I do not own Naruto
P2: C6
It was coming. It was coming and couldn't be prevented. It was coming from every direction, every angle, every vantage point, everywhere. The sheet of microscopic particles encompassing everything within the vicinity, each particle invisible to the naked eye, while still easily discernable as razor sharp and prone to grind easily through metal, flesh, bone, everything it could get hold of to grind.
There was no up. There was no down. There was no left, no right, no forward, no back. All ways lead to the encompassing doom of this minuscule and thin but deadly sheet. The options were consistent of thinking of an out, or charging and dying. Too bad this was him and thinking and calculations were never his strongest point in battle, he had his moments like everyone else. He was used to relying on instinct of battle alone, he had been groomed that way as a warrior, and this opponent seemed to be growing in that way as well. His teacher had made sure he knew good and well for himself that thinking and logic came second.
The opponents facial expression had changed, the time for thinking had as of then been lost. A smile started to tug at the edges of the lips of the one forcing this death upon the trapped. It had finally been done, after a battle lasting for three hours, with no breaks, the victory had been secured and was at hand.
"Think you have won?" The voice was shaking as its fear could easily be felt resonating in every word uttered.
"I know I have." Kean, confident, calm, and collected nothing but these words could be used to describe the trapper's voice. Victory was a certainty.
"Lesson number ten, when you have the opponent bent over your knee like this…finish it!"
The eyes bugged when the clarity of realization came to the captor, and closed the hand controlling the sheet with as much force and vigor as possible hoping that it was done in time. But alas the captive was gone.
The time never came to block the hit. The elbow was too fast and easily ground into the back of the unsuspecting victims head. The body became but a ragdoll skipping, like a rock on water, across the ground. Grinding to an eventual halt due to colliding with a rock outcropping.
There was a cough, a grunt of pain, and some blood all leaking from the mouth of the victor turned loser.
"Are you…going to follow…your own lesson?" The words were slow, but true.
"Why would I kill my own student, Gaara?"
"I don't know, Naruto-sensei, because you are a psychotic basterd?" Naruto had a lot on his mind but still produced a few chuckles there.
"That's true I guess."
Naruto extended his hand to help his young protégé up, who graciously accepted.
"I thought I had you for sure, how did you escape my sand curtain?"
Gaara waited for his teacher's answer but he didn't get one. He looked to the man he felt as an older brother. His face was somber looking toward the horizon. He was clearly deep in thought, which even Gaara knew was never a good thing.
Naruto heard him that time and snapped to attention.
"I was asking how you got out of the sand curtain, but what seems to be…"
"Curtain is that was your calling it? That's dumb, add more sand and name it the coffin."
"Well how did you…"
"It was simple space displacement magic."
"When did you make the transition circle for that?"
"I never did, you did as you were walking about in the sand dragging your feet while I was trapped."
"That's stupid."
"Says the little boy who did it."
"I'm not that little!"
"Smaller than me for sure."
Gaara grinded his teeth in frustration.
"Well at least how do you think I did?" With a glint of hope in his voice, wishing to be praised, wanting to be praised, needing to be praised from one his main idols.
"Better than last week." Naruto said with little emotion to show for it, clearly not too impressed.
"That means nothing! I need to be far beyond last week! I will never be able to help you at this rate!"
"Careful my young apprentice, you had better watch that temper of yours you know how you get when you get mad."
"You're one to talk mister overreact."
"I DO NOT OVERREACT!" Naruto yelled with such force, making Gaara's soul quiver.
"….Or maybe I do a little…but the point is, not a lot."
"Whatever you say." Gaara retorted when returning from fear.
"But the point stands, I am not going fast enough! I need to be able to help, at this rate there is nothing I can do to help anyone…what if a repeat happens? I won't be able to live with myself if it happens again."
It wasn't hard to see anguish dripping from the young lads face. Twice he was forced to watch a city he loved crumble in the wind, all the while with no way of helping. Even harder it was within 1 week of each other, possibly giving him the thought it was his fault, that the demons had been seeking him out. That's not something Naruto wanted an eight year old to endure.
"In due time Gaara, the time it takes to get the level you desire is long and tedious. Besides remember all the training exercises I put you through have to be in secret or Temari would kill me, and punish you in some way."
Gaara wanted to comment, make some sort of retort to try to gain the upper hand, maybe get Naruto to train him more than once a week, but not only did he have a point, Temari would never let them if she found out, and also Naruto seemed to distraught and far off in his head right now. Every sentence he ended seemed to take him back to whatever it was that plagued his mind.
"Naruto-sensei, I hate to ask but…"
Naruto looked back to his little adoptive brother. "Yeah?"
"What is on your mind?"
"Nothing one so young should worry about."
"Bull! It's about your mission right? I never heard how it went! Tell me, what happened?"
"Sorry can't it's classified."
"I will be on that council one day, you know!"
"Yes I do…but for now I can't dive into that, besides you should get back to Temari she will be looking for you soon."
"Remember what you do in case she gets to nosey?"
"Of course, I know how to work my sister. You going to find Sakura-san?"
"No I got a date with a very boring library."
