Playing Big Brother
Yes yet another Mokuba and Seto Kaiba story written by me, got to love them!
This story is about how Seto Kaiba is always busy, so busy that he has absolutely no time for his little brother, Mokuba. After asking so many times and always getting the same response Mokuba gets bored of asking and makes a decision to try and find another brother, one that can spend time with him and such. What will Seto think, how does Mokuba find one and who is it?
Chapter 11: Trouble in the Cafe
The younger sibling sat nursing his drink at the small table just off to the side of the counter as the older sibling waited in the queue impatiently to pay. It was a long queue but the small boy was wishing it was longer. He had absolutely no desire to have an argument with his so called 'older sibling' and knew that he was most likely not going to enjoy this piece of news. Himself didn't enjoy the results as it was, why should he just go back to what he had before? Just to be ignored and snapped at on a daily basis.
"God! That line was something else!" Exclaimed a voice from above the boy, making the boy snap out of his own personal thoughts.
The younger sibling focused his eyes and looked up to see his 'older brother', who was now settling his tray down on to the table. He then proceeded to sit on the opposite chair and pulled his drink off the tray. "Cake?" He asked, motioning to a fairly large slice of chocolate fudge cake on the tray. "I know it's your favourite, Mokuba."
Mokuba looked at the slice briefly and then nodded at his companion with a finally forming smile. "Yea, thanks Alister."
"No problem, kid." Alister shrugged off; to him it wasn't a big deal because if you really care about someone and really knew them then you'd know the basic things about them like this.
Mokuba picked up the slice of cake, which was sat on a nice china plate, and placed it in front of himself. He carried on getting the metal fork off the tray so he could start eating. "Want a bit? You didn't get any for yourself." Mokuba offered and waited to start eating till he got an answer.
"No thanks." Alister shook his head. "It's totally for you."
"Are you sure?"
"Yep, I'm not really hungry now anyway."
Alister sat for a few minutes in silence as he watched Mokuba make a start on eating his cake and sipping at his drink. He was thinking carefully on how he could say what was needed to be said without hurting Mokuba's feelings but yet knew that neither of them really was going to like what was going to be said, but it needed to be said whether he or Mokuba liked it or not.
"You might as well start talking Alister." Mokuba commented finally, feeling that the silence was deafening. "I know we're mostly here to talk and to be honest, I don't know how long I've got for it."
Alister smirked to himself for a moment after hearing the comment.
"What?" Mokuba demanded with a frown on his face. He didn't like the fact that Alister might be laughing at him and actually be thinking that the subject matter was funny, he was deadly serious when he said he didn't know how long he could be out for before being caught and Seto finding out about the sneaking.
"Nothing, I'm just glad you're so honest." Alister shrugged with his so far mediocre explanation. "It's a rare quality to find now a days, it helps add to your child like innocence I guess."
"You sometimes come up with the strangest answers, Alister." Mokuba half giggled from the comment, not sure whether to take Alister's comment really serious. Sometimes Alister really did seem like he was in a world of his own and commented on such strange things, Mokuba just guessed that was what made him so unique. It didn't really matter though; Mokuba knew he was a good guy really no matter what his brother had said about him. "But seriously, I don't know how long I've got till I'll get caught out. I'm supposed to be on like some kind of 'lock down' and I snuck out while tricking the staff, he could have already figured out I've left, if not then really quickly."
Alister's face turned suddenly back to serious when he heard Mokuba's sentences and allowed them to be absorbed into his mind. "Ah, I see. We haven't really talked in so long that I didn't know you were on some kind of 'lock down'. Care to fill me in on some recent events?"
Mokuba nodded slowly, he knew he was going to have to tell Alister everything to even have a possible hope of trying to sort this mess out. "Seto..... Sort of found out about you........" Mokuba said in a whisper.
Alister's eyes widened a little from hearing that, it was a main goal they had been trying to keep. "How? Was that the reason why you've been hanging around with him so much?" Alister blurted, barely able to figure out where to start chatting from after hearing Mokuba's comment.
