It was late one afternoon and Bella was at the Cullen's house spending time with her soon to be family.

"Hey Bella I'll be right back I have to go get something." Edward said with an evil grin on his face. Bella new that smile too well and new that he was up to no good she cleared her throat as she responded "all right…" and with that said Edward was gone in seconds.

After a few minutes Bella started to relax and started laughing at herself for being so hyperactive, but as soon as Bella was off guard something strong and cold smacked into her, making her hit the floor hard. Bella let out a scream and then stopped screaming once she realized who it was. Edward couldn't help but laugh, but then his humor turned into concern for he noticed Bella's whole body was shaking.

"Bella are you alright?" Edward asked. "Y-yeah you just gave me a good scare that's all." Bella replied. Edward had a wicked smile on his face and set Bella on his lap "sorry love" he whispered in her ear with a low chuckle. After a couple of minutes Bella's trembling stopped. Edward looked down at her as he noticed her trembling stopping as well and saw Bella's eyes light up along with an evil smile.

"What?" he said.

"Oh, don't worry I'll get you back Edward." She replied and Edward couldn't help but smile his crooked smile that she loved so much. Then he glanced at the clock to see what time it was "wow it's ten o'clock! It's time for you to go to bed." A with that said Edward took Bella home. Once they arrived at Bella's house Edward carried her to her bedroom and tucked her in for she had fallen asleep in the car. At first Bella was awakened by all the movement, but feel asleep the minute her head hit the pillow.

Bella woke up to see that Edward was no were to be found. Must have had to go talk to Carlisle. Bella thought to herself and then glanced at her alarm clock to see I was only three thirty in the morning. Bella was positioning herself in a conferrable position to fall back asleep when something shiny on her night stand caught her eyes. She sat up and picked up the shiny object and when she picked them up she realized that they were Edward's car keys to the Volvo. A plan started to form and she mile that evil grin of hers and said "it's payback time."

After a couple of minutes Bella got out of bed and started rummaging through her junk draws for things her family had gotten her that she never used she found a couple of things to make her plan go into action Bella grabbed a basket and put the following objects into it perfume, one of her outfits she would wear, a hanger, and other objects.

The first thing Bella did was spray her perfume all around the house and outside the house to throw off her sent then she took the out she had chosen and hung it on a hanger and opened the door just a tiny bit so that Edward would think that was her hiding behind the door. After that she filled up a bunch of water balloons and put them in a little container that was hanging over her window so that as soon as Edward stepped into her window all the water balloons would fall on his head. Then she fluffed up her pillows and pulled her covers over them to look like she was sleeping. Then Bella did her final touché and wrote a note to Edward saying

Come and get me if you can find me!



After writing her short, sweet letter to Edward she placed it on her night stand and mumbled to herself "that ought to do it." Then she began to think of places to hid when all of a sudden some of Bella's things in her closet feel out as she was picking up the objects to put them back into there designated spot in the closet Bella realized that there was a hidden door in her closet that she never noticed before. She opened up the door and realized it was a secret hiding room in-between the walls of her very house. She new that her house was somewhat a historical event for her dad found out it was used in world war one as a camping ground for the general officers, but never in her life did she think she would find something as cool as this. "This ought to be a great spot to hide!" she said to herself and quickly got into the hiding space and waited for Edward's arrival.

After a couple of hours sitting in her little hide out she herd a loud SPLASH! And immediately new Edward had just arrived and new that the game was on.

"What the! Bella!" he whispered in a angry voice. She heard him make his way over to her bed and pull off the covers to her pillows

"AH-HA….Bella? Bella where are you?"

He picked up the note and read it quickly and then said "So you wanna play that way huh? Well two can play this game Isabella Swan and you'll be sorry when I get you because you know how I feel when someone is keeping me away from my car!"

He followed the scent of the perfume only to be led into the living and noticed the laundry room door open and saw what he thought was Bella hiding behind the door then when he opened the door the hanger feel to his feel only to reveal clothing. Edward was walking up the stairs trying to think of all the possibilities of were she could be. Meanwhile Bella was on the other side of the wall and was trying not to laugh hysterically for she new how frustrated Edward was right now. Then before she new it she let out a small laugh and new that it was the end of her fun for in just a few seconds Edward flung the door open to the secret passage way and had her pinned to the ground and smiled his evil little grin.

"Now Bella be so kind and hand me though's keys."


"Alright you asked for it!" Edward started tickling Bella and she started laughing so hard that her face was turning red.

"E-e-Edward…S-stop it!" She finally managed to say and Edward did as commanded.

"Well then give me my keys!"

"Alright, alright! Here are your keys! maybe next time you wont scare me like that! I hope you've learned your lesson Edward Cullen!"

"Yes I have and I'm very sorry for doing that to you. Now will you please hurry up and get dressed we have to get going Alice is waiting for us back at the house."

"Alright I'll be out in a few minutes!"