Chapter 3
- Drifting Away -
By: Melis

The walk home was quiet. Rukia and Ichigo hadn't said much to each other,
both lost in their own deep thoughts. It was annoying to an extent, the two
glancing at one another, looking away instantly upon making eye contact. To
make matters worse, they were the first two home, Isshin still at work and
Karin and Yuzu at the park.

"I'm...going to go lay down for a while..." spoke Rukia, Ichigo looking to
her concerned.

"I'm fine, just tired." she assured him, acceding the stairs quickly,
before he could protest.

Ichigo watched her at the foot of the stairs, heard the door open and close.
He sighed.

What had happened? What had gone wrong? Why did the meeting leave such a bad

He sighed, pushing away Urahara's words.

...what does he know...? he thought, walking into the kitchen.

...I can control it... insisted Ichigo, browsing the area, not particularly

And what did Urahara know? He sure as Hell had no idea where Aizen or Gin
was, not to mention the fact that he couldn't really explain the Hollows
either, yet he had time to question Ichigo's ability to keep his Hollow self
under wraps. How dare he! The man who taught Ichigo at the fight doubted him
so! If that was the case, did Rukia doubt him too? Was that why she was so
silent on the walk back, why she decided to "lay down" for a while? Ichigo
wasn't sure, but hoped that it wasn't true. Of all the people in the world,
she was the one who mattered most and to picture her doubting him, cowering
or flinching when near him was almost too much to endure.

...enough...! ...enough, enough, enough...! his mind snapped, shaking his

Now wasn't the best time to throw a pity party. At the moment, it was still
early. The rest of the family wouldn't be back for a couple of hours.
Ichigo refused to let what started out as a good morning end like this. Even now he
knew that talking to Rukia was eminent. He either did so now, or waited
until things got out of hand. Then again, he wasn't sure why Rukia was being
so quiet to begin with.

...come to think of it, she's been acting kind of strange... he thought,
tapping his chin.

And it was true. Rukia had become a lot more emotional after that last
Hollow fight where the two had fought together. She was quieter, on edge,
almost in tears at moments and why he wasn't sure.

...she can't be...pregnant... he thought, blushing at the word. It was true.
Ichigo never had the guts nor time to go that far with her.

...what could it be...? he wondered, staring at the ceiling. He sighed then
turning back out the door and heading up the stairs.

Standing around wasn't going to do any good, nor would creating scenarios.
He needed to speak with her directly.

He stopped at the door of his room, leaning in some to hear. It was silent.
He knocked softly.

"Rukia...?" he called. No answer.

He blinked, then, turning the handle slowly, opening the door, peeking in,
saw his room looking as it had that morning, clean and ready to go, except
for the small girl who lay on his bed.

He blinked, stepping fully in now, closing the door behind him. He walked
slowly to the bed, looking down at her.

She lay perfectly still on her side, facing him. Her eyes were closed and
her breathing calm, her lisp parted slightly, her hair limp across her face
and the pillow. she lay in a somewhat fetal position, though not so close to
her body, her legs bent as were her arms one against the bed, the other
under the pillow. He looked her over, blushing some, gently sweeping her
hair off her face, sitting on the edge of the bed beside her.

"Ichigo..." she moaned softly in her sleep, causing him to blink and blush,
unable to hold back a smile as well.

She sighed then, a content sigh, continuing to sleep, Ichigo watching her,
gently stroking her hair.

And then her face became sad, her eyebrows knitting together, in fright and sadness, her hands clenching into fists, her body trembling some.

"No...Ichigo..." she moaned, shifting some.

He blinked, shaking her gently.

"Rukia...?" he called, trying to wake her as she dreamed.

"Ichigo..." she cried urgent.

"You're...a Hollow..."

And he froze.'re a Hollow...

The words rang in his ears, caused his heart to twist and contort into a
rhythm of sadness and fright of shock and pain.

...Rukia... he thought, his hands moving back from her gently, her laying on
her back now, still sleeping, her expression still sad.

He stared at her, her perfection. She was beautiful, too beautiful for him.
He didn't deserve her, not even slightly. The pain on her face was obvious.
That pain was always there too. When she spoke of or to him, when she looked
at him, even when she dreamed about him.

"I'm a fool..." he spoke softly, gently running the back of his hand over
her delicate cheek.

"A helpless fool..." he added, closing his eyes.

Rukia shifted, moaning some softly, warmth on her right cheek. She reached
for it, taking it in her hands, holding it to her, smiling.

