The Headmaster sat at his desk, head in his hands, shoulders slouched. A sigh escaped him as he glared at his waste basket. The small cylinder overflowed with rejected applications. Thirteen years ago Harry Potter had defeated the Dark Lord at the unbelievable age of seventeen. Yet still it was a struggle every year to find a competent Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

"Well, what now Fawkes?" he asked the majestic bird. "If I can't find someone acceptable then we run the risk of the Ministry appointing a Professor." He shuddered at the thought of putting up with another Umbridge character…or worse.

Fawkes squawked shrilly and flew over to perch upon the glass case holding Gryffindor's sword. The bird seemed to be trying to tell him something as it paced back and forth making agitated noises.

"Unfortunately Gryffindor is long dead," the Headmaster commented dryly, "and unless you know a way to resurrect him then I suggest you come up with another idea."

The bird squawked angrily and flapped its gigantic wings. After a few minutes it made an odd sound and flew back to its perch. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.


McGonagall, Flitwick and Sprout entered the office and took a seat on the other side of the desk. It took the Headmaster a moment to remember that he had called a meeting of the Heads of House that evening. A house elf popped up next to the desk, a large tea tray balanced over its head.

"Aren't we missing someone?" Flitwick questioned.

"Sorry about that," a voice answered from the doorway. "I was working on a potion and lost track of time." Draco glided into the room and gracefully took the empty chair next to Sprout.

"Now that we are all present, let us begin with our most pressing problem."

"If I may," McGonagall interrupted, "I think I might have a solution."

"You know of someone who might be interested in the Defense position?" Sprout eyes widened.

"I've had him in mind for the position in past years but never thought he'd accept," explained McGonagall, "and I didn't know how you would take it Severus." The Headmaster gave her a quizzical look.

"Why would I have a problem with this mystery person?" Severus questioned.

"It's Harry Potter."

The room was in an uproar. Sprout and Flitwick were asking the poor woman a hundred questions at once. Draco sat in his chair looking quite pale. Surprisingly enough Severus' only reaction was to lean back in his chair and steeple his fingers in contemplation. Could he put the past behind him? Could Potter?

"Silence," Snape commanded forcefully. "Why would you think that Potter would be interested now if he wasn't interested before? The last I had heard he's been working as an Auror in America."

McGonagall nodded. "He has been but he's recently been injured and they're forcing him to retire."


"Nothing life threatening or debilitating," the Transfiguration Professor explained, "But he does have to walk with a cane."

"I think it's a splendid idea," Flitwick broke in enthusiastically, "Who could be better to teach Defense?"

"I agree," added Sprout, "Remember in his fifth year when he taught that group, Dumbledore's Army or something like that. Everyone in the group received Outstanding on their Defense OWLs."

Severus looked to Draco who had yet to comment. The young man seemed to be in deep contemplation. "I'd like to have all of the houses in agreement before I make a decision."

"I want to see him," Draco replied soberly, "When you interview him I'd like to be able to talk to him before I make a decision."

"I think that's an excellent idea," agreed Flitwick, "I would like to speak to the boy as well. Perhaps each Head of House should do a short interview."

"Like a mini-interview!" Sprout exclaimed excitedly, "What a wonderful idea?"

"Yes, a wonderful idea," Snape stated dryly, "Minerva, make the arrangements and let us know when a time has been set. Each Head will be allowed five questions or topics to discuss with Mr. Potter. Let's not overwhelm the boy," Severus added quickly as Flitwick opened his mouth to protest.

The rest of the meeting was spent discussing less pressing problems. Sprout asked permission to expand the greenhouses. McGonagall asked that passwords for each house be changed every two weeks, all very mundane and boring. Severus listened with half his brain, the other was thinking about Potter. What would the boy be like after all these years? Not much was known of the boy after his defeat of the Dark Lord. There were the occasional rumors in the Daily Prophet and the Quibbler. The Witch's Weekly had the young wizard marrying a different witch or wizard every week.

In reality Potter had disappeared into thin air, appearing a year later as an Auror in America. Severus wasn't surprised that the boy had fled. He'd lost Dumbledore, Granger and Weasley, nearly all of his surrogate family, what was left to keep him in Britain? Severus looked up quickly as he heard someone say his name.