"Again? What are you looking for?"
Naruto's shoulders dropped in defeat.
"I don't know."
"It's not that I don't understand the situation, it is more of that I don't want her in such a situation."
"But your motive for such action no matter how laced with honor and duty is filled with greed. You want more training."
"I won't deny it, after we returned I have yet to get a single hour of training, I feel myself waning."
Temari rolled her eyes at the pink haired gal in front of her. She liked the girl just fine, and could even see the two of them becoming very close, but she couldn't figure out what it was Naruto saw in her. But stranger couples are possible, she could think of a few.
"Sakura, listen she has to head a resistance movement, govern a huge metropolis as well as possible, and be a demon lackey all at the same time. You got lucky as hell getting that six months that you did. Spend some time training yourself; self reliance will only help you."
Damn…You are right again Temari…
"Now enough talk of Tsunade-hime, did you want to go shopping in the market or sit here some more?"
"I would say we check out the market like planned, but it seems we will be having a party crasher."
Temari looked around, but couldn't find anyone distinctive.
"Really who?"
"The little boy about to tackle…" Sakura could have been faster with her words, hell she could have told Temari to just duck, but that sadistic side of her really wanted to see Temari fall on her face. Call it revenge for her being right all the time.
A young red head boy, no older than eight just tackled the council seat holder. And he sure was happy about it, just laughing is little head off.
"Gaara?! WHAT THE HELL?!" Temari shouted at her younger sibling seeing it was him that tackled her, had it been anyone else they would be feeling the sharp edge of her serrated battle fan blade.
"HA Onee-chan. I totally got you." Gaara said through his fits of laughter.
"And you will be punished for said getting." Temari voiced in her responsible elder tone.
"Oh come on, don't be a stick in the mud." Gaara said with a pout adorning his little lips.
"Speaking of mud, why are you covered in dirt and scrapes Gaara-kun?" Sakura asked upon getting a good look at the boy.
Temari took the time to take at the boy in detail as well, "Yes why are you in such a state?"
Gaara cast a scowl toward Sakura, she knew where he was, Naruto couldn't hide anything for that girl. She was just trying to get him in trouble and he knew it. But Gaara was prepared for such an inquiry.
"Hey Onee-chan, how is Nara-san doing?"
Temari's face never faltered, just a slight pause in her thought process. Sakura was also interested in the question.
"Shikamaru is just fine; don't try to change the topic, now where did you get…"
"Sakura-san how are you today?" Gaara's eyes were pleading with Sakura to get his back here.
"Oh I am just fine today, and yourself?" Sakura decided to throw the boy a bone.
"I'm just peachy, I was curious to know about the details of you and Naruto-sen…Naruto-niichan's trip to the fifth kingdom." Gaara's words were coming out at a rate he didn't even know he could talk, casting glances to his sister the whole time making sure she didn't get a word in edge wise.
"I am sorry Gaara-kun, but the information is classified, how bought instead you tell me where you and Temari were after the fall of Coadunation?"
"I would be delighted." Gaara quickly took the spare chair at the small table.
"It starts with…"
"Hold it." Gaara froze, Temari would not let this die and he knew it.
"If anyone will give a story it will be me, who knows what that little juvenile brain of yours will spew."
Gaara nodded in agreement, anything to advert the questions.
"Well the city had fallen, and Gaara was still in no state to travel. But we had made it successfully to an escape boat. The journey from the island to the refugee spot took 3 days. I have to say those elven ships are like bats out of…" A worried glance was thrown to Gaara. " Out of some place bad. When we arrived it was another awful site, the refugee camp had already been hit by the minions of those monsters. It had apparently been taken out a day prior. It was panic at that point; most the elves and refugees were thinking the hordes were still nearby. So it was a scramble to get out. We were no exception, with Gaara in my arms I got out of there and headed to the only spot I could think of, and for the life of me I can't tell you why I thought to go there and not here… I just did."
"Where did you go?" Sakura asked, now actually getting interested in the story for the story itself and not an escape tool for Gaara.
"To Monolith… the city of the Dwarves."
"It's ok Gaara, if the directions I have are correct we should be there soon."
Temari was exhausted. She had been walking for days. Many of them were spent carrying Gaara, and both of their packs. Gaara still being wounded he could only walk for himself a few hours each day. Suffice to say it was not an easy trek either. Two weeks ago she had passed into the Obsidian Mountain Range, and starting two weeks ago she wished she hadn't. Every step was another jagged rock into her already bloody and torn feet. She had cursed herself much already for leaving her boots behind in a panic and just having the weak sandals that had long since gone to shreds.
The Obsidian Range was notorious for being the most inhabitable place any creature could live. Not a single inch of it was flat surface; all area was razor sharp rocks. Every inch of stone seemed to just laugh at you in contempt of your foolish efforts of even trying. Each inch of
movement forward was another stab at your will to live. Each inch of gravel was the very next step on your way to jumping off the next cliff in agony of this dead stony coffin.