"Ichigo..." she spoke, opening her eyes slowly to look up at him.

And she blinked, because Ichigo wasn't he one before her, nor was it his hand
she was holding. It was Renji's.

"Renji!" she shouted, jerked awake now, sitting up, Renji leaning over her,
standing beside the bed. Their foreheads collided.

"Ow! Blast Rukia!" he spoke, holding his head as he toppled over onto his
rear. Rukia glared some, rubbing her head.

"What are you doing here?!" she asked, sitting up once more, her right temple throbbing.

Renji glared back, flipping to his feet.

"Working, what else?" he said coldly, Rukia frowning some, looking away from
him to hide her sadness.

"Of course." she spoke matter-a- factly.

It was silent for a bit, the two not looking at one another. And then Rukia
blinked, turning to him.

"Where is Ichigo?" she asked knew Renji would be mad.

He glared snorting some.

"How should I know? You're his girl, yet he goes out without telling you
where? That's pretty sad, eh?" he offered, Rukia glaring some, turning from
him angrily, closing her eyes.

...damn it.. Renji thought, biting his lower lip.

"Rukia..." he spoke, sighing.

"I'm sorry..."

She sighed deeply nodding.

"It's's hard to see you two together..." he added.

"Beacuse I, well I...-" he began, stopping when his cheeks heated up, when
Rukia broke in.

"I understand Renji. Forgive me." she spoke softly, on her feet now, looking
out the window.

She wasn't sure why Renji was here. True, he was a Soul Reaper and there was
a good chance he had been assigned to this area. However, it was still early
in the day and if Renji was "working" as he said he was, then why did he
take the time, time that was crucial, to come see her?

Rukia sighed then, noting it didn't matter. What did matter was the fact
that Ichigo was gone. She knew he must have snuck out and that Renji really
did have no idea where he was. It wasn't like Renji to be so childish and
hide it from her.

"I really don't know where he is." Spoke Renji, beside her, Rukia sighing again, nodding.

"If it were me..." he began, reaching to her, gently turning her face to
him, raising her chin.

"I would never leave your side..." he spoke, Rukia blinking, blushing up at

"R-Renji..." she spoke, Renji leaning in then, Rukia blushing more, turning
her head quickly to look out the window, Renji frowning some.

"I should be going now." spoke Renji with a sigh, letting his fingers trail
along her chin some, staring down at her. Rukia couldn't help but look up
at him.

"I promise to come back and see you once I'm done." he added with a smile,
Rukia blinking and blushing once more.

"I might be working." she said, looking out the window, unable to
shake Renji's longing gaze.

"Its fine. I'll wait." he replied, his hand on the windowsill, his fingers
brushing against hers some.

"Renji..." she spoke, closing her eyes blushing, turning from him.

He blinked, then sighed, closing his eyes.

Rukia listened as Renji leapt onto the windowsill, though was determined not
to face him.

"I will leave now." he said, Rukia giving a slight nod, her head lowered,
fist clenched.

"If I see Ichigo...I'll tell him you're looking for him..." he added
softly, Rukia blinking her expression saddening.

Renji went to leap then.

"Renji..." she spoke softly.

He stopped, looking to her.

"Thank you..."

He blinked, blushing with a nod, then was gone.

Rukia waited a bit before she turned and looked out the window. He heart was
racing due to Renji's forwardness. She blushed, touching her hand holding
it to her chest closing her eyes.

" fool..." she thought.

It was lonely for a while. Rukia wandered the house some, looking over all
the little details she had missed while living here. She was so glad that
Isshin had taken her in, that Yuzu and Karin liked her, that she could be
closer to Ichigo...

And yet, it seemed like they were slowly drifting apart, drifting away. This
last week had been hard on them. The Hollows, the battles, going back and
forth to and from Soul Society. All of this because of her, but Ichigo never
saw it that way. He saw what she did to him as a gift, a way to get strong
so he could protect people, especially her. That thought made her happy to
an extent.

"Ichigo.." she said, looking around sadly. Why had he gone out alone?

She went to the kitchen then, looking around a bit. Perhaps he had left a
note? That's what married couples usually did in the movies. Then again,
they weren't married and this wasn't a movie.

She sighed, her eyes catching something stuck to the fridge. She walked to
it, taking it into her hands.

'Went for a walk. Be Back Soon. -Ichigo' was scribbled on it.

She blinked, sighing, letting her arms drop to her sides, trudging into the
next room. She sat on the couch staring at the blank T.V. She knew nothing
was on. Then again, she didn't feel like watching anything anyway.

