Peter scattered the many boxes around in the living room that he and MJ hadn't unpacked yet. She was out at the moment, and Peter decided he would try to make the house look better, before her return.

As he searched through the many boxes, he came across a bunch of notes in one.

Happening to be on the top, was the note that had haunted him for many years.

He picked it up, and then laid it back down, and it was flipped over. Peter looked down at the back of the note.

He realized that had he ever flipped the note those ten years ago, he would have found this messageā€¦

In Albert Canada, Harry forced me to leave you, and I couldn't bear to watch him hurt you. Please Peter, I love you, please come help me so we can be together again!

He dropped the note. How could he have ever missed that?


Nick Fury looked at the men down below, beneath the Queensboro Bridge. His walkie-talkie vibrated.

"Yes?" he spoke into it.

"Sir, the monster is intact, pulling it out of the water now," a man told him over the device.

"Good," Fury told him. "Fury out!" He looked outside the 'windshield' of his large vehicle. His Hellicarrier. His eye patch reflected in the mirror-like plate.

You've outrun us long enough Osborn, Fury thought. Now, we can finally get those results.

Fury clicked a button, opening a laser-powered cell, which he would keep the monster in. Some men came in, all carrying a stretcher with the giant monster on it.

"Fury!" the creature snapped. "How dare you!"

"Shut up Osborn," Nick told him. "We're finally going to get those test done, and when we get your formula, we're going to destroy it."

Fury looked at the creature, wondering what he must have been thinking at the time.

"Officer Carter," Fury called.

"Yes sir," I woman approached him.

"Find me Peter Parker," Nick Fury said.

"Spider-Man?" Carter asked. "Why do you need him?"

"Because Sharon, he's the one the Goblin was after, and I need some solid answers," Fury told her.

"Affirmative," she said, walking off.

Now, we can finally bring Spider-Man in like the creep he is, Fury thought. A menace!


A/N: Well, I hope you liked Spider-Man: From Hell or Back. I know it was fun for me to make it for all of you reading it. If you have any questions that you think won't be answered in the sequel, then feel free to PM, me and I would be glad to answer them for you, or anything else you want me for.

Well True Believers, be on the look out for Spider-Man: Friend or Foe. I realize that is the exact title of a Spider-Man project in the making, but it has nothing to do with said game.

Yours Truly,
