Thursday 6: 00 p.m.
Musicalmaker has logged in
101headhats has logged in
101headhats: hey babie
Musicalmaker: hey
101headhats: watcha doin?
Musicalmaker: nm just waiting for someone ( you ) 2 get on
101headhats: wel thtz y i got on
Musicalmaker: awww u made me smile :)
101headhats: thtz mi job
Musicalmaker: so wat hat r u wearing
101headhats: mi bluw spac hat w/ da pics of da gallexy, universe, starz, commmetz, metorz, and all the planetz on it
Musicalmaker: I remember
101headhats: smart grl ya r
Musicalmaker: not in Zeke's mind
101headhats: wat did Sir shit's alot sa 2 my babie
Musicalmaker: he said im stupid
101headhats: jus wait til tht cookin crackhead gits on
Musicalmaker: DONT hurt if u could anyway
101headhats: wat was dat?!
Musicalmaker: well no affense but...
101headhats: butt wat?!
Musicalmaker: ur not the fighting type...2 put it nicley
101headhats: uh huh
Musicalmaker: oh plz wen Sharpay raised her hand at our new yr's eve party u flinched cuz u thought she would hit u
101headhats: i was jus...
Musicalmaker: uh huh
101headhats: i was...practcing mi part in our pla
Musicalmaker: ummm stupid if u havent noticed my name is Musicalmaker i make musicals ergo i made the musical and i dont remember putting Sharpay slap u in it if i do remember correctly
101headhats: i was also afriad she mite kuz Troy had ...uhhh... hit me! yea! Troy had hit me and i didnt wanna get hit again
Musicalmaker: no Troy didn't hit u because the ONLY time we were all together was wen we did the fire works and i happen to know that he and Gabbi were in the corner huddled together and i was next to u anway other then that I know u were no where near him in the time we were there because earth to Ryan I WAS WITH U !!!
101headhats: ummm I...OKAY FINE geez ... girlz r so last week
Musicalmaker: Ryan will u pwease come to my house and gwive mwe kwisses
101headhats: OKAY!
Musicalmaker: i thought girlz were so last week
101headhats: umm 4get tht
Musicalmaker: i thought so
101headhats: so umm talk 2 anyone l8ly
Musicalmaker: yes actually i have
101headhats: oh w/ who?
Musicalmaker: Zeke ... after he finnished teasing me
101headhats: tell
Musicalmaker: tuff tuffies!
101headhats: ???
Musicalmaker: I cant tell
Sircooksalot has logged in
Sircooksalot: hey guyz
101headhats: not even ya man?
Musicalmaker: well 1. u aint a man and 2 no not even u
101headhats: oh thtz cold
Sircooksalot: i said HEY GUYZ
101headhats: so wat!
Musicalmaker: it juicy
101headhats: dont make me want 2 know more
Musicalmaker: um duh everyone knows that
Sircooksalot: finnally y were ya ignorring me?
Musicalmaker: well if u haven't noticed we were in the middle of a conversation
101headhats: yea and btw who da hell u think u r dissin on my grl?
Sircooksalot: i think im Zeke and it would be nice if i could join ya'lls convo w/o being innsulted
101headhats: u insulted my gf
Musicalmaker: yea!
Sircooksalot: so wat i was jk
101headhats: i dont like u dissin on her lik dat u got dat?
Sircooksalot: no i dont Ryan so kiss my ass!
Sircooksalot has logged out
101headhats: that mother fuckin sun of a gun
Musicalmaker: Ryan!
101headhats: i should go 2 his house and show him who is who
Musicalmaker: no!
101headhats: plz
Musicalmaker: no!
101headhats: prettie plz
Musicalmaker: i'll tell u Zeke secret thingy if u dont go hurt Zeke
101headhats: Zeke? y would i hurt Zeke he's all the wa a cross town
Musicalmaker: good boy and the secret was bout Gabbi and Sharpay got in a fight
101headhats: oh do tel
Musicalmaker: so it was like Sharpay and Gabbi were on when no on else was and Sharpay said lets play T or D
101headhats: as always
Musicalmaker: lollyz yea and Gabbi said no the last time we did u humiliateded me and Sharpay was like nuh uh u know u like Troy
Musicalmaker: and Gabbi was like nuh uh
Musicalmaker: and Sharpay was like uh huh
Musicalmaker: and Gabbi was like nuh uh
Musicalmaker: and Sharpay was like uh huh
Musicalmaker: and Gabbi was like nuh uh
Musicalmaker: and Sharpay was like dont u nuh uh my uh huh
101headhats: chick talk...
Musicalmaker: ok well moving on
101headhats: yea plz
Musicalmaker: so Sharpay said if u dont like boyz then u like girlz
101headhats: woah
Musicalmaker: yea! and then Gabbi admitted she does like girlz!
101headhats: no way!
Musicalmaker: YEAH and she asked Sharpay out but she logged out fast i guess she was creeped out
101headhats: wow n she been 2 ur house
Musicalmaker: (GASP!) ur rite she slept at my house (LOUDER GASP) SHE BORROWED BY BRA'S!
101headhats: ohh lesbian was alrite but ur bra's oh thtz jus lo
Musicalmaker: i know! no wonder she picked out my rainbow 1!
101headhats: oh wow thtz kinda sick... i would luv 2 talk mor bout Gabbi's sex intrest but i gtg luv ya!
Musicalmaker: bye hottie
101headhats: bye sexy
101headhats has logged out
Musicalmaker has logged out