Why did I want to come here? ...I know why…Baka Naruto. Telling me Gaara could find refugee here if he ever needed it. And these directions are bogus. Why on earth would there be a city of dwarves out here? Dwarves went belly up. Forget it, I don't know why I did this! It's going to be ok Gaara; I will get you to Konoha.
Temari had no choice but to press forward, she was Kami knows where in these mountains, the best bet to escape now is to just find some way down and out.
Four hours slowly ticked by, every second a nightmare in these mountains. But in the dawn of that fourth hour, the sun didn't rise. The sky actually darkened, for the slow and weak but steady bump of Gaara's heart disappeared.
Temari froze. Almost too petrified to check on him in fear, but driven out of the same emotion to do so.
"Gaara!?" Temari screamed placing him off her back onto the ground.
"Gaara! No you can't go, your bad injuries are supposed to be healed!" There was no blood, no scrapes, and no signs of damage present. Just a nonexistent heart beat.
"NO!" Franticly but still as well as possible Temari tried to perform CPR. The technique was new and she had never really seen anyone perform it before, she was just aware of the motions. Breath into the mouth for some number of times, pump on the chest some number. Those numbers eluded her here when she would need them.
The breaths were too weak to get air to anything, and the pounding was not anywhere near the right spot. If she stopped to think it might have occurred to her, but Gaara's heart has been out for at least 3 minutes, and all she could do was panic, and cry.
Through her screams of agony, her face got more and more contorted with tears and sorrow. The eyes were large and puffy and the hair was a mess. And the crying mass couldn't remove its desperate eyes from a face that was slowly becoming calmer, paler and far more serene.
"Please…Kami…don't take Gaara from me too. YOU HAVE KANKURO WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT!?... just don't take my Gaara." She pleaded on her knees, but no answer came.
After a few minutes Temari fell asleep from crying. She was far too exhausted both physically and now emotionally to just keep going, and she didn't want to. She would let it end here.
"What happened next?" Sakura asked with a few tears in her eyes hanging on the edge of her seat. She knew Gaara was alive; he was sitting next to her. But the story was just to engaging to go with the obvious.
With a sly smile Temari replied, "You're getting into it."
"Ok well where was I?"
"I had just died, and you collapsed from exhaustion Onee-chan."
"Right thank you Gaara, well…"
"Wake up!" A ruff voice shouted in the dark.
"uh?" Was the charismatic grunt of an answer in response.
"Wake up!"
Temari's eyes strained to see what was sprawled out in front of her. It was a dark room with just two light sources, one on each side of her peripheral. The room for itself was the shape of an egg, not traditional architecture for any country Temari could think of. She was lying upon something firm but not uncomfortable, with a simple itchy linen blanket on top of her body. Her feet were sticking out from the bottom of the covering, showing each to be covered if not excessively in bandages.
She strained her neck to look at the rest of the room. The light was two small candle stands. A man behind the bed thing caught her attention, he wasn't really tall, in fact just the opposite he sat at about one hundred and thirty centimeters off the ground. His hair was a dark black, but if you looked to his cranium you couldn't tell for it was bald, bald and shining in the light. The hair color was apparent on his beard, one of the thickest beards she had ever seen, not counting how her grandfather's had been before he passed on.
"Good to see you are up and about, but are you done gawking at me or can we get on with it?"
Embarrassment quickly swelled within her being caught staring at the poor fellow.
"My apologies, I am just… Oh no…oh Kami…Gaara, where is he?"
"What?" The short fellow asked a tad befuddled.
"GAARA! MY LITTLE BROTHER WHERE IS HE?!" Bellowed from Temari's mouth as loud as she could, while simultaneously standing up preparing to run off and look for him. But it was not to be, her feet were not properly healed and she came crashing back to the bed in pain.
"Easy child, you are not fully healed yet, no quick movements."
"But…Gaara he is…"
"Just fine." The fellow interjected with.
"What?" Temari asked in a small daze.
"Gaara-sama is perfectly alright. His wounds are all healed and he is up and about training. He does worry for you though, you were in far worse shape than, he was."
"But he was dead…are you sure?"
"Yes absolutely. What was the last thing you remember happening to you?"
"Well I stopped feeling Gaara's heart beat in the Obsidian Mountains… um near a rock cropping in the shape of a tree and I tried to bring him back but I failed and he passed on then I collapsed."
"Detailed memory, ok we found YOU collapsed and passed out near the rock cropping and the boy was scared for your life. Seems you collapsed from exhaustion and imagined or dreamed that whole scenario."
"... so he is alive…"
"Yes, just fine." He reassured her again.
"And he is what again?"
"Training." A smile adorning his face.
"TRAINING! He is too young to train!" Temari had found herself again, and her overly protective sister mode.
"I beg your pardon ma'am but he is not, and I am shocked you did not start Gaara-sama's training sooner."
"Who are you? I am sorry I didn't get your name and what authority you have to tell me how to raise my brother?"
"My apologies, I am High Dwarf Priest of Earth, Fward, I oversee the Temple of The Core here in the Obsidian Range, the sacred burial chamber of Elemental Seraphim of the Earth.
It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Temari-dono, and I have no right to tell you how to rear him, just a helping hand in development."