"The meeting is over," Minerva stated. Severus looked around in surprise at his empty office.

"Sorry Minerva got lost in my thoughts."

"I do hope you'll give him a chance." There was no need to explain who she was speaking of. "He's a man now, not a boy."

Severus looked her squarely in the eyes. "I will give him as much chance as I would give any wizard."


A week later Severus stood in front of the full-length mirror in his bedroom, his shoulder length black hair shiny and clean, his best robes pressed and wrinkle-free. He eyed himself critically, something was missing. Dumbledore had always had a commanding air and Severus liked to think that he had his own presence. Perhaps it was more of a frightening and intimidating air, but it was something. Today he just didn't feel as confident as usual. An idea suddenly formed in his mind and he grabbed his Order of Merlin, pinning it on his robes. Much better, he thought to himself as he eyed the medal.

The moment Snape stepped into his office he knew that something wasn't right. Fawkes wasn't on his perch and the portraits were all deathly silent. Instantly he had his wand out in front of him, a curse on the tip of his tongue. A rustling curtain drew his attention to the window. A figure stood there, back to him, Fawkes perched on their shoulder. A long black robe fell off the man and a mop of unruly black hair stuck out the top.

"Who are you?" Severus asked, doing his best to keep the fear from his voice. He had every reason to be afraid, only a very powerful wizard could break into his office.

"I believe I have an appointment," a gravelly voice replied.

The figure turned to face him and Severus felt his insides twist. Standing across his office was not the bright eyed, spritely Harry Potter that he remembered. Before him stood a calloused and aged wizard, leaning heavily on a cane with an eye patch over his left eye. A nasty looking scar peeked out of the top and bottom of the plain black patch. Taking in the other man's full appearance, Severus was reminded more of Mad-Eye Moody then the Boy Who Lived.

"Shall we begin the interview then?" Potter questioned, hobbling over to a chair. Fawkes let out a happy trill and flew back to his perch.

Severus nodded mutely and took a seat behind his desk. He took a moment to collect his thoughts before looking from his desk. This harsh version of Potter thoroughly upset him for reasons he couldn't explain even to himself.


A sharp knock at the door drew Draco's attention away from the Potion's book in front of him. He glanced up at the clock and swore under his breath. Potter was coming for his interview and Draco had completely forgotten. He closed the book with a loud snap.

"Enter," he drawled in a purely Snape-ish tone.

As the door creaked open Draco let out a loud breath that he didn't even know he'd been holding. A plain black cane entered his office first followed by a dark and scarred figure. Draco squinted for a moment, wondering who the man was, until the figure turned toward him. That one green eye was enough to place the man and Draco gasped in shock.

"Potter?" He questioned in disbelief.

"The Headmaster sent me down," Harry replied in a somewhat polite tone.

"What happened to you?" Draco blurted out without thinking.

A cold chuckle escaped the Boy-Who-Lived. "Take a good look Malfoy," the man said coldly, "This is what happens to heroes after the villains are defeated."

"I'm surprised that you're here. I would've thought that working in America would be much more interesting."

Potter snorted derisively. "American aurors are like military men, all following orders and marching in a neat little row. I didn't exactly fit in there."

"Do you think you'll fit in here?"

"Hogwarts is my home," Potter replied in something close to a kindly tone, "If I don't fit here, then I don't fit anywhere."

"This is silly," Draco sighed, "I requested to interview you for the Defense position but it was only so I would be able to see what's become of you."

"I'm like a sideshow that way," Potter chuckled darkly. "So, no doubts about my ability to teach."

Draco shook his head. "No. I do think Snape will have a hard time with it though. The students will definitely find you more intimidating."

At that they both laughed heartily. It wasn't odd for some reason and Draco couldn't understand why at first. Later, after Potter had left, he realized what exactly had changed between the two of them. They were no longer children. There were no sides to be taken, only friendships to forge. If things had been that way when they'd first met, perhaps Harry would have taken his hand so long ago.

"Harry," Draco whispered to his empty office. He shivered, feeling as if the man's very name holds a power all its own.