Chapter 4

Three days passed since the last doctor's appointment, and Olivia was anxiously awaiting Casey's confirmation that they could finally call and see if they were having a boy or girl. She was drowning in DD-5s when a clerk brought her a note from Casey's office at around noon.

It read: Lunch 1:15 in my office. Love, C.

A wave of relief washed over Olivia. While the note was by no means warm, it was a sign that their relationship was getting back on track. She almost laughed at how "lunch" in Casey's office used to involve much more than a sandwich. In fact, there were times when Olivia asked for an hour or two off to enjoy a working lunch with her wife.

This time would be understandably different, but Olivia guessed just as exciting. Granted, there would be no wild sex on Casey's desk…or couch…or anywhere, for that matter, but if lunch was going to go as Olivia assumed it would, she would walk out with a goofy grin all the same.

The next hour passed very slowly, but as soon as 12:55 rolled around, Olivia shot out of the squad room like a cannon. She stopped to pick up some flowers before heading straight to Casey's office. She knocked quietly and then let herself in.

"Hey, babe," she said sweetly when she entered. She handed Casey the flowers she picked out and was delighted in the smile she received in response.

"Hey, Liv," Casey said, making a move to get up from behind her desk.

"Don't…" Olivia stopped her, "I'll come to you." She walked around the desk to where her very pregnant wife was sitting. She enveloped Casey in a warm hug and stroked her hair lightly.

"I've missed you," Casey admitted quietly.

Olivia bent and kissed Casey lightly on the top of her head. "I've missed you too," she said, kissing her again.

Olivia reluctantly pulled away from the embrace and got a chair from the other side of the room. She pulled it next to Casey's desk.

"So where's lunch?" Olivia asked to lighten the mood.

"I ordered it," Casey replied, "It should be here in about 15 minutes. In the meantime, I was hoping we could call the doctor's office. I'm ready to know."

Olivia smiled eagerly, "If you're ready," she said, trying not to push Casey.

Casey nodded and picked up the phone. Once she had dialed the number, she held onto the phone tightly with one hand and held Olivia's in the other.

"Hi," she began after a few seconds, "This is Casey Novak…yes, I was in for an appointment the other day?... Right, Dr. Peterson told me to call if I changed my mind about wanting to know the sex of the baby. Ok, thank you…"

She turned back to Olivia, resting the receiver of the phone against her shoulder, "I'm on hold," she said, "They have to check the picture…and get confirmation or something? I don't really know."

Olivia nodded and rubbed the back of Casey's hand.

Casey put the receiver back up to her ear and waited a few more minutes. "Yes, I'm still here…yes, I'm sure…oh my gosh! …Just how accurate is that? Ok, thank you!"

She hung up the phone and looked at Olivia with tears forming in her eyes.

"Well…?" Olivia asked, so anxious she nearly jumped out of her seat.

"A girl, Liv. We're having a baby girl," she said, tears breaking her voice.

Olivia quickly embraced Casey and starting crying a little, too. "That's—that's amazing, Case. I—wow," she was flabbergasted and had no idea what to say.

Casey nodded. "I mean, of course I would have been thrilled either way…but I can't even describe how I feel right now."

Olivia agreed. "I hope she's just like you," she said seriously.

"Well she wouldn't do so bad for herself if she turned out a little like you too, Liv," Casey smiled.

There was a small knock on the door.

"Coming," Casey called to who she assumed was the delivery man with their lunch.

"I got it," Olivia said when Casey tried to simultaneously pull out her wallet and stand up; "you and the princess have to rest." She winked and went over to get the door.

She paid the man for lunch and sat back down at the desk with Casey. She got out the sandwiches that Casey had ordered and set them down. She finally sat down and waited for Casey to start eating.

"What's wrong?" Olivia asked when Casey didn't start eating right away.

"Nothing!" Casey said sincerely, "I'm really, really happy."

Olivia was overjoyed at the smile that broke on Casey's lips. It seemed like years since she last smiled, although in reality it was only a few days.

"I am too, Case," Olivia said, a smile radiating from her whole face.

AN: I apologize profusely for the insane amount of time that this took—and it's not even long! Grr! I'm actually angry at myself!. I was thinking about not posting it until the WGA strike is over (support the writers!) but that is SO not fair to you guys! I hope you're all are still reading this! Love you!