Temari sufficed to say was not expecting that as the introduction the new dwarf priest would offer her.
"Well…ok then, nice to meet you Fward-dono, and good I want him to stop training immediately, he shall not learn to fight yet." Her statement was said with diction.
"Well he is not, but he should."
"Explain, he is training but not to fight?"
"It would be better to show you, please come along with me." The dwarf offered his hand to the maiden to help her walk to see her brother.
As Temari reached for the dwarves hand she became very aware of herself as the emotional rollercoaster was coming down. She was in nothing save a very thin clothed, almost see through pull over.
She quickly reached for the blanket and covered herself forthwith, blushing madly. No man had seen her in such a state, she was a great warrior but still a woman, and she was not comfortable like this. In such a thin undergarment, if it could even be strewed as such. She didn't know of one so revealing.
"Is there a problem?" Fward asked completely oblivious.
"Damn straight! Where are my clothes? What am I wearing?"
Fward almost staring laughing at the situation, letting it click within his mind what she was covering up for.
"My sincere apologies, we had to throw out your other clothes, they were a mess. And as for that, you are much taller than any woman here so they had to sow that fairly quickly before something more appropriate was made."
"Great and how long will that take, because I'm not letting anyone see me like this?" Temari asked frustrated.
"It is already done, on the floor in front of the bed."
"You have fast workers here." She said clearly impressed with the promptness.
"Yes we do, but you were out a while so there was time."
There was something that had not crossed her mind, how long was she out? So she asked.
"How long was I out?"
"5 days. You were really exhausted. Now I will give you your privacy as you change, then please give shout and I will lead you to Gaara-sama."
Temari dressed promptly, putting on the dress but taking special care of her feet. She called to Fward and the two slowly made their way through the tunnels of Monolith. Fward explained many things to Temari on the walk, like the fact all the rooms were rounded shapes, after all they were in a cave system. She asked him why the dwarves are thought to be extinct ever since the destruction of the 4 trading post that they had in different mountain ranges, so they could do business with the people above. Fward told her that the trading posts were destroyed but the dwarves underneath survived, for a while at least. Three of the four underground cities died off due to lack of food availability. This cave system was different however because it had access to sunlight to be able to grow crops. The reason they remained in the afterthought of the world however was because the dwarf people had access to wonderful minerals that if made into weapons could truly be feared, especially if those minerals got to the hands of someone like
Tenten. Not to say they didn't get some to her. The chat came to a close as the two approached a large steel door.
"Inside you will see Gaara-sama in his training."
"Ok but I will stop it if I see anything I do not like."
Fward nodded in understanding. He took special care in opening the door, making sure there was no sound coming from moving such a big piece of metal.
Temari was amazed at what she saw her young brother doing. He was in a meditative position, he was breathing very slowly, making no unnecessary movements, and he was solemn almost as the grave. About the small boy were stones, varying sizes, shapes and densities. He had 3 large rocks circling his torso, 3 small pebbles above his head. Further out from him in an elliptical pattern were an uncountable number of medium rocks, the rocks were moving at a speed that gave the impression it was just one large thin loop rock around him. In the projected corners of the rooms were boulders, floating steady not moving but still floating.
A whisper was all that left her lips, thinking the slightest noise would bring it all crashing down.
"This is his training?"
"Yes." Fward responded with the same whisper of a tone.
"What is he training?"
"He is learning to commune with the earth. It is vital for all earth seraphim to be able to be at harmony with the rocks and dirt. Do you want him to stop?"
Temari was almost in a trance watching her brother; his small frame could do this by just theoretically breathing.
"No… he can keep going…"
"Come Temari-dono, let us leave him for now."
"Ok…" Temari walked off in her small trance with Fward.
Around four months passed by as the two lived within Monolith. The city was amazing, and Gaara had fallen in love with it, all the subtle nuances the city offered, the way the wind swept through the caves, how the small light trickles hit the pools of water, how the architecture was mostly an elaborate system on pillars. Pillars used as walkways across ravines, pillars used as a wall, pillars used for tables and chairs, all pillars. Temari wasn't as in love with it, she enjoyed herself, the dwarf women were fun to talk to but she missed the enveloping sunlight. She knew soon they would have to leave, and she was secretly happy because of that fact.
Temari's attention was pulled to Fward who had become like her shadow while they stayed here. He said it was because all the others would look after Gaara but someone needed to watch her. She didn't know if they thought she was going to steal stuff or what, either way it was a bit invasive.
"Sorry, yes?"
"I was asking you what you thought of Gaara-sama's progress."
The sound of shattering rocks drew her attention to Gaara. He was down in a small pit in front of her, along with about 8 dwarves, all trying to explain to him the importance of each rock he would wield and break and merge and forge, that they were all special and must be honored.
"He is making huge leaps and bounds."
"Glad you think so, now to another matter that must be brought up…"
"NO!" She said firmly.
"I must argue my point here. He needs to be able to fight."
"No not till he is old enough."
"So you want to wait till he is seated on The Council before he will learn to fight. You do know how stupid that is, for when he is on The Council they will be expecting him to be a marvelous fighter already."
