Disclaimer: That's still a NO.

Note: FF may delete spaces, punctuation marks, letters, etc. from the story... So if there's something there that I don't catch, sorry!

Warning: Boy-Love/Yaoi

WARNING WARNING: Lime in this chapter.

Title: Broken Clockwork
Chapter: 15; I've Got The Bagels...

Summary: Roxas was always on top of things, following time down to the second. Until he met Axel, carefree and fun. What happens when you mix two opposite elements of life together?


Full title: "I've Got The Bagels If You've Got The Love"

"orz I know I failed you all by not updating this… In about 3 months. But good news for all of you! It's Summer Break and SCHOOL IS OUUTT!! I still have to take summer classes and stuff (Hey, I'm Asian – what can you do?) but I'll have plenty more time to write Broken Clockwork.

I guess that's all I have to say about the whole not-writing-anything-for-the-past-2-months ordeal. Enjoy the chapter! I tried to get some plot in there and there's a little bit of sexy stuff at the end.

Hope that makes up for not making a new chapter for so long… -fail-

But yeah – LIME! If you don't want it, don't read the very end! XD

THANKS SO MUCH TO: tiffy jeevas, Scootkadoot, Following Padfoot's Pawprints, Kaida Shade, The Mad Empty Shell, and auPHE FOR REVIEWING!

Waiting for summer classes to end,

Lovely Lulu


Roxas power-walked all the way to Sora and Kairi's little 'chat-after-school' spot AKA Sora's locker. Sora was, as always, blabbing away about something or another – until Roxas grabbed his shoulder and spun the chocolate-haired boy around.

"THE DVD, SORA," was all Roxas could grunt. Sora raised an eyebrow in response, confused.

"The… huh? Don't tell me you're in the porn business, Rox!" Sora bit his bottom lip, quite genuinely worried. Roxas wanted to slap his brother.

"Ugh – no!" Roxas facepalmed and then breathed in deeply. He sighed and calmed down a little bit. He wanted to do this rationally. "Okay. Sora, could I please have that video footage you took the other day?" Sora's confused face persisted. "Of me? Playing the guitar…?" Roxas elaborated with hand motions. Air guitar rock-out, dude.

"Oohh…" Sora nodded his head in understanding, but then didn't say anything after. Roxas smiled in a 'oohh what?' expression, with his eyebrows raised and everything, waiting for Sora to continue. "Um… Kairi, will you excuse us?" Kairi nodded, of course.

"Oohh what?" Roxas asked, eager for his video back.

"Umm… About the video – Me and Cloud decided that we can't give it back to you," Sora stated. When Roxas opened his mouth to protest or ask why, Sora put up a bratty little finger. "No – We'll give it back to you. Under one condition." Roxas looked up at the sky as if giving a quick silent prayer to the atheist gods.

"Ok, what?"

"You have to join our band. As the lead singer," Sora smiled exuberantly.

"I—WHAT?!" Roxas found all this to be quite ridiculous… yet quite flattering at the same time. A light pink colored his cheeks as he stared at Sora in disbelief. "Your band? You told me that was done! I thought you said you weren't going to try and start that up again…"

"Well, I changed my mind. DUH," Sora said. "Anyways – Will you do it? Don't look at me like that… Come on, Roxas! You're an awesome singer. You'd be a great lead vocal, you know that?"

"Well, I… You don't have to say that," Roxas blushed and rubbed his arm as he looked off to the side. He couldn't help but let a small smile slip off the corner of his lips.

"Come on, pppllleeeaaassseee?" Sora begged, clasping his hands together and putting on his best puppy dog face. "I know you've always wanted to be in a garage band as the lead, Roxas. I know you want to get into music big time. And I know that you know that you'd look GREAT on stage – singing with that BEAUTIFUL voice of yours. So, what about it? Eh? Eh?"

"I…" Roxas' blush deepened, blown away by all the compliments and flattery he was receiving. He knew they were just petty talk to convince him, but they really made him happy. He scratched his head and bit his lip. "Ok. Fine. Can I have the video back then…?"

"YAY COOL!" Sora jumped up and clapped his hands before springing a cute little brotherly hug on Roxas. Roxas pat his brother's back lovingly and he could've sworn he saw a camera flash go off in the corner of his eye, but he didn't really care. "Come on, let's go home and get started right away!" Sora spun around on his heel and yelled a goodbye to Kairi before pulling Roxas out the door of the school and to his red Mustang.


"Zexion! What are you doing here?" I chirped happily when I came into the house. The blunette was sitting on the couch of the living room again, watching TV. I heard a few long names and decided that it was probably some boring History Channel show.

"Just visiting," he replied briefly, glancing in me and Roxas' general direction. "I'm waiting for Cloud."

"Oh, okay. Sweet," I said. "Me and Roxas were just about to –" I was cut off by Roxas' annoyingly depressing ringtone.


My brother flipped his phone open and then two seconds later, a blush spread over his face as rapid as AIDS took the world by storm! Wait. That was a really bad analogy. Whatever – I decided to ignore it for now.

"I-uh-I have to… um… go…" Roxas turned on his heel and quickly sprinted for the door. On his way out he shouted back to me, "Sorry Sora! Maybe next time!"

I pouted and made a "pff" noise. Zexion raised an eyebrow and we both watched as the door to the garage slammed shut. The car could be heard getting started and speeding off out of the neighborhood. There was no doubt Roxas was totally flooring that pedal. What was the rush, anyways?


"Me and Roxas were just about to—" Sora began. Suddenly, my phone started 'ringing' and I scrambled to get it out of my pocket and flip the cover.


A single text message blurted out at me. And of course – who else could it be from but…


For some reason my heart started going 100 miles an hour and I rushed out the door and got into my car before Sora or Zexion could say another word. It wasn't everyday that I received a text like that. Even if Axel had used 'let's hang' to describe their time together, I was hooked by the first 5 words.

As my red blur of a Mustang sped by on the road, I started chewing my lip out like no other.

"Wait agh! I can't be biting my lips. If Axel sees it all ripped up and –" I stopped myself before I finished that sentence. So what if Axel saw my lips all chewed up? Like it mattered to me… Who gives a damn what a guy like that thinks of my lips anyways? I focused on the road for the next few seconds before screaming, "WHO AM I EVEN KIDDING!? I CARE. I DON'T KNOW WHY, GOD, BUT I DO." I prayed to the big guy upstairs that maybe I was high or something. He wasn't very helpful.

As I drove and drowned in my silence and thought, I saw a bagel shop up ahead. I slowed down a little and thought about buying some bagels. Yeah… A little afternoon snack couldn't hurt. It's not like I was in a… a total RUSH to see AXEL, right? And I could get some bagels for him, too. Why not? Maybe we could all share a big bag with his roommates or something. That'd be good.

I pulled into the shop, one I knew pretty well, and parked the car. A bright green and pink sign blared out its name: BARBOSSA BAGELS. I opened the door to the little shop and walked up to the counter. A few minutes later, I was back out the door, a bagel in my mouth and a big bag of them in my arms. I had relaxed a lot more now and my heart was pounding at a regular pace. I climbed into the car and set the big bag in the passenger's seat and drove back onto the road.


"Larxene, you're going to get cold just wearing that," Axel walked out of the bathroom. He was only wearing a pair of baggy jeans and a towel draped over his shoulders. His torso was completely naked and glistening from coming out of the shower.

"No, I won't," Larxene, used to Axel's half-nakedness by now, replied. She was wearing a tube top that left her midriff wide open and a short pleated skirt. A pair of thigh-high black and white striped socks adorned her legs and she was just about to slip on a pair of long knee high black boots. Multiple necklaces and bracelets decorated her neck and wrists.

"It's snowing outside… You'll get cold," Axel was genuinely concerned. Even Larxene was just another whore on the street, she was living under his roof now and Axel wasn't going to let her get the flu or something and bring it back to the apartment.

"I'm fine, mom," Larxene rolled her eyes, buckling up her left boot.

Axel grabbed a big brown jacket of his from the couch. "Here, take my jacket," he said as he walked over and slipped it over her shoulders. "You'll be freezing if you walk out like… that."

"No, dude! I'm fine! I'll look like such a dork if I put your jacket on! I'll look like such a hooker!" Larxene retorted, jumping back from Axel.

"You are a hooker!" Axel argued. "Just put it on!" The redhead tried once again to put the jacket on her small frame.

"I don't --!" In an attempt to fight back, Larxene tripped on the multitude of clothes on the ground and managed to hook her ankle around Axel's ankle, tripping him. "Agh!" The blonde female fell back onto the couch and Axel fell on top of her, but caught himself with his arms against the back of the piece of furniture. His knee landed on the couch in the space between Larxene's legs as he hovered over her.

Suddenly, the door clicked open and a little blonde boy with a huge bag walked into the apartment.

"Surpri—" Roxas stopped mid-word. He took a short, sharp breath in and saw Axel and Larxene's heads both turn swiftly to the door. Roxas dropped the bag of bagels on the ground in shock.

"Oh… S-sorry! I didn't realize you were… busy… I'll leave. Sorry!" Roxas chuckled nervously and a blush went over his cheeks rapidly. He clamped a hand to his mouth and ran out the door.

Axel, quickly got off of Larxene and ran after the blonde, stumbling on the way. "No! Roxas! It's not what it looks like! Roxas!"

By the time Axel had ran out the door, Roxas was running down the last flight of stairs and getting into his car.

"Shit!" Axel threw the towel around his bare shoulders to the ground before running down to the street, half naked, with the big brown jacket clutched in his fist.


"Goddammit…" How could I have been so stupid!? I mean, that whole thing in the nurse's office was probably nothing. That was just to get me to come out of the closet. Axel was probably just trying to help a queer guy find his place in the world. BULLSHIT. I raced down the road, speeding back home. My eyebrows were furrowed and my cheeks were flushed. I had a death grip on the steering wheel. I was angry with myself for ever believing that Axel would just want to hang out with me. He had a freaking girl living in his apartment.

I cursed to myself the whole way home and when I had finally reached my house, I parked the car and went up to my room, thinking about the situation.

I sat down at my desk and laid my head down on my folded arms. "I guess I should do some homework…" I muttered to myself. "Might as well…" I straightened back up and opened the desk drawer to get a pen.


"Sora!" I exclaimed when I saw the brunette walk out of the gigantic house.

"Oh, hey, Axel!" he waved cheerfully as he pulled a sweater over his body. "What's wrong?" He tilted his head to the side when he saw me, totally out of breath, and not wearing a shirt under the jacket I was wearing. I looked like such a mess…

"Where's Roxas?" I panicked.

"I think he's in his room, doing his homework," Sora informed me. "You want to come in?"

"Yes, please," I still remembered my manners, at least.

"I was just about to leave, so I'll give you two some alone time, hehe," Sora winked. I chuckled and felt my breath coming back to me.

"Thanks, Sora. You're a life-saver," I walked up to the brunette and he opened the front door for me. I walked in and turned around to see him grinning at me. "Thanks, again. Where are you going, anyways?"

"Riku," Sora suddenly turned even brighter than he was a few seconds ago. Sheesh. That kid was like a ray of fucking sunshine. "See you around, Axel!" He turned and walked down to the sidewalk, waving at me with the back of his hand.

I closed the door behind me as I went into the house. Lucky for me… Roxas probably wouldn't have opened the door after seeing me and Larxene like that. Ugh… I slapped my forehead. What the hell… I should have just left that hooker alone.

I looked around the huge living room again, still astounded by its size even though I'd been there already. I would probably never get used to it. I walked up the stairs and walked to the familiar vicinity of Roxas' room.

His door was open and I could see him studying, just as Sora had said. I didn't walk in just yet and decided to just watch him for a little. I knew I was freak and kind of a stalker, but whatever.

Roxas had a pen in his mouth as he looked down at the problems on the page. He pushed the pen's end in and out of his mouth absent-mindedly. It suddenly reminded me of a… a… I blushed madly and continued to watch him push the pen back and forth between his lips. He took the pen out of his mouth and it pulled out a little line of saliva from his mouth. I gulped and could feel a sensation going on in my pants.

"…so sexy…" I murmured. I clapped a hand over my mouth. I didn't mean to say that out loud!

Roxas turned to the door and his eyes widened when he saw me.



I put down the pen I was using and stood up from my chair. "What are you doing here? What…" I looked down and blushed. I said more quietly, "What happened to Larxene?"

"That was an accident! It was really bad timing, Rox. I swear!" Axel protested. "I just got out of the shower and I was trying to put a jacket on Larxene cause she was probably going to get a cold when she went outside and then she tripped me and we both fell on the couch and it looked like something was going on, but I swear, nothing was happening and then you walked in on us and you dropped the bag you had and –"

"I-It's okay," I looked up at the redhead. "I didn't mean to barge in on your apartment like that, anyways. It's my fault."

"Didn't you hear anything I just said!?" He walked over to me and I noticed for the first time that he wasn't even wearing a shirt under the jacket he had on. Scarlet colored my cheeks and I felt Axel pull me into an embrace, resting my head on his bare chest. I could have had a nosebleed all over him right then.


"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. It was a complete accident. Larxene accidentally tripped me," Axel voice drifted into my ear. "Nothing is going on between us."

Nothing is going on between us… I bit my lip and hoped I hadn't dozed off when I was doing my homework. Suddenly, I felt something hard pressing into my stomach and I felt Axel tighten up a little.

"Axel… Don't tell me that's your…" I was about to push the redhead away when suddenly he dropped his head and lifted my chin, capturing my lips in a kiss. My eyes went wide when I realized what he had just done. I felt his tongue asking for entrance and all I could do was oblige. Suddenly, this taste of cinnamon and smoke flooded into my mouth and his tongue was all over mine. I closed my eyes and kissed back.

I had no idea what the hell I was doing, but I guess this is what it means to make out with someone. All thought left my brain as I felt that pleasure tingling in my mouth. I wrapped my arms around him and my hand tangled into his hair. He pulled me even closer to him and deepened the kiss. I felt us moving over to the bed, thinking nothing of it. I couldn't deny it any longer – This is what I had wanted ever since the nurse's office.

Before I knew what was happening, Axel was taking slipping his jacket off his shoulders and sliding his hand under my shirt.

"Mmmnn…" I moaned into the kiss as I felt my shirt sliding up… up… and off. It broke the contact for a few seconds but as soon as the cloth was gone, our lips were right back where they were. I hung my arms around the redhead's neck as he rubbed his warms hands all over my body. His lips started moving down my jaw and he kissed all the way to my chest. He took one of my nipples into his mouth and his tongue played with the nub.

"Ah…" I groaned and arched my back.

His hands ghosted down to my pants and before I knew it, my pants were off and Axel's hand was down the front of my boxers.

Then Axel pulled back. He looked down at me with my flushed cheeks and sweat rolling down the side of my face. "What…?" I asked through half-lidded eyes. "Why did you stop?"

"Are you sure you want this?"



I tend to do that… leaving sex cliffhangers like that. Does this make my fanfic mature?

Thanks for being so patient you guys. I hope you didn't forget about this fic hehe… I'm sorry! I fail as a writer! TxT

Have a happy Fourth Of July everyone!

- Lovely Lulu