Chapter 1

Here I am at the training camp for the Indianapolis Colts. My dad is now the head coach. He wants me to follow in his footsteps and be their star quarterback, like he used to be. I could be the start quarterback, I'm good. It's just that my heart's not there. It's somewhere else…


"Now I've seen you in the ring and I like what I see. I am going to sign you to a 1 year contract to start off with. But it is a big work load, so much that you are gonna have to chose this contract or football"

"I want this Vince, I really do. It's just…my dad" I told him

"Ya, I don't understand how you were down in OVW for the last 3 years and were able to keep it from him"

"I'm just good I guess" I smirked

"I'm not gonna make you sign this right now, take it home and discuss it with your parents. I know you're 23 and can make your own decisions, but this is a big one and I want you to talk with them about it"

"Alright, thanks Vince"

End Flashback

"Hey Michael pay attention, pass the ball"

"Sorry dad… I mean, coach" I replied

"It's alright son, just keep your head in the game"

After practice…

"Hey dad, I'm gonna go visit with Uncle Eli for a little while. Then I'll be home for supper" I said as we were walking out to our cars.

"Alright my star quarterback, I'll see ya then" Does he have to say that?

I could always talk to my Uncle Eli; he was a lot more understanding than my dad. Plus, he never told my dad anything that I didn't want him to, cause he grew up with him. Eli would know how dad would react.

"Hey Uncle Eli" he opened the door and let me in.

"Hey Mike, what's up?"

"I need to talk to you. Another one of those 'don't tell dad' talks" I told him as I sat down on the couch.

"OK what's this one about?" he asked as he sat next to me.

"Vince likes what he sees, he wants to sign me to a 1 year contract and that's just to start with"

"Mike, that's great" he gave me a hug.

"Ya it is. But I'll be traveling a lot. I have to choose between wrestling and football"


"I choose wrestling, duh. But I have to tell dad about it"

"You want me to tell him?" he offered

"No, I will. It just gets harder every time he calls me his star quarterback" I explained

"I just don't see how he can be so oblivious to how much you like wrestling. Have you told your mom?"

"Ya, she was ecstatic. She's been behind me since day 1"

"Atleast you have one parent on your side. When are you gonna tell him?"

"I've put it off for too long. I'm gonna tell him tonight" I said confidently

"OK good luck Mike. Call me and let me know how it goes"

"Don't worry, I will" I said and went home. All night I was trying to find the right moment and it just wasn't coming. But I am going to tell him tonight, no matter what.

It was Monday night so I started watching RAW. After about half an hour, my dad sat down next to me.

"Why do you always watch this crap?" he asked

"It's not crap dad. It's entertainment"

"It's just two sweaty guys messin around in their underwear"

"Dad, you don't understand it. They tell a story in that ring" I argued

"Whatever, it's not even real fighting. They don't even get hurt"

"It's not fighting, it's wrestling. And they get hurt all the time. They mess up on one little move and they can get hurt. People get injured in there all the time dad" I was getting irritated with him.

"Boohoo. It doesn't even look that hard"

"It's harder than you think dad. You have to have a lot of stamina to last that long"

"Same thing for football"

Dad is starting to piss me off "Not quite, in football you get a break, what, every 10 minutes when it goes from offense to defense. Plus in football there's an off season. In wrestling there isn't. You're on the road for over 300 days a year" I explained

"Who would want to do that anyways?"

Here's my chance. "I do dad"

"What did you just say?" he had that tone in his voice.

"I want to wrestle dad. I'm real good at it. I went to a school for it for the past 3 years and Vince, the owner of WWE has offered me a contract. But with the traveling and all; I have to choose between wrestling and football and I choose…"

"Football" dad cut me off.

"No dad, I like football but wrestling is where my heart is" I tried to tell him

"You're playing football"

"No dad, I wanna wrestle" I argued

"This is just a phase" He was in denial.

"Just a phase? I went to OVW for 3 years dad. Phases don't last for 3 years" I yelled

"I don't care, you're playing football. I'll see you at practice tomorrow" he said and went to his room so I couldn't argue anymore.

The next day, instead of going to practice I went to Vince and gave him the signed contract.

"So you talked to your parents?" Vince asked

"Ya, I talked it over with them" I replied, that's not a lie.

"Alright Mr. Michael Manning, welcome to the WWE" Vince said and I shook his hand.