"They will not be expecting…fair enough, the year before then."
"Why are you so against him learning battle patterns?" Fward was growing more and more interested in the subject.
"I just… When he starts fighting…"
"When he starts fighting?" Fward had to push this; he was almost at a breakthrough.
"When he starts fighting we will be able to die. Just like Kankuro…" A few tears started to slide down her cheeks.
"I understand your concern Temari-dono, but you need to see that Gaara-sama has already almost died. You depriving him even the most basic trainings will surely lower his survival chances."
Temari dried her eyes, she knew he was right.
"Yes, but I cannot allow him to outright train, it is against my better judgment."
"Well he is too young for full outright training anyway, his body couldn't handle it."
"But if he starts training he will want to go the whole time."
"Then maybe…" Fward had an interesting thought.
"What if you let him train in secret?"
Temari was confused here, "You will need to explain how it is secret."
"What if we implant the idea of him training in combat into his head, so he goes and looks for a teacher, who you will have already talked to so that…" Fward stopped there to let Temari fill it in.
"He will only be training a little because the person has already talked to me about it."
"And Gaara-sama is at the age where being sneaky is very fun, so this makes him think he is clever as well."
Temari grinned almost evilly this was a good plan.
"But who will we get?"
"Why I assumed you already had the Naruto-baka as his future teacher."
Temari almost snorted her tea she had been drinking.
"Yes the idiot came here once and almost destroyed an entire wing of the city. The fool is the only human to enter that we did not permit."
"That is a story for another time. But he would be a great teacher, and you have close ties with him, so get him to train Gaara maybe just once a week."
"Yes… I like it, ok I can do that."
"Well I will go talk to Gaara then, please excuse me." Fward got up leaving Temari to watch the exchange from up high out of earshot, so she wouldn't know that Fward is suggesting secret training to Gaara. Or at least he would think she wouldn't know.
About three more weeks passed and the time had come to leave Monolith and head to Konohagakure and meet up with everyone else on The Council who hopefully has finished their assignments. The goodbyes were sad, and Gaara practically had to be pulled away kicking and screaming. The last thing Fward told to Temari was to be weary of men in all white. One had been spotted in the mountains and he had been looking for Gaara.
"We then found a fisherman who would sail us up the river Gomorra, taking us straight here pretty much, granted it was a week and a half journey by river. Then a three day walk after leaving the river."
"That was a great story." Sakura said in awe. "And you told it so well."
"Why thank you." Temari said, always happy of praise.
"And good thing Gaara-kun left halfway through for snacks."
"Ya I thought of not saying that part till he left." The two girls started laughing together, until Gaara return.
"What is so funny?" The redhead asked.
"Nothing." The girls said in unison.
The boy would start to rebuttal but didn't get his chance and another girl who came running up to the group distracted him too much.
"Temari! Forehead!" Both girls turned to see the new comer, one was indifferent to her but the other was now ticked off.
"Pig… what do you want?"
Ino decided to ignore the comment and say what she was sent to say.
"Kakashi-sama is here, we are supposed to meet at, you know where, to discuss some things."
"Kakashi finally showed up?" Temari asked in surprise. She knew what that would signify, that the time had come to set the plan to action.
"So everyone lets go, and have any of you seen Naruto?"
Temari and Sakura both shook their heads no and looked to Gaara, knowing he had seen him last.
Gaara felt the gaze grinding on him but couldn't give away his training secret so he had to try to play it off.
"Don't look at me, why would I know?"
Another page turned in another exceedingly old exceedingly boring book. Naruto had gotten to the point of just skimming the books; his brain could not take reading all of them cover to cover. If only the books had pictures then it might be slightly more fun to read.
"WHAT AM I LOOKING FOR?!" Naruto screamed at the top of his lungs. There would be no librarian to shush him. He was in a secret chamber of the library where the ancient old forbidden books, well forbidden by Demon law, were located.
The small room was packed to the brink of breaking with all the people here to hear what Kakashi had to say. Many of the faces Sakura had become familiar with, Shikamaru the Shadow Knight, Kiba the Beast Master, Shino the Biologist with a focus on bugs, Ino the Mind Tempest, Negi the Elf General, Hanabi the second Elf Princess, Tenten the Supreme Ultimate Omega Magic Blacksmith/Weapon Master a title of which she gave herself, and Shizune the first apprentice to Tsunade and appointed assistant. In the room were also many people Sakura had only heard talk of and met in passing, Rock Lee who was a celebrated Martial Arts Master, and Akimichi Choji whom was a Battle Chef. Sakura was not fully sure what a Battle Chef was but it involved fighting and cooking from what she had gathered.
Of course also in the room, were people she had no idea of. Some were identifiable as elves, while others were human but she still didn't know them, not that she expected to know everyone who was in on the fight against the demons, because she wanted the whole world was in on it. A few key faces were lacking from the crowd and Sakura was wondering where they could be.
A whistle went out among the gathered and all attention fell to Shizune.
"Ok everyone, the key speakers and heads of this meeting are entering; please give them your full attention."
