Edward had to go hunting for a couple of days so it was just Alice and I at school today. We didn't really talk much since there wasn't really anything to talk about, but then just while I was sitting there I came up with a perfect revenge plain to get back at Edward for scaring me a couple weeks ago. When I looked over at Alice grinned at me with that mischievous grin of hers indicating that she had a vision on what I was going to do to Edward. After a few minutes of silence Alice asked "May I be of any assistance to you dear Bella?"

'Why yes Alice, yes you may help me. This is going to be the day where Edward will be sorry he messed with the mafia princess." I smiled back up at Alice and we headed home to walk through my plains for revenge on Edward.


I was sitting at the lunch table with Bella since the rest of my family was out hunting. I was quiet board to tell you the truth there wasn't really anything to talk about or do in this boring town then before I new it my thoughts were interrupted by a vision of my dear sweet Bella getting revenge on Edward. When I was through with my vision I smiled at her mischievously and asked "May I be of any assistance to you dear Bella?"

Bella returned me the smile and replied "Why yes Alice, yes you may help me. This is going to be the day where Edward will be sorry he messed with the mafia princess." After the bell rung Bella and I headed home so she could tell me her plains.


When we arrived at the Cullen's house I put my stuff by the door and went up to Alice and Jaspers room to talk to Alice.

"Alright Alice here's what were gunna do. First Since Edward is coming back tomorrow he will stay home the whole day and wont be expecting me until I go to bed so what I was thinking was you can find a way to get us both excused from school early and then when we arrive home act like you came home by yourself. Then inform the rest of the family that if they see me to act like they never saw me so that they don't get Edward's attention. Now knowing Edward he'll be up in his room listening to his music so he won't be paying as much attention to his surroundings, but just to be safe have Emmet and Jasper play a competitive video game to cover up any noises. Then you're going to run me up the stairs and I'll sneak over to Edwards's door and burst open the door and say BOO! And get him right back muhuhuhuhaha! Now that is only the first part of my revenge the second part of my revenge is right now at this very moment you and I are going to go into his room and kidnap some of his valuable positions hostage and (wow I can't believe I'm saying this) but you and I will need to go shopping for some costumes for you and Emmet are going to be my hench men and we will interrogate Edward as if we really were in the mafia and I shall reveal everything we took of his and threaten to destroy them if is does not cooperate."

"Bella I 'm so proud to call you my sister-in-law. Now let's get crackin"

After discussing this with Alice we went into Edwards's bedroom and collected some CD's that he loved to listen to, some secret cash we found stashed inside hidden compartments, and well one of his most prized positions besides me which is his precious Volvo! Muhuhuhuhaha!

After we were sure we got everything that Edward would dye if he didn't have it we went to the mall and picked out our costumes and headed back to the house for there was one last thing I needed to do. I grabbed a peace of paper and wrote Emmet a letter reading:

Dear Emmet,

Before you continue this letter block your mind from Edward right away! Now sweat, soon to be brother-in-law I am plotting revenge against Edward and need your help you see you will be one of my Hench men to interrogate Edward. Go to Alice and she'll give you all the information needed and your costume. Destroy this letter as soon as you finish reading this!


When I finished writing the letter I sealed it in an envelope and put it on his night stand in his bedroom. After a couple more hours I told Alice I needed to get home. When I was home I did all my chores and homework and went to bed as soon as possible for tomorrow was going to be the best day of my life. After this thought I gradually fell asleep with a smile plastered on my face.




I woke up and couldn't help but smile knowing that today was the day that I would get sweat Edward back. I got ready and rain outside to be greeted by Alice and all we could talk about was how today was going to go and we tried to imagine what Edwards's face will look like (even though Alice already new, but she wouldn't tell me the little cheater!)

School was going by fast and before I new it was time for Alice and I to leave school. While driving to the Cullen's house Alice had explained to me how everyone except Edward that is new what was going on and would do nothing to disturb our plains. We were just starting to pull into the parking lot and Alice stopped talking immediately so that she didn't give us away. I climbed out of the car on Alice's side and let her run me up the stairs so that it would fool Edward more. Then it was my time I heard Edward listening to his music and quietly crept closer to his door. When I arrived at the door I flew it open and screamed GOTCHA!

"AHHHHHHHH!" Edward screamed. I couldn't help it I feel onto the floor laughing so hard that I was having trouble breathing! Edward just stood there with one eyebrow raised waiting for an explanation. When I could finally get a hold of myself I said "Oh what's the matter did wittle Edward get scared?!?!?!" As soon as this sunk in he smiled that crooked smile of his and before I could even move an inch he pounced on me and started tickling me!

"E-e-EDWARD!...S-s-STOP!!!...T-t-THAT T-t-TICKLES!!" I said in between breaths. After a few more minutes Edward finally stopped! He was still on top of me and wouldn't let me get up he started to kiss my neck and jaw line. When he stopped kissing me he whispered in my ear "Now that aught to teach you a lesson."

"Yeah, yeah I learned my lesson. Well I gotta go tell Alice something and then I'll be right back." He let me up and Alice, Emmet and I got into our costumes and had the interrogation room seat up. I then called to Edward "Oh Edward I need you to take me home I forgot something I wanted to bring over here."

"Alright love just let me grab my…" The room fell silent and then seconds later we heard Edward Scream "WHERE THE HELL ARE MY KEYS TO MY VOLVO!!! BELLA! ALICE! GET OVER HERE!!!"

"Edward calm down I think I found them come here." We quickly got into our positions and on came the mafia princess. I looked up at Edward and smiled and in my mafia accent said

"Edward it is so nice of you to join us. Take a seat will you. Alice, Emmet guard the prisoner while we have this little discussion. Now Edward we have some unfinished business see?? You still owe me that 10 grand and when I give someone a second chance and they don't take advantage of it then I've go nothin to do but take things into my own hands see?? Now here's what we're gunna do your either going to surrender to me or you will suffer the consequences."

Edward just smiled his crooked smile and decided to play along. "Nope I refuse to ever surrender to you!"

"Well then you'll just have to say good bye to your precious car cause I got the keys see?? And all I gotta do is take to your car to the dump and have it smashed into a million peaces see?? And then there's no more car." Edward looked at me horror struck.

"W-w-what else do you have of mine??"

"Well I've also got these nifty CD's and all I gotta do is snap it in half over me knee see? Right in front ya too. I also found this cash pile which will gladly go to shopping expenses for my dear Alice. A-" I was cut off by a now pleading Edward


"Alright, but only under one condition."

"And what is that may I presume?" Edward replied.

"Never ever make fun of the mafia princess again you got it?"

"Yes ma'am!"

I walked to the door and Alice and Emmet followed and my last words were "chech the door!" and we left a bewildered Edward in the interrogation room.