KrystalClear101: Hi!Hi! Everyone! This is the first story I've ever written! I'm revising it!

(clears throat)

Kris: Just like old times, AJ! Do the disclaimer please!

(a character from another story)

AJ: Sure just remember to give me five bucks.

Kris: Five bucks? Seriously? We've been through this, you work for me so why should I pay you?

AJ: Exactly! I work for you so I should be getting paid!

Kris: ...Fine! Lousy no good money stealing-

AJ: KrystalClear101 is not the owner of pokemon..

Kris: Now that I'm five dollars poorer, we can begin!

All: Start the party!

Chapter 1

From Bad, to Worse, to Terrible

'Why me?' Is what I often ask myself. 'Why me? Why did we have to move? Why am I an only child? Why do I have to get a pokemon?' Are the questions that I always ask myself but never seem to get an answer. You're probably wondering what's going on. We'll I'd be happy to explain how my day went from bad, to worse, to terrible, in three parts.

FLASHBACK!-That's the part of the story where we go back in time to explain things you missed.

Far away in a distant place, a forest is burning with young girl inside.

"Hello? Is someone there? Please someone help me! Hurry!" her cries are left unanswered. Suddenly tree breaks, and then begins to fall right on top of the girl.

"AAAHHH!" she screams as she closes her eyes and braces for pain. Then something, or someone carries her out of danger. She feels the wind in her face so she slowly opens her eyes to see that she's in the arms of a stranger. Once they're out of the burning forest he slowly puts her down and begins to walk away.

"Wait!" she calls out to him.

"What's your name?" Although he turns around, his face is not visible.

"My name is-"

"-MAY! Are you still sleeping? You better get up or you're going to be late!" Mother says as she yells up the stairs interrupting my dreams.

At the sound of her shrill voice I jump and-

"OW!" I bang my head on the head board.

"Geez that hurt!" I shrieked clutching my head tightly as tear drops form in the corner of my eyes. An anime style bump the size of a minimized pokeball appears on my head.


(clears throat)

Part 1: Banging My Head on the headboard



I slowly get out of bed with one hand on my head as if that would ease the pain. I walk down the hallway towards the bathroom and start my usual routine. You know, teeth, hair, clothes, and my favorite, breakfast. Considering the fact that I love food.

So I get ready to brush teeth using my new tunes toothbrush that plays music while you brush your teeth. I forget what song it is. After I brush my teeth I walk back to my room to brush my hair which is a jungle by now. I'm known to have 'unruly' hair.

As I reach the mirror I pick up my brush and begin to 'tame the jungle' that is my brunette colored hair. I neatly part it half way in the middle into two separate pieces and comb my bangs down, giving me my signature look.

I reach into my draw and pull out my usual attire, which is a red and navy blue polo top, dark blue biker shorts, and a white mini skirt to go on top. Then I pull out my long all black socks, as well as my red and white bandana and white and blue gloves.

As you can already tell I am very color coordinated. After I get all my clothes on I neatly tie my bandana on my hair and fasten my shoes which are also red, white, black, and yellow. Therefore completing my ensemble.

So far so good. My morning was going great aside from the increasing headache I had. Everything was going in routine, until I saw it.

The horror.


An empty table.

"Mom!" I screamed in terror. It was like I had been abducted by aliens or something, my worst nightmare. NO FOOD!

"What? You're still here? You need to get going or else there'll be no pokemon left by the time you get there!" she said.

"But Mom! What about breakfast?" I whined while pinching myself, thinking I'm still dreaming.

"You're going to have to skip breakfastin order to get there on time." Those words

"S-skip b-br-bre-breakfast!" the two most horrible words in the Universe. "NOOO!"

"You know if you don't get a pokemon today your father will be very upset." she explained.

"Pokemon, smokemon. Who cares? I just want breakfast." I whined again as if hope was still there.

"GO! You can eat when you get back, now go!" she demanded.

This was great, just great. I've got a throbbing headache and my stomach keeps reminding me that I skipped breakfast. Just then I shiver.

"Just reality that I skipped breakfastmakes me shudder." I sigh. "No use in cryin over spilled milk, with pancakes, buttered toast with ja- Snap out of it!" I yell out loud as hear whispers about the girl who talks to herself.

"Heh...move it along people nothing to see here!" I nervously assure my neighborhood. "Who knew these people were so nosy, sheez!"

"Good morning bike!" I say as I board my beautiful candy apple red bike. I love my bike. Not only does it get me where I need to go, but it matches my clothes!

With that I take off quietly riding through town, avoiding eye contact with the people I pass by, not wanting to be apart their daily gossip. I happily pedal through town smiling as I pass the gym, the best part of town. I wave to my dad as I exit the city. I sigh.

"I know it's really important that I get a pokemon, but I just don't like em' all that much seeing as their the reason dad forgets my birthday and stuff. But the thing I really wanna do is travel, see the world, and try all kinds of food! That'll be the best thing that comes out of this."

I keep riding as I reach Oldale town. A quaint small town probably the size of a thumbtack on a map, maybe smaller. As I keep riding I notice something. Hardly no people live here, about two houses, a PC, and a mart. "No wonder nobody lives here, there's nothing here! No gyms, no halls, no nothin'! I think I know why it's called Oldale, probably nothing but old people." I laugh at myself criticizing the town.

As I'm riding through the woods outside of Littleroot I see some ridges and decide to take a chance and jump over em'."Whoo Hoo! Yeah! That was awesome!" I said as I let the adrenaline take over. I'm preoccupied with adventure that I don't see this weird thing hovering over to me until it was too late.

"AAAHHH!" I scream losing control and running into a tree and bumped my head for the second time today.


Part 2: Bumping my head on a Tree



I'm on my bike clutching my head as the tear drops increase, not ready to flow but gettin there. "OW! Geez man, that hurts! Why didn't it have to hit in the same spot!" I scream. My headache now a migraine. "I can't ride my bike with this migraine. Sigh. I'll have to walk it the rest of the way." So I walked the rest of the way to Littleroot Town. "Wow. Some town, two houses and a big building, must be the lab.

Suddenly my nose twitches, "What's that smell?" As I get closer to the lab the smell increases. "Guu"My stomach tells me. Then I start to drool but I keep my composure as to act like a lady. Yeah right.

Finally I reach the Lab and lean my bike on the wall and start to walk towards the door as the smell gets stronger and stronger. "Aww man somethin' smells good!" I exclaim. Then I knock on the door. "Hello? Prof. Birch? It me, May." I say. Then a man about 6'1, 300 lbs., and brown hair and beard answers the door. He looks kinda annoyed.

"Hello May, you're late." he says as he welcomes me in. "What else is new?"I thought to myself. "You've grown a lot since I last saw you, how have you been?" he asked.

I completely ignore him due to the fact that I smell food and haven't had breakfast, I sniff then ask "A-are you h-having breakfast?" I stutter letting my hunger get the better of me.

"Why yes would you care to join us?" he asked offering food.

"Would I ever!" I exclaim wiping the drool from my mouth and approaching the table. I soon grab a plate stacking it two miles high with pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

Then as I reached for the syrup, it happened. The second horror.


"OW!" I screamed, but this time I wasn't alone. I had bumped heads with somebody else.


Part 3: Bumping heads with someone else

TERRIBLE (wait for it...) (the 2nd HORROR!)


My hands now clutching my head for the third time today and the tears now in a steady flow. I look up to see who the culprit was that caused me such pain, and what I see is a boy about my height with black hair, a red hat, a dark blue sweatshirt, light blue jeans, and black and blue shoes.

Me, now clutching me head, am now hyperventilating. "Why does it always hit the same spot." I said with a dazed tone and then blacked out.

To top it all off, I dropped my plate! Why? Why? WHY? Not the food, anything but the food!


So that's what happened. Where am I now?

"Hey, it looks like she coming around." I heard a voice say.

I open my eyes to see "Prof. Birch? What's going on? What happened?"

"Well," he said nervously "you sorta bumped heads with Ash over here and passed out." I look over to where he's pointing and see the same guy from before. "Tell me, have you suffered from any head injuries lately?"

As I begin to sit up, I am painfully reminded about this migraine. "Aw! It hurts to remember!" Then I see that guy laughing, and me rage takes over. "Hey! This is partially your fault, so I wouldn't be laughing if I were you, iron head!"

He then has an embarrassed look on his face and scratches his head. 'That shut him up!' I smirk on the inside. "Well, this morning I did happen to bump my head on the head board. And I ran into a tree on my way here."

I saw him laughing again, I glared at him while shooting daggers with my eyes. "Ah, now I see why you passed out. You have a minor concussion, too many bumps on the head, if you don't mind me saying. My advice, take it easy and watch where you're going. Oh here take these every four hours. That should stop the headaches." he said as he handed me a bottle of pills.

Great, I have a concussion, and now they're putting me on drugs, what next. Oh yes, the pokemon. "Can I get my pokemon now?" I ask in an annoyed tone. "Guu" My stomach reminds me. "Uhh can we eat first? I'm starving!" I laugh nervously.

Kris: Well, this is the first chapter. Hope you liked it! Updates are every Friday.

AJ: (mobbing around) -sigh-

Kris: What's wrong with you?

AJ: I'm not in this story!

Kris: -sigh- Drama Queen. Like I said updates are Fridays I'll try to keep up, but if I can't please don't hate me for it.

AJ: I heard that!

Kris: Like it matters! Anyway, Read and Review please! 4 sure!