The creaking of the door in the front opening was not a pleasant sound, but it did well to bring the attention to the newly appointed front of the room.
Out walked the four people that commanded the most respect in the room, along with one who will join such ranks. Tsunade the Crown Princess of the Sixth Kingdom, Kakashi the Elemental Seraphim of Lightning, Hinata the Crown Princess of the Third Kingdom and High Lord of the Elves, Temari the current fifth seat on The Council, and her eventual replacement Gaara hiding behind her back.
Tsunade was the first to speak of the newly entered group, and not a single person dared talk while she did.
"Thank you all for coming, this is a very crucial moment in our history and we are so glad so many of you could bother to find the time to come hear us out... And some are just plain stupid and will hopefully get a good scolding later...right Sakura?"
It took all of two seconds for anyone to figure out who Tsunade was referring too.
"Do not worry Shishou I will put his head through a wall then relay what was discussed."
A few chuckles were heard in the crowd.
"See that you do, ok as for why we are here. The plans will be discussed after Kakashi gets through telling us what he needs to. It is vital that we know this for it affects the future of our movements. Go ahead Kakashi."
Just as with the previous speaker no one made a sound, waiting, watching, and wondering what could be so vital for The Seraphim to say beyond the simple move out.
"Again thank you all for being here to hear me out. Can everyone hear me alright; I know I'm not as loud as Tsunade-hime."
"We could hear you better if you removed the face covering!" Kiba yelled from the middle of the room.
"Since no one said anything I will assume everyone can hear me fine."
"Jackass…" Kiba muttered under his breath.
"I won't mince words with you all, someone is hunting The Seraphim and it isn't the demons, but a human organization."
A gasp was heard throughout the gathered.
"I have received word from Pein and Itachi that they had a run in with the same ones I did. Temari has also received a warning to avoid these people. I had a run in with one of them and…I lost…"
"My arm is as good as it will ever be thank you for the help." Kakashi said to a kind old woman tending to him. He never asked for her name, he was not of the kind to familiarize with unnecessary people lest he find out they were killed and another part of him would die.
"It was my pleasure son, will you be leaving soon?" The old woman was kind and didn't bother to pry, aware when and when not to step over boundaries.
"Immediately, I have business to attend to." He said while standing up.
"Well it was nice to meet you, don't overdo it with that arm to early."
"Will do."
Kakashi gave the old woman one last smile and left, hopefully to never hear from or about her again.
He had made his way to the 7th kingdom before ever getting his arm treated, not a smart move but a fast move. He had high tailed it out of Coadunation and headed to not only his home country but where his mission was located. He wanted this to be peaceful and easy, certainly his mission would not inquire the wrath of Shichibi Kaku, for he did not ally himself with Kyubi, but he was crazy beyond reason so he could attack. Kakashi was just hoping he wouldn't.
A day long walk through the wheat fields could be soothing yet at the same time boring. Kakashi was fine with both, what he wasn't fine with was that most of the wheat crops had been burned, most likely by Shichibi. But of what was alive each wove in the breeze, every golden grain like a metronome, back and forth back and forth. It was almost hypnotizing to Kakashi.
Something in the distance did not fit however. He saw it but could not place it. In the sea of gold and black something was amiss. It was something white. Something completely white.
Kakashi fixated his attention upon the object and headed toward it. It was not hiding the fact it was there, but it made no effort to approach the Seraphim, it just waited for him.
The object slowly took shape and focus before Kakashi's single eye. It was a person without a doubt. He was bathed in white, from his all white no smudges robe, to the white leather gloves, the white slippers, and the white bandages covering his head.
An alarm went off in Kakashi's mind upon seeing this person, but his curiosity outweighed his better judgment.
"And pray tell who are you?" Kakashi voiced when close enough he was sure the man, or woman could hear.
"I am no one of consequence." The voice was definitely a man.
"And how may I help someone who describes themselves as such?"
"My own name and life are insignificant, but the group I am here to represent is not."
"And who are they?"
"The Protectorate."
"I have never heard of you." Kakashi was becoming more uncomfortable by the second.
"You may not know of the name, but you may know of the actions."
"We are the ones who brought down The Tower of Gaia."
As fast as itself a bolt of lightning shot forth and hit the white man in the chest, but not only did he remain unharmed his clothes were not even burnt a little.
"Now now Kakashi-sama struck a chord with the tower have I? Besides there is no need for hostilities, you won't be able to win if you resort to that."
"You basterds! Why did you bring that tower down?"
"We have our reasons, just as you have your for wanting it up."
The man's voice was what gave Kakashi's stomach the most unease. It was completely devoid of emotions. Not even a hint of superiority, or smugness that he wasn't hurt. He was completely blank and that was not right.
"What do you want from me?" He asked hoping just words could diffuse this situation.
"I am here for your life."
On instinct Kakashi moved from his spot expecting a surprise attack at such a sentence. But there was nothing the man stood unmoving.
"Then why wear the head wrap? If you can't see me you cannot kill me"
"I have no face, I lost it in an accident I won't speak of, suffice to say I have no eyes, no nose, no ears, no mouth, nothing besides deformed burnt skin."
