Imagine If...

Chapter 1: Luffy were Harry Potter

Luffy stepped into the kitchen.

"Good morning Sanji, would you please make some meat?" he said with a british accent.

"Um Luffy?"

"Yes Sanji?"

"Why do you have a lightning bolt scar on your head and a british accent?"

"Oh Sanji, it's always been that way hasn't it?"

"But Luffy, you sound smart."

"Oh let's drop the subject."

Luffy sat down to pour himself a cup of tea. After doing so, Zoro walked in.

"Oh Good Morning Zoro, care for a spot of tea?"


"Zoro, are you okay."


"Oh never mind."

As Sanji placed a plate of steak infront of Luffy, sencho-san ate politly with his knife and fork (oh god someone save me from insanity!!), Nami walked in.

"Oh Good Morning to you Nami dear, isn't it a lovely day today?"

"CHOPPER!!!!!!LUFFY HAS A PROBLEM!!!!!" Nami shouted as she ran through the door.

As soon as Chopper came in, Luffy fell asleep.

The End of Chapter One