Chapter 6

Meeting of the Elites pt1

Not much to say except that I'm sorry an update took so long. I've been dealing with some major writers block. Also I have to do a correction in the last chapter that I will be sure to get to. Currently it is still tied a tag battle Flygon and Jolteon vs. Haunter and Feraligator.

Also sorry an update took so long for second note. Work, college, and wrestling combined have been getting really brutal.

Well time to begin.

Alex: Flygon use Blizzard on Haunter

Gary: Jolteon use Thunder on Haunter as well.

Ash: Haunter counter Blizzard with Night Shade

Rob: Feraligator use Dynamic Punch on Jolteon.

As Haunter countered the Blizzard he was hit with a Thunder attack that was cut off when Dynamic Punch connected with Jolteon. This caught Jolteon off guard but before being knocked away with a secondDynamic Punch he switched to using Pin Missel on Feraligator.

Rob: Feraligator use Ice beam on Flygon while he is distracted.

Before Gary could react his Flygon was once again frozen. This left him defenseless to the on going Night shade Attack Haunter was using.

Alex: Jolteon use Thunder on Haunter

As Haunter was hit with one of the most powerful thunder attacks he ever felt in his life he still continued to hit Flygon (who was using Flame thrower to thaw himself out) with Nightshade.

Gary: Not good Flygon can't do anything if he is still frozen.

Alex: Not good. We need to do something or we will be slaughtered.

With The Orre Elites:

Sonya: Hmm. These guys are good but I could take them all on easily.

Brett: Hmm. I think I might be the only one of this group who could stand up to them.

Neither kris or Celas could think as they were way too wrapped up in the battle. As the Orre Elite 4 watched they knew that they were in for a real test of their skills against these guys.

Back to the battle:

Gary: Flygon Use Dragon Breath on Feraligator

Rob: Feraligator counter with Ice beam

Alex: Jolteon use Thunder On Feraligator

Ash: Haunter counter that with Night Shade

As the attacks collided they caused an explosion that covered the entire area with smoke and debris. The debris cleared soon to show all the said pokemon were ok but starting to get extremely tired.

Rob: Feraligator use Earth Quake to shake things up a bit

Ash: Haunter Aim Nightshade at the ground to increase the power of the attack

As this combo was started the Oak's reacted quickly not willing to lose this round that quickly.

Alex: Jolteon hop on Flygon's Back

Gary: Flygon take flight now.

Flygon did just that getting both him and Jolteon to safety. Now the Oak's decided to see if they can mount some sort of an Offence against Rob and Ash.

Gary: Flygon use Ice beam on Haunter

Alex: Jolteon use Thunder on Feraligator.

The attacks hit and were quite prolonged so they could deal more damage. When they were done It was getting obvious that the first to be knocked out would definantly be a key to this decision.

Ash: Shit looks like I'm gonna have to go kamikaze here Alright Haunter Attach yourself to Jolteon and use Self destruct.

The attack resulted in a powerful explosion that knocked out both Haunter and Jolteon as well as dealing massive damage to Flygon whom Haunter was sandwiched between when he grabbed onto Jolteon. As Flygon Crashed to the ground his Fall was interrupted be a focus punch in the form of an Uppercut from Feraligator. Rob sensing the Chance to put the Oak's in a real hole took the opportunity.

Rob: Feraligator use Hydro Cannon on Flygon now.

As Alex and Ash recalled their Respective Pokemon Flygon was knocked out by an extremely tired Feraligator.

Alex: Ok not good Sandslash Come on out.

Gary: Blastoise you to.

Ash: Pikachu ready for a rumble pal?


With that Pikachu leapt into the battle field ready for anything.

Ash: Pikachu use Volt Tackle on Blastoise.

Alex: Sandslash intercept and hit Pikachu with Fury Swipes.

Rob: Feraligator stop Sandslash with Hydro pump.

Gary: Blastoise use Hydro Pump on Pikachu.

Pikachu much to Gary's dismay expertly dodged each and every blast of Water that Blastoise shot at him. As Pikachu drew closer to Blastoise it began to frantically fire more rapidly still unable to hit Pikachu. The brothers also began to panic a little as Feraligator unleashed a powerful Hydro Canon attack on SandSlash which effectively knocked the wind out of him. However this came at a price. The use of the Water hyper beam once again added on to the fatigue of Feraligator.

Rob: Damn Feraligator isn't gonna last much longer if this keeps up.

While Rob had this thought on his mind Gary's Blastoise was hit with a fierce Volt tackle. It slid back 10 feet but was otherwise ok. Rob knew he was gonna need Feraligator to help try and wear down Blastoise before he was knocked out.

Rob: Feraligator hit Blastoise with your most powerful Ice punch

Alex: Sandslash interrupt his attack with EarthQuake

The Earthquake did its job which was to Knock Feraligator off balance also, allowing Blastoise Enough time to recover. However Feraligator wasn't one to give up so he charged agin only to get hit in the face with a Take Down by SandSlash. Afterwards he was also hit with a Rapid Spin from Blastoise. Feraligator was starting to get pissed off and was pretty close to snapping.

Rob: Not good he snaps he will be out before he knows it. I need to calm him down.

Alex: SandSlash Use Fury Swipes on Feraligator.

The Fury Swipes hit Feraligator full on. Feraligator found his Rage growing. Rob knew it was so just by watching.

Rob: Feraligator Use Aqua Jet to take out SandSlash.

With that order given Feraligator took off like a bullet towards Sandslash knocking him into a tree before he knew what was going on. Before Sandslash realized Feraligator was still moving he found a 9ft tall 1500lb Feraligator slamming into him at 200mph.