"Then how are you talking?"
"Who says I am?"
Kakashi didn't know what to think, everything about this situation was wrong, and hopefully he could right it.
I will surround him in a storm; hopefully it will force him to move so I can get a hit on him. If I just attack while he is sitting there I know I will lose…but how do I know that?
Raising his hands to the sky Kakashi uttered a single word under his breath to call froth 12 bolts of lightning to strike all within one centimeter of his opponent. But the man did not flinch; he didn't even seem to take an extra breath.
Kakashi was becoming very uneasy about his situation, not fear just unease, there had to be something else a man hiding, or a trap near this guy…something.
"Do try harder Seraphim."
Raising a single finger a bolt of lightning was fired at the man's leg. A strange shimmer appeared that Kakashi hadn't notice before but couldn't place it.
What was that? It must be whatever is stopping my lightning. Maybe it is only range moves which is why he is so confident as I am at a distance…let's get close then, even if it doesn't feel right.
Kakashi's hand lit up brighter than any star. It held a solid ball of electricity poise to leave this man heartless. Kakashi took off. His speed not was to impressive, not even a run but a light jog. Each step he kept himself ready for anything. But nothing, there were no traps at all protecting this unmoving man. He came to a halt in front of the man, less than an arm's length away.
"What do you wait for?" The man asked.
Kakashi's palm slammed into the man's chest, or what should have been his chest. His hand hit some sort of invisible orb, but Kakashi did not have the time to think about this because a ball of lightning shot out and connected to his ankle. Jumping back to recoup from the hit, he put himself on the defense expecting the man to press his advantage, but still nothing he stayed perfectly still. His ankle was bloody and small piece of bone stuck out covered in blood stained flesh.
"Does it hurt?" The white man asked.
"What did you do? That was just like my Raikiri, how did you have it come out of your leg?"
"Actually if you want to be technical it was your Raikiri."
If this man had been showing emotions throughout any of their encounter Kakashi would be thinking the guy was smiling, but with this one it was impossible to tell. If Kakashi didn't know what the man was going to do, or what he could do then the only thing to use was his mirror, especially dealing with the fact he couldn't move so well with his ankle in such a state.
"You don't mind if I use my magical item do you?" Kakashi asked trying to act polite.
"Go ahead, whatever makes you die fulfilled."
Kakashi reached under his shirt to bring out a crystal mirror. It looked like an ordinary glass mirror, but looks can always be deceiving.
"So I am now facing the weapon that gave you the name Copy Cat Kakashi?"
"The mirror that has reflected in a more powerful state one thousand spells?"
"Yes, and no one has survived their spell hitting them after I reflected it."
"Well that won't help you considering I know nothing of spells and magic, besides a simple cloaking spell that I am using on my protective item."
"I knew you were using something, what is it?"
"Nothing to terrible…" The weapon slowly shimmered into view at his words, and it was worse than anything Kakashi could imagine. It was a magic staff, each end having the curve of a Sheppard's staff but in opposite directions. The top half of the staff was white, while the bottom half was black. The curve of the white top had a floating black sphere in the loop, and the inverse on the bottom. There was no grip for the staff but the man's gloved hand fell over the dividing area of the colors.
"…The…The…The…Key…" Kakashi couldn't even finish his sentence with all the stuttering. He could now say that he was afraid for his own life a total of 3 times in his life. Once when he faced down the Yonbi by himself, the second time when he faced Pein all alone, and now this time is added to the list.
"The Key to Chaos, yes good to see you know your ancient relics."
"I thought it was only a myth."
"No the sacred staff that nullifies all abilities of a Seraphim, or if the wielder so choices will reflect it back on the Seraphim with a much stronger force, is very real. As you can plainly see. Interesting that we both wield items that can reflect magic, only we both know which is better."
Kakashi was speechless, with a weapon like that his lightning magics were useless and with his leg in the condition it was he couldn't implore his hand to hand style. Besides theoretically his opponent has two stored electric blasts in that staff he could unleash. There was only one solution, hit him fast, hit him very very fast.
"So Kakashi-sama what will you do?"
"I will show you where the expression fast as lightning came from."
He disappeared from sight in an instant.
"Dear Kakashi-sama are you really running away?"
"Did you actually run Kakashi-san?" Gaara asked waiting for the story to continue.
"Gaara-kun glad to see your enjoying the story." Kakashi said with what was assumed a smile.
"Then what did you do?"
"Well what happened next even I have trouble grasping, I had converted myself to lighting for my ultimate assassination technique, but I was stopped. He didn't see me or know where I was or coming from, but The Key to Chaos did. As I charged I was sucked into the white orb and shot out of the black one. My head sunk into the ground with an impact so strong because my speed had been increased coming out of the staff."
"So he had you? What happened next?!" A swift hand hit the back of Gaara's head.
"Shush Gaara let him finish." Temari said to her brother.
"Thank you Temari, he had me cornered, I had destroyed my ankle now with no way to move apart from someone's help or a crutch. And then… he let me go."
"WHAT?!" Kiba yelled from the back.
"He told me he was not there to kill me, that was for another day this was just a gauge on my ability, but not to be worried for they would claim my life, he then dispersed into the air. Eventually a young boy came by and helped me back to the village I had been at the day before. The old woman took me in again and tended to my leg. She wouldn't let me leave for another 2 months I was able to leave and complete my mission, the old woman was named Depore."
Everyone was shocked into silence by Kakashi's words. A group hunting the Seraphim and one soundly beat Kakashi by using a staff that made their greatest warrior nothing but regular men. To add insult to injury the opponent never moved.
"Thank you Kakashi."
"Of course Tsunade-hime."
"Ok everyone tomorrow is the day we head out. Early, at sunrise. It will be a long walk to the castle. The group will be moving fast and light so make sure you all can keep up. Just don't overdo it so you have the strength to fight when you arrive. If any of you feel you cannot risk your lives in such a battle then please stay behind, but those who do go I applaud your valor. After all of this the future of our world will change, for better or worse will depend on the outcome. So go home, no late night hurrahs before hand, we need everyone in top form. If anyone comes sick or tired you cannot go. So sleep well, eat well and I will see you in the morning."
With her speech ended Tsunade turned around and left leaving everyone in a somber mood.
Hinata decided to add a closing note to the elves there.
"For all my captains here…It is not optional, you will be there along with your battalions."
Sakura had never heard Hinata have such a commanding tone, but neither had she ever seen Hinata really rule her people before.
There was no talk of what was said or what tomorrow would bring, everyone did what they were supposed to and left the room to return to their homes for possibly their final night of sleep.
Sakura entered her and Naruto's room within Tsunade's mansion. As she walked in she found Naruto at the desk scribbling some notes.
"And where pray tell were you during the meeting?"
Naruto looked up to his gal.
"There was a meeting?"
Sakura sighed, how she fell for him she couldn't remember.
"Sit with me and I will tell you."
"But Onee-chan!"
"No buts Gaara, you are not coming to this fight."
"But why?"
"You are too young for this, besides who will be the one to lead everyone if none of the other Seraphim come back?"
Gaara's heart sank at the question; he didn't want to be alone.
"That was mean; I want you guys to return."
Temari hugged her brother trying to comfort him that she would come back, and also hopping to make herself believe it as well.
"Onee-sama, please bring honor back to our family."
"Why so formal Hanabi?" Hinata asked.
"I just want to be polite for the finale time I might see you…"
"Do not talk in such a way Hanabi-sama, we will return, all of us."
"Ya Hanabi-chan don't be so down; I will look after your big sister and your stupid cousin. They have my AWESOME WEAPONS to protect them."
Neji frowned at Tenten's outburst of her own designs.
"You really think highly of those things don't you Tenten."
"Of course Neji…cause everyone who is anyone uses them."
"Tsunade-hime, do not worry I will not let your people down."
"See that you don't Kakashi, I want my soldiers back to me."
"Tsunade-hime I know you want to go but you have so many things to do to preserve your image if this goes south."
"Thank you Shizune, I am aware."
God I wish I had some sake.
Tsunade thought as the other two left her room.
"Ok Shino, while I am gone I want you to watch Arthur for me, he isn't big enough to come with us."
"I understand Kiba-san, Arthur is the yellow cat correct?"
"He is a tiger cub but yes."
"And watch my plants Shino."
"I will Ino-san, just make sure you use my exoskeleton gel in your fight, will make your skin like iron."
"Thank you Shino…God where are Shikamaru and Choji?" Ino asked in frustration.
"Sakura-chan I don't think you should…"
"To bad Baka I am going and that is that."
"I will never win with you."
"Maybe, the future could hold anything."
"Choji we will be so amazing in out battle it will be as youthfull as spring!"
"That is great Lee…"
Why did I have to be roomed with Lee just because I arrived late?
Shikamaru's head was ablaze with thoughts, different battle strategies, and all the possible outcomes of the fight to come. He would prefer nothing more than to have gone to sleep already but his mind would not allow him to be lazy tonight, on the one night he actually needed it.
There did come some solos from his thoughts in the form of a knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
"It is me, can I come in?" A female voice asked.
"I guess." Shikamaru replied.
The door opened slowly and entered the body the voice belonged to.
"I came to talk is that all right?"
"Well you always are an interesting person to talk to, so go ahead Temari."
Well im still alive, it isn't discontinued, and here is the latest chapter...what can i say for being SO late with this update? um...sorry? There was alot of stuff but nothing really as a concrete reason. So really sorry.
Thank you for the reviews i did get they were all very nice, i feel like i should do something if i get a certain number of reviews but i dont know. Oh well, feel free to reviews they keep my spirits up and hey give alot i might be motivated more on the next chapter.
Sgnutman pointed out that this story was like a legacy of kain cross over, i congradulate him on noticing the similarity with the pillars but just to say the pillars and one other future thing were my only inspirations from Legacy of Kain, i have alot of influences. And yes Legacy of Kain is an amazing video game series.
Good day and have a pleasent tommorow