This started out as a Roleplay Idea, and I loved it so much Ive made it Into a full fledged story. It takes place around the childrens 3rd year.

Please R&R! Its my first forray into the Potter Realm of Fanfiction.

Danielle Silvermane had been born in a Cherokee reservation in the Smokey Mts. of North Carolina. Gifted was what her parents called her, she was taking things apart from the time she could toddle, and putting them back together before she learned proper speech.

When strange things happened around Danny, no one questioned it, raised with as much of the old traditions as possible, when these things occured, they simply shrugged it off as the spirits working their magic with their youngest daughter.

And when she went to her first Clan gathering at the age of 15 in the deserts of the Mid-West, while dancing around the fire her Totem came to her in the form of a Coyote, but not just one, an entire wild pack. They stood on the edge of the hill watching her, and rivited, distracted from her dance, she ran to them...and before the eyes of all the gathered clans, she turned into a Coyote as she ran, and joined the pack.

She was hailed as Spirit touched, and her presence was requested at every formal gathering..

Two weeks after the Gathering, a wizened old man appeared outside of her home and requested to speak to her, and her parents..

The Sponser

"A Wizard!?" Danny leapt to her feet. "Thas bullshit, there aint no such thing"
Albus Dumbledoor chuckled and removed his wand, making Danny's cup float off of their small coffee table...she sank into her seat beside her parents.

Dumbledoor continued. "Under normal circumstances, Danielle would have been discovered and transfered to a wizard school at the age of 11. Apparently the American Ministry of Magic has been slack in its observation of its people. Danielle is too gifted not to be trained, I will personally sponser her for her tutilage, and when she reaches the point her American tutors can teach her No further, she will come to Hogwarts. It is a special case, and we wish to give Danielle the chance to learn all she can. It will be benificial to both the Wizarding world, and your people."

Danny simply leapt from her position with her parents and fairly flew into Dumbledoor's lap. "This is truely for real?" Albus ran his hand through her long black hair.

"Indeed my girl. Very true...and you must have an owl so that we can corrispond throughout your schooling.. "

1 year Later

"Like hell I cant get my Mechanic's Certification while Im taking my Wizarding classes! Watch me! Ive got to have a career besides Magic! I live in America, tell me where growing mandrakes is going to put food on my table? Mmmm???"

Yet another argument she seemed to have this term. Danny was headstrong, stubborn and a headache to most of her Tutors, but gifted...oh she was Gifted. She took to Magic like a fish took to water...but she clung to her Muggle ways..much to the dissapointment of her tutors.

She sent her owl off with a Letter to her Sponser as she did everyweek.

"Uncle Albus, (it would be titled as always)

My tutors are pressing me to give up my College courses, and I wont. Magic is wonderful and all, but A person needs a real job to survive, they just cant understand it. I have another Clan Gathering next week and they do not wish me to go. They tell me I must give up all this 'Muggle' nonsense. I swear to you if it wasnt for the respect I have for you, I'd turn them all into flies and feed them to my Venus Fly trap! My Clan Gatherings are a Sacred Tradition of my People. I have a special role in the tribal Ceremony...and they just wont understand. I wish you would come to the Gathering, atleast once. It may seem primitive, but...its important to me. My Parents would be honored if you came. If you cannot I understand, you;ve got a school to run. I supose I will see you soon enough when Ive finished here. And no I havent stopped smoking. You'll probably be horrified to know Ive gotten into Ink, and both of my arms are tattooed from shoulder to wrist. Its lovely art and im happy with them...When I come to Hogwarts I'll have to see if I can fix any of the Muggle machines you have you spoke of that werent working properly. It is late and Ive got to study for this next test they have for me. Until your owl arrives...I remain your faithful student, and Spirit neice.