Slowly she lay on her side, staring out the window. It was a little after
one in the afternoon. Soon the others would be home. She closed her eyes
then, a soft sigh escaping her lips.


Ichigo wandered the area quietly. He passed the usual lunch stop, the book
store, the arcade, all of them suddenly looking dull. He spotted Keigo and
Mizuru earlier, but ducked into a tea shop until they were gone. Sadly the
old lady there had talked him into buying some tea. He looked to the small
plastic bag in his hands, knew he had picked out ginger tea, Rukia's
he thought, trying hard to ignore the words that gnawed at the
back of his head, at his heart.

He sighed then, closing his eyes, bumping into someone.

"Oh, sorry!" he said, catching himself the other person doing the same.

"Walking with your eyes closed Ichigo? That's not like you." spoke the
voice, Ichigo blinking.

It was Uryu, wearing his signature white t-shirt and black slacks. The two
looked to each other in silence, Uryu blinking some, looking around Ichigo.

"Where's Rukia?" he asked, Ichigo's face suddenly distressed. Uryu raised an
eyebrow as his friend turned, leaning against a wall now, looking at the

"She was taking nap, so I snuck out and bought her some tea for later." he
said rasing the bag on his wrist slightly, his other hand in his pocket.

Uryu looked at the bag, then to Ichigo suspiciously.

"I see..." he spoked. Ichigo knew he wasn't convinced.

"It's just so odd not seeing her beside you." added Uryu, Ichigo looking at

He sighed then, nodding.

"I know..." spoke Ichigo, looking away now.

It was silent for a moment, people passing, coming less and less as the
sun began to set.

"Well, I'd best be getting home." began Uryu, Ichigo blinking, awakened from
his trance like state.

"Oh? What's the hurry?" asked Ichigo, turning his face towards the violet
haired male.

"The craft club is having a blanket making contest. I went out today to get
the right shades of blue and such for it, but I need to start ASAP, plus I
need to drop some thread off at Orihime's house-" he spoke, blinking as he

"Orihime's house, huh?" teased Ichigo, Uryu blushing more.
"I-It's not like that! I'm just bring her some supples and showing her some
needle work so she can start the assignment! We are int eh same club you
know!" stated Uryu, facing away from Ichigo, adjusting his glasses as he
blushed like mad.

"You and Orihime get along good." said Ichigo, Uryu blinking some, looking
back at him.

He nodded.

"Yeah, that's great." he added shaking his head some, his gaze fixed on the

Uryu blinked narrowing his eyes a bit.

"Oh? Are you jealous Mr. Kurosaki?" asked Uryu, Ichigo blinking and looking
to his friend. He couldn't tell if he was serious or not.

"Well, I'd be mean to say no. Orihime is a great girl, she's really nice.
Plus she went though a lot to protect me..." he added, looking up once

"I don't intend to hand her over." spoke Uryu. Ichigo knew he was serious.

"...That's good." Spoke Ichigo, the two staring at each other tensely.

"Anyway..." began Uryu, turning now.

"I'm heading over there now. If you want you can tag along." he added.

Ichigo smirked, knew Uryu was trying to prove that there was nothing serious
going on between him and Orihime.

"Alright." added Ichigo, pushing himself from the wall and following his

"You can use my cell to call Rukia if you want." offered Uryu, reaching for
it, Ichigo freezing some, dreading to talk to her at the moment.

"No, it's fine. I left her a note earlier telling her I was out." he said,
Uryu looking at him questionably.

"A note?" he asked. Ichigo blinked.

"I...see..." spoke Uryu, his eyes narrowed once more as he pushed up his

The two began to walk then, side by side, though in silence. Ichigo sighed a
few times, suddenly having Deja Vu from this morning. Uryu glanced to him
every few minutes, noting his sour express, the way his bit his lower lips
at times, knew something was up.

"You going to tell me what's wrong?" asked Uryu.

Ichigo blinked, then frowned.

"Nothing's wrong." replied Ichigo, his voice annoyed.

Uryu frowned.

"I can tell something is wrong." he added, Ichigo stopping, Uryu doing the

"Sadly, I'm accustom to your presence and expressions." he added with a
smirk, Ichigo smirking too at his friends teasing.

"I didn't know you were so fond of me." added Ichigo through clenched teeth,
Uryu chuckling some.

"Fondness is a strong word Ichigo. It's more like annoyance."

Ichigo shook his head sighing.

"Is it about Rukia?" asked Uryu, walking again.

Ichigo frowned, her name making his heart do a back flip.

"Maybe." he answered following him once more.

"I see..." spoke Uryu, being careful now as he spoke.

They turned the corner then, heading to the sections that broke into 4
different areas. Uryu took the left walk home, Orihime was the front, while
Chad lived behind them. They had passed his house on the way, though noted
the darkened windows, figured he was sleeping. It was after 10 P.M. Ichigo
would take the right path, and would be home within fifteen minutes.

"What's wrong?" asked Uryu, Ichigo sighing.

"Well..." began Ichigo, stopping as his friend continued on at a slow pace.
He scratched the back of his head.
"I don't think...I'm strong enough." he spoke, Uryu freezing, looking back at
him in disbelief.

"What?" he said shocked.

"I don't think I'm strong enough!" shouted Ichigo, Uryu frowning, annoyed.

"How can you say that?!" shouted Uryu, facing forward now, his fist clenched.

"When you were the one who was able to save Rukia?!" he added, Ichigo
blinking some.

"And what does Rukia care about your strength anyway?" he offered, looking
to the Soul Reaper puzzled.

"I'm sure she wants you to be strong to protect yourself, but still. She
loves you for more then that-" he began Ichigo waving his hand some,
stepping to him.

"Its not that." he said, walking past the Quincy.

"Then what?" asked Uryu, completely confused.

"I don't think I'm strong enough to control...'it'..." he spoke, Uryu
blinking, then narrowing his eyes some, knowing what he meant.

It was silent for a while, the stars above sparkling, though the lights that
lined the sidewalks made it hard to see them. The breeze was cool, but
gentle and felt good, seemed to blow everything away. Lights were going off
in the distance, the two quickly recognizing them to be lightning. They
watched it for a bit, the thunder rolling slowly towards them.

"Get stronger then Ichigo." spoke Uryu, at the intersection now.

Ichigo blinked, frowning.

"I don't know how..." he said, looking at the ground annoyed but his sudden

"Then figure it out. You've always been good at that." added Uryu, walking
now to Orihime's house.

"But-" began Ichigo, Uryu waving some.

"You can fight all you want, but personally..." began Uryu, stopping a good
couple of feet away.

"I think Rukia is the answer." he added, Ichigo blinking, shocked.

"What?" Ichigo asked, tilting his head some.

Uryu frowned, sighing, waving once more as he walked.

"Later Ichigo." he called, disappearing into the night.

The walk home was a long one. Ichigo had replayed Uryu's words of wisdom
over and over again in his mind, analyzing them as best he could, yet had
turned up nothing.

What did he mean keep fighting? Would that really make a difference? And
why did he say Rukia was the key? He sighed, knew he was fighting a losing

Ichigo made it home later then he expected, almost 11 P.M. now. He sighed,
looking at the house, looked up at his window, saw the light was on.

...I wonder if she's still sleeping... he thought, knew it wasn't true. She
had probably woken up, read his note and prepared dinner.

...damn it... he thought with a sigh.

...I don't want to do this...
he thought, annoyed by his sudden cowardice.

All he had to do was walk in , say hi dad if he was up and then dart to his
room. It seemed easy, but he knew he'd have to face Rukia and right now, he
wasn't sure how to do that, her words from earlier drifting back to shore once

...enough, this is pathetic... he thought, annoyed now, ripping the door
open, but being sure to close it softly since it was so late.

He crept into the house, removing his shoes, then made his way towards the
stairs, peeking into the living room, saw his father watching T.V. He began
to sneak by.

"Have a nice walk?" he asked Ichigo almost falling over.

"Yeah, it was fine." he replied, trying to stop his heart from pounding.

"Good." his father added, flipping through the channels. Ichigo stood for a
bit, then began to walk.

"Rukia left your dinner in the fridge." added Isshin, Ichigo closing his eyes.

"She figured you'd be hungry." he continued, laughing some.,

"It's a good thing she saved you some. Yuzu and Karin were fighting for
scraps and I almost ate your dish, but she worked so hard to save you some,
I didn't want to make that pretty face of hers sad." he finished, Ichigo
smiling some picturing it in his mind.

"I'll eat it in a bit." he spoke, heading for his room.

He steeped up the stairs slowly, entering his room. He glanced around, saw
that the bed was perfect as if no one had been laying there at all. He then
crept to the closet opening it slowly to find it..empty.

"Rukia...?" he called then, looking about the room. He frowned some, kneeling
to look under the bed. Nothing.

...damn it, where is she...? he thought, frowning as he stood.

"Mmm, if you're looking for Rukia, she's not here..." said a muffled voice
from the bed.

Ichigo blinked, reaching slowly to the top of the covers, yanking them down
to find Kon laying there, hugging onto one of Rukia's shirts.

" smell so nice..." he added with a blush.

"Kon, what the hell are you doing in my bed? And where is Rukia?" asked
Ichigo annoyed.

"I think she got hungry and went to the kitchen. She was in here for a long
time waiting for you." he added, drifting back to sleep.

Ichigo frowned, a stab of pain hitting his gut.

...Rukia... he thought, sighing as he shrugged off his jacket and headed back

He headed into the kitchen, flicking the light on and saw it was empty. He
frowned then, looking around the room. The table was perfect, not a chair
out of place. Same with the dishes and such, all put neatly away. Ichigo
sighed then, knew she was probably mad at him. He then headed to the fridge,
getting his dinner.

It took a bit of poking around and some creative stacking, but he was able
to find and remove the dish, heating it in the micro, then setting it on the counter.
He reached for the bag from earlier, placing the packets of tea he
had bought into the jars that lined the back walls. He grabbed his plate then
and headed back upstairs, flicking the light off.

He entered his room again, setting his plate on the desk, glancing around to
see if she was there. She wasn't, the closet still open, still empty...

...damn it... he sighed, turning his attention to his food. He hadn't
noticed until now how hungry he really was.

Carefully he peeled back the plastic covering, setting it aside, grabbing
his chopsticks, looking down at the masterpiece before him.

It was teriyaki chicken on fired soba noodles, complete with home made
egg rolls and fried rice. He smiled some, picturing her working hard to make
the meal for the family.

He dug in then, his back to the window as he ate, staring at the closet, as
if he expected her to spring out at any moment. The food was gone within a
few minutes, Ichigo being sure to get every piece of rice from the sides of
the dish. He set the empty container down then, staring off some.

"Was it good?" he heard from behind, choking some.

"Is that a no?" the voice asked, a little disappointed.

"Rukia!" he shouted facing her now.

She blinked, nodding.

"Where have you been!?" he shouted, before her.

She blinked, sitting in the windowsill, holding up a bag of sweet bean

"I wanted a late night snack." she said, Ichigo falling over anime style.

"Well that's one late night snack!" he added, recovered.

Rukia frowned then glared, crossing her arms.

"Well, it's not like I had anyone to go with me." she added, Ichigo
blinking, frowning.

The two were silent then, Ichigo standing a few feet away, scratching the
back of his head, Rukia still in the windowsill, eyeing her bag of sweets.
"I'm sorry..." he spoke, Rukia looking to him.

"I was just...worried..." he added, looking at her seriously

"It's ok..I was worried too." she said, Ichigo frowning some.

"You don't need to worry about me." he assured her, stepping to her some.

"I can't help it." she replied, shaking her head, looking down.

Ichigo stepped to her then, raising her chin with his hand, leaning in,
kissing her slowly.

She blushed, eyes wide, then closed them slowly, moaning softly against his lips.

"Care to share that with me?" he asked with a smile and a wink.

She blinked, smiling.

"Maybe." she teased, leaping from the ledge now.

"Oh?" he added, watching as she sat on the edge of his bed.

"What?" she asked, tearing into the bag now, licking at it.

"Hey, no eating on the bed." he said, Rukia rolling her eyes.

"Technically it's snacking." she corrected, Ichigo smirking.

"That's it." he said, lowering himself some into a crouch.

"What are you..." she began, suddenly on her back, Ichigo on top of her,
pinning her, playfully kissing her neck and cheek.

"Ichigo!" she laughed, trying to push at him, but to no avail.

"Hey, you taste way sweeter then that stuff." he spoke, kissing her neck
more, Rukia Blushing, wigging her hands free, wrapping them around him,
hugging him tightly.

He smiled, hugging her the same, closing his eyes.

"I love you Ichigo..." she spoke into his shoulder, clutching him to her.

He blushed, staring off some, closing his eyes hugging back the same.

"I love you too Rukia..."

The next day began much as the first, Rukia and Ichigo waking up in one
another's arms ,followed by a quick pillow fight, then topped with an
entertaining breakfast with the family.

"Tea! And here I thought my boy was going out alone to rent an adult film!"
joked Isshin, silenced by Karin and Ichigo, once again a heap on the floor.

Isshin then headed to work, Yuzu heading to a friend's house and Karin
playing soccer in the park with the boys.

Rukia dressed in Ichigo's room that day, mainly because he was in the
bathroom and she really didn't want to wait. She tugged off her pajamas, and
began to slip into a teal sleeveless knee length sun dress. Ichigo had
opened the door at the same time, freezing in mid step, shocked to see her
back to him, and the back of her white bra and matching pantie.

"Ichigo, I'm done." she said, tugging the dress into place, about to turn,
Ichigo flopping around, closing the door, then opened it slowly, Rukia
looking at him curiously, noting he was now wearing a navy blue shirt and
matching jeans.

"Are you feeling alright? Your face is bright red." she said, leaning to him,
touching his forehead with her hand.

"No! No! I'm fine! Ahahaha!" he laughed nervously, Rukia blinking.

"Anyway..." he began, pushing the mental images aside, though storing them
safely into his memory for later use.

"What do you want to do today?" he asked looking to her now.

She blinked up at him, then turned, thinking,

"Hmm..." she began, Ichigo at her side now, kissing her cheek.

She blushed looking to him.

"Want to head to the park? We could fly a kite, though id' worry you'd end
up flying away since you're so small." he teased, Rukia frowning some,
swatting at him playfully.

"I can still take you on, don't forget that." she teased, Ichigo rolling his

"What? Back in the day? I'm way stronger now." he spoke, his face suddenly
serious, Rukia blinking.

"Nothing..." he added, shaking his head.

"Anyway, lets go get you a kite." he stated, taking her hand and walking her
the rest of the way out of the house.

They headed down the street then, Ichigo holding her hand as always, pointing
things out he thought would interest her, explaining things that did.

They reached the city then, its bustling much more then before. There were
also a few new shops, carts lining certain areas, selling their wares and other items

most of which happened to be food.

They continued then, Ichigo buying her an ice cream cone, getting himself
one as well. He smiled watching her intently as she ate it, trying hard to
forget the talks of yesterday.

They found the kite shop then, Rukia eyeing a pretty blue and purple
butterfly one.

"I like that one." she said, poking at the glass, Ichigo nodding.

"I'm going to get that one then." he said, motioning to one in the back.
Rukia blinked, unable to see it.

"Oh, right, you're too short." he said, patting her head, Rukia swatting at
him, Ichigo laughing.

"Pardon ME for cutting in." spoke a voice, Ichigo stumbling back some.

"Ichigo..?" called Rukia, blinking now at someone else.

"Renji." growled Ichigo, Renji facing him, the two staring one another down.

"Renji, what are you doing here?" asked Rukia, blinking as she stood behind

"I'm here on urgent business!" he replied, facing her.

"Whats wrong?" she asked, seriously.

"You two are needed in Soul Society now!" he added. It was then Ichigo
noticed how out of breath Renji was.
"What's going on?" asked Rukia, Renji shaking his head.

"A Ryoka has broken in, a strong one." he began, turning now.

"We think it might be Aizen." he added, Rukia and Ichigo exchanging glances.

"Are you sure?" asked Ichigo, suddenly angry.

Renji frowned, glaring at the orange haired male.

"Of course! I heard it with my own ears! Why else would I come to see YOU?"
he snapped, the two once again in each others faces, glaring and griping at
the front of their shirts.

"Hey!" called Rukia, trying to separate them.

"It's true Ichigo." spoke a cool voice from above.

The three looked up to Yoruichi.

"Yoruichi!" called Ichigo, Renji blinking some.

"You're here too, eh?" he asked, Yoruichi rasing an eyebrow, smiling.

"Of course. So stop your squabbling!" she shouted, serious now.

"We need to get back to Soul Society ASAP." she stated, using a flash step to
land beside them, Ichigo and Renji reluctantly letting go of one another.

"Come everyone." she began, facing the way to Urahara's shop.

"Follow me!" she called, racing away, the three following her close behind,
Rukia trying hard to ignore the feeling of dread that tugged at her heart.

Ah, chapter 3 is done. This is a new record for me XD Anyhoo, how are you
liking it so far? Melis is doing some basic research so that the next
chapters will make sense about Aizen, Gin and the Arrancar! Woop woop! Anyhoo,
I hope you're enjoying the fiction I know I love writing it! And hey, it's
Renji! Don't worry though, the other Soul Society peoples will be in it too!
Other then that, things are going to get REALLY good in the next chapter, so
I hope you'll come back to read the exciting and jaw dropping chapter 4!
That said, I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next and please be sure to
read my other fictions for Bleach and Shaman King!