"No..... I've already told you before; I was hanging out with Seto because he was getting close to catching us out at the time. That sibling report thing was a dead giveaway and was unfortunately the downfall because that's how he found out." Mokuba frowned and shook his head.
"He found out from the sibling report?" Alister repeated what Mokuba had just said in the form of a question, not that it really was a question because he knew Mokuba was most likely not lying. He was just trying to get his head around the idea of Kaiba now knowing he was in the picture, and knew that Kaiba wasn't going to be happy and would 100% interfere now.
Mokuba nodded in confirmation before continuing what he was going to say. "He found out from that witch of a teacher of mine. The nosy witch got curious when she received my paper and was wondering why I hadn't done it on my real older brother, plus was wondering why I hadn't shown up for the extra class that I'd signed up for as a cover. She finally got a hold of him for once and somehow managed to persuade him to go down the school for a parents meeting thing, which Seto never does and is why I wonder often why he'd willingly go to it." Mokuba stopped to breathe his frustration out for a few second before continuing.
"Phhff! Teachers." Alister interfered for a moment to show his distaste of school staff. "Doesn't matter how much the times have changed and go on, teachers will always be nosy, messing gits. Sometimes I swear it's their mission to ruin lives of their students and what makes it even more annoying is that they think their being helpful."
Mokuba waited till the end of Alister's rant before going on to continue. Granted, what he said was true and this situation just proved it. It was a shame that Alister didn't find school more important..... He was really smart and could have possibly of gone far. "When there she gave him my report to look at, also giving him the backup work, which of course revealed everything!"
"How much 'everything'?" Alister asked as coolly as could muster.
"Everything as in everything." Mokuba heavily sighed in annoyance. "From realising it's you to him knowing about the sibling agency and he cancelled my application, trying to terminate me from doing anything with that company ever again."
"He can't just do that!" Alister shouted with annoyance and disbelief, possibly would've gone more over the top if it hadn't of been for them being in a public place. He should've seen this coming, if Kaiba found out it was very unlikely he was going to be willing to allow Mokuba to stay with such an agency.
"Oh yes, he can." Mokuba replied in a half laugh but the laugh being in a duh kind of voice. "Alister, he's not just my older brother. He's my guardian; it's always been this way really ever since our dad died. He can literally do whatever he feels like at any given time with me and there's nothing much you or me can do about it."
"There's got to be something......" Alister sighed in a massive huff. "He can't cut this deal off!"
"I don't know....." Mokuba sighed with him in frustration. "Look, Alister. I understand if you...... Don't want to continue this sibling project thing....... And want someone better."
"Hey, now listen to me kid." Alister snapped and pulled a serious face to Mokuba. "There is no one better that I'd rather spend my time with, to teach duel cards to and such. You've been just as good as my real brother, in fact you remind me so much of him. I don't want anyone else; I want you, why would you say that?"
"I just don't want to get you into anymore trouble Alister, which I know is going to come because of Seto." Mokuba continued to sigh, why did this situation have to seem like just a big black hole? "You know Seto never gives up on a project to destroy something or someone, you'll be such a moving target to him. And he'll most likely will enjoy ruining you on the personal level."
"I know........ All I have to say to that is........ Bring it on, Kaiba!" Alister scoffed, believing that anything Kaiba could do he could do better, anything Kaiba could dish up he could do 10 times as worse back. These sets of comments earn Alister nothing more than a glare from Mokuba on the opposite side of the table. "Hey, hey! It's not me that won't compromise and let things run smoothly here. You can't honestly expect me to roll over and let him push me aside, if that happens you know you'd never hear my name breathed in your presence ever again."
"Provoking him won't solve anything though, Alister." Mokuba tried to protest his thoughts. "Seto will only see it as war, that's the last thing anyone needs."
"Whose side are you on anyway?" Alister frowned. "Need I remind you that it was you yourself that willingly went to the sibling agency, no one forced you. If everything was so fine and hunky dory then, what were you doing by going to the agency?"
Mokuba went to open his mouth but immediately got cut off by Alister continuing his talk. Quickly realising that it wasn't literally a question, just Alister making his point. He made it his queue to cut off a small piece of his chocolate cake and place it gently into his mouth; he didn't want to look ungrateful to Alister because he had specially bought it for him.
"It's because he's neglectful as a brother. Now Mokuba, I've tried being nice and giving you breathers on this issue but come on, if he was the perfect brother then........ You wouldn't have felt the need to ever contact an agency. I thought he was a bad brother back then but now! At least beforehand he used to take you around with him on the business trips and tried to get you involved in the tournaments his company would host." Alister continued to critically comment.
"I miss those times......" Mokuba sighed, remembering the good times he used to have with Seto, back when Seto actually bothered to notice his existence. He remembered how Seto would give him big authority roles at most of his tournaments ran by Kaiba Corp. and had trusted him to do a good job, whenever no one would take his word on things Seto would personally come down to set things straight to those low class thugs. "Now he just keeps me at home....... Have no input in the company."
"It's like he's just cutting you out of things, thinks you can just magically cope on your own just because he's constantly busy with Kaiba Corp." Alister nodded and commented. "He won't even teach you cards!"
"I know!" Mokuba exclaimed, unable to hold that annoyance back to defend his brother on this subject. "I get made fun of constantly..... I'm related to THE Seto Kaiba. Do you understand how much pressure there is for that title? Most people think it's all about the fun, material things and, of course, the money.......... And how many privileges there must be for being related to someone that's over the moon famous, they think....... There's no way in hell he could actually act his usual cold way with his own flesh and blood, no one can be that heartless..... Even THE great Seto Kaiba....."
Mokuba paused for a moment to catch his breath, making sure of what exactly he was saying. He usually didn't express his feelings, especially anything not defending his big brother, but sometimes.... Everyone needs to release their outlet or else they start feeling like their head will explode. Alister nodded, showing he was clearly paying attention and genuinely cared to listen to Mokuba's thoughts, keeping silent so Mokuba could continue.
"They......... They make fun of me because my big brother is worldwide known as one of the best duellists in the world but yet...... I can't even beat a novice kid in the playground." Mokuba continued sadly. "I've asked Seto a million times to teach me but it was always the same excuse, not enough time..... And haven't I got better things to do? Like go on and keep studying to make sure I kept those A+'s rolling in, and since that I'm related to him I should have the smarts already and shouldn't need any extra help or assistance in any subject. I feel..... Like I often have to be like a doll. Have to be clean, tidy and smart all the time to keep up the Kaiba name, a Kaiba doesn't make mistakes or shows weaknesses. Appearance means a lot; you can't trust anyone except yourself, no point having friends and such in your life....... Sometimes, I hate Kaiba; hate what he stands for and what he has become."
Alister placed a comforting hand gently over Mokuba's on the table in sympathy, it was the first time he'd ever heard Mokuba say such things. He usually acts and says how much he loves his big brother and never mentions the negatives of Kaiba. After a few moments of silence Alister figures it was his time to input. "You...... Said Kaiba. You always call him Seto......"
"There are two......." Mokuba almost replies in a pained whisper. "There's my brother, Seto. Then there's Kaiba, the one that mostly shows himself now, more than Seto."
Alister pulled a confused look for a moment, trying to understand what Mokuba meant in his words but couldn't quite grasp the meaning. He went to open his mouth but couldn't quite process the words in time before he got cut off by a familiar voice.
"How nice. At least I know what you're thinking now or should I say, how you think towards me, Mokuba!"
Both Alister and Mokuba look to the side of them to see none other than Seto Kaiba sitting at the next table over, face full of thunder. Both Alister and Mokuba's mouths drop and eyes slightly widen from the surprise, however Mokuba more than Alister was frightened now.
"That's him officers, the man that kidnapped my little brother." Seto called suddenly before the cafe was plagued with a lot of Japanese police force members. They all swarmed in and started handcuffing Alister while Mokuba looked horrified and Seto was smirking to himself.