Somebody To Love
Disclaimer: I don't own Life With Derek, folks.
Chapter Nine: Lovin' Ain't Easy
Initially, I was afraid that Derek would soon find out that I am secretly in love with him, Casey began to think to herself as she strolled those now hated high school hallways, but now, I think it would be for the better…
"Hey Case, what's up?" Her best friend Emily greeted her.
"Um. Em," Casey pulled her aside against a corner, "Do you think it's better that he knows?"
"Who knows?" Emily began to panic, "Nobody knows anything, Case!" She shouted as she walked away.
As the bell rang, students hustled and bustled their ways to their designated classes. But in Casey's attempt to catch up with Emily, she tripped over Daniel Kessler's book bag and fell onto two unsuspecting victims.
"Casey!" Emily cried out, "Are you okay? How did you even fall?"
"You're on my ankle, you monster! How did you even do that?" Daniel screamed.
"I don't know, Em," She said ignoring the comment and picking up her books, "I was trying to catch up with you, and then…I heard his stupid voice in my head."
"Who's voice, Derek's? Oh God, Case. That means…" She began to trail off.
"What, Em? That means what?" She said up on her feet again.
"Wha-what about Klutzilla?"
"You know how when you liked Sam, whenever he was around, or even mentioned…you sort of just…you know…were a total klutz?"
Casey gasped, "Oh. My. God. Em, you're totally right. I'm back. Klutzilla is back! What am I going to do?"
"It's okay, Case. I'll be here with every step of the way. I'll help you…not be the klutz that you are."
"And how do you plan on doing that?" Casey retorted.
"You have a lot to worry about, let me worry about helping you."
During class, Casey couldn't help but think about what Emily said. Whenever Sam was around, or even mentioned…you sort of just… you know …were a total klutz?
"What am I going to do?" Casey asked herself, not knowing how loudly she was speaking. "All I wanted to do was tell him, I don't want him to find out by me falling around, everywhere he is."
"Excuse me Miss McDonald, is everything okay?" Casey's teacher, Mrs. Robison asked.
"…But if I tell him and he doesn't feel the same way, that'd make everything in the house awkward," She continued.
"Casey," The teacher began to raise her voice.
"But if I don't tell him, then it'd just eat me inside..."
"Casey!" Mrs. Robison yelled, "If you're going to continue on disrupting my class, I suggest you to think again."
"Sorry… Mrs. Robison," Casey said as she sunk into her seat with embarrassment.
As soon as the bell rang, Derek met up with Adrienne for lunch.
"Why don't you just tell her already, Derek. I mean, what's the hold up?" Adrienne asked.
"No way, Josephina. If I tell her, she wins."
Adrienne looked puzzled, "Wins what? Are you guys having a contest on who can hold out the longest on telling the other person that they have feelings for them? I thought you already 'won' the bet, by getting me to 'ask you out.'"
"You don't get it," Derek said as he rolled his eyes.
"No," she agreed, "I don't, and I'm really glad I don't."
"Ooh!" Derek softly screamed, "H-here she comes, watch this."
As Casey walked by as carefully as she could, making sure not to spill or trample over anything or anyone. But all of a sudden Casey felt Derek's brooding eyes fall onto her, and tried her hardest not to look back at him.
"Hey Casey!" Derek yelled smugly, "Sit with us."
And as she was on her way towards the table right in the middle of the cafeteria, Casey trampled over the unsuspecting Daniel Kessler, yet again.
"CASEY!" Emily screamed running to comfort her friend.
"Casey, are you okay?" A genuinely concerned Adrienne said to her, "That looked like a pretty bad fall."
"Yeah, I'm fine," Casey began to say, "Just really embarrassed, but I'll be alright."
"Come on, Case let's go to the restroom. I'll clean the 'Turkey Surprise' off of your shirt," Emily said.
"Oh. My God, did you see that? That was hi-larious! She's totally into me," Derek said with a loud burst of enthusiasm.
"Derