His life was over. Over. Fred Weasley needed glasses. His life was over. The Muggle eye doctor man told him about these lenses that you put into your eyes. "Are you mental?!" he exclaimed. "They're called contacts. You don't even know they're there." So Fred had contacts and a bottle of eye drops and he was attempting to put them in on his own when Hermione barged in.

"Fred, do you have a…what are you doing?" she asked looking at him oddly. "Well…uh…I just got contacts...and…I can't get them in." he said. Hermione grinned. "I can help." She said, motioning for him to sit on a chair before she ever so gently placed a finger under his chin and tipped his head back. Deciding it would be easier than leaning across him, she walked around so that she was behind him, and took the contacts and the eye drops.

Fred kept squirming around and moving, making it impossible for Hermione to get the lenses in without poking out his eye. "Fred! Stop moving or I will be forced to poke your eye ball out." She said. Fred, though thoroughly frightened of her threat, continued to squirm. "Sorry Mione…it feels funny…you coming at me and all." He said uncomfortably.

Hermione sighed as she made another attempt to insert the contact. "Alright Fred, you've left me no choice." Fred covered his eyes in a terrified manner, expecting her to claw out his eyeballs. Instead she walked around so that she was in front of him, and then straddled him. Fred was so shocked he didn't even think about moving. She placed one hand on his cheek, her thumb holding open his eye, then she inserted the contact, as well as a few drops.

Hermione had leaned forward so she could get a better view of Fred's other eye, and Fred had absolutely no intentions of moving, as his head was pressed against her chest. He had a wicked smirk on his face. Finally, after the fun was over, and Hermione had completed her task, she got off of his lap and grinned at him. "All better?"

Fred grinned and tackled her to the floor. "Thank you!!!" he exclaimed, tickling his brothers best friend in the rib cage and laughing as she squealed. "Fred!! Fredrick Arthur Weasley!! Stop it!!" she giggled. Fred stopped and allowed her to stand. She plopped down on the chair Fred was previously on to catch her breath. Fred was grinning up at her from the floor, and he watched as she took a few deep breaths, a large smile still on her face.

She really was something else. Her bushy hair had tamed, if only in the slightest, over the years, but still made a bushy halo around her head. Her body was slender and curved in all of the right places making it obvious to the world that she was becoming a woman. These, were some amazing contacts.

How was it possible that she just now got gorgeous? Even as he thought it he knew it was a lie. She had always, always been beautiful. She grinned down at him and all Fred could think of was how she really needed to stop that insane…smiling stuff for it was simply…to cute.

"So…uh…what did you need?" he asked remembering that she had barged in for a reason. "Oh! Do you still have your seventh year Potions book? I need a copy for some references, and we haven't gone to Diagon Alley yet. I asked George…but he burned his copy…your twin is very odd." She said moving to sit on his bed. Fred grinned at her mention of George's oddness.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure…let me find it." He walked over and searched through his trunk which had been basically abandoned since his untimely departure from Hogwarts. He abstracted random objects such as fake wands ("Hey! That's our first collection of the really advanced ones!"), Skiving Snack Boxes ("Remember those Mione? Rather ingenious weren't they?"), Canary Creams ("Merlin! Remember the time we turned Neville into a canary?"), and a small purple bottle with no label.

After throwing random articles of clothing all over the room ("Hey!! THERE'S my favorite pair of boxers!!"), he finally reached the bottom, and pulled out the book. "Here you go." He said handing it to her. Hermione had an amused look on her face as she looked around the room. Fred's 'favorite' boxers were now hanging off of a chair, in all of their silky blue glory. She blushed red and whipped her eyes elsewhere.

"Thanks." She mumbled. "If you need any help with anything…what am I saying? You're brilliant…" he said a smile on his face. "Actually…there is something I could use a bit of help with…" she said, summoning her Potions essay. "Oh yeah?" he asked looking curious. What could the smartest witch of her time possibly need help with?

"Yeah. It has to do with Polyjuice Potion…"