Alex: NO How Sandslash isn't knocked out is beyond me but that did deal a lot of damage.

Alex: Sandslash use Pin missel on Feraligator

The Pin Missel struck Feraligator with such ferocity that he was caught dazed when Blastoise hit him with an Aqua Jet of his own. Blastoise intern then dodged another Volt Tackle from Pikachu. Taking advantage of the distraction Sandslash hit Feraligator with a rollout Pin missel combo. Feraligator was reeling but recovered in time to catch Jolteon in the middle of his attack.

Rob: Feraligator us Hydro Pump close Range now.

Gary: Blastoise hit Feraligator with Rapid spin before he can launch that attack.

Blastoise took off for Feraligator like a rocket. The power of the impact sent Feraligator flying into tree. This effectively knocked out the fatigued Feraligator.

Rob: Feraligator return! You did great buddy. "Ok they will be expecting Pikachu and most likely have a strategy cooked up for both his Pikachu and mine so..."

Ash was having similar thoughts and was hoping his bro realized it. Meanwhile Gary and Alex were on the other side of the field grinning like mad men thinking they had it all figured out.

Ash: Come on Bro you have to know they have something planned for our Pikachu.

Alex: Alright once he sends out his Pikachu out onto the field we'll have this in the bag.

Gary: Alright time for him to send out his Pikachu so we can end it.

(An: In sinister voice you heard them all according to plan. The Ketchums are FOOLS. They think they can win by winning)

However Alex and Gary were in for an unfortunate surprise.

Rob: Venusaur Come on out.

At this Alex and Gary went into shock as did 3 of the watching Elites from the Orre region. Several of the spectators were also confused. Only Brett and Professor Oak were not surprised by this move.

With the Orre Elites:

Brett: Impressive he read them like they were a book. Then again seeing as his Pikachu is easily his strongest pokemon it would only be natural to assume they were expecting him.

Khris: Huh? Why didn't he use his Pikachu? That is his strongest Pokemon. It would only make sense.

Sonya: His Venusaur? Why not that Pikachu? What is this guy up to?

Celas: Wait, Venusaur? I thought he would have used his Pikachu? Something is definantly up here.

While the members of the Orre Elite 4 were left to their thoughts. The spectators were thinking similar things.

With the spectators:

First off we see Brock had arrived shortly before the battle start and even he was confused by this tactic that Rob was using.

May: Wait, his Venusaur. His Pikachu is clearly stronger from what I've seen.

Brock: Hmm. His Venusaur? That is kinda strange. I figured he would use his Pikachu. He must have a plan that involves Venusaur.

Oak: Venusaur, eh? He must have figured out what Gary and Alex were up to. That isn't too surprising seeing as this rivalry has lasted so long that it is a miracle the battle isn't still between the pokemon they started this battle with.

Back to the battle:

Ash: Alright he saw what they were up to.

Gary: Nuts he sensed that we were up to something this whole time.

Alex: Damn he read us like an open book. Looks like we will have to try and think up a new strategy.

As these thoughts filled every ones heads they failed to notice that Rob and Ash were using sign language to communicate and form a plan of there own. Rob shot Ash a look and grinned as they new that this next move would catch them off guard and end it now.

Rob: Venusaur use Frenzy Plant on Both Sandslash and Blastoise.

Gary and Alex both were overcome with shock as they didn't expect such a powerful attack so soon.

Gary: Oh no he's going for the quick kill. Shit not good.

Alex: Christ Blastoise won't be able to dodge and he is to tired to counter.

Alex sensed his brothers plight and decided to take the fall as Blastoise is stronger then Sandslash and had a better chance if turning the Battle around them.

Alex: Sandslash take the hit for Blastoise.

This reaction shocked everyone as they didn't figure that Alex wouldn't be able to recover from the shock quick enough or that he would sacrifice himself in this battle. As Sandslash took the hit it was obvious that he was out of the said battle. With that Gary found himself in a desperate two on one and, started to go into panic survival mode.

Gary: Blastoise use Rapid spin on Venusaur now.

He planned on attacking Venusaur first to get Rob out of the battle as he felt he had a better chance against Ash in a one on one battle. The one problem was he didn't think Ash would realize this till it was too late.

Ash: So predictable.

Ash: Pikachu knock Blastoise off course with Volt Tackle

Pikachu hit Blastoise with such force that He went right into the tree he was passing when Pikachu's Volt Tackle connected. The over all force was enough to knock out Blastoise.

Oak: The winner of this battle is Ash and Rob ketchum. The Ketchum brothers win.

With that proclamation made the Ketchum's high fived each other. The celebration didn't last very long as the Orre Elite 4 decided that now was the best time to make their presence known.

Brett: Hm. Not bad. But it won't be good enough.

Sonya: please I could take all 4 of these fucks down blindfolded.

Kris: Hm. They seem to be pretty good. I won't underestimate them unlike our idiot Sonya.

Celas: I don't see why we had to come here to face these amateurs they don't look so tough to me. I'll bet that not even in a four against one could they last more then a minute against on of us.

These thoughts were running through the minds of the Orre elites as they surveyed the competition. Meanwhile Ash and crew were trying to figure out who they were when Rob decided to speak up.

RobgrinningErie flash comes across sunglasses as if reflecting a gleam in his eye: "hm. I wonder." So tell me what could bring the illustrious Orre elite four to a small town like Pallet? I highly doubt you just came here for the piece and quiet.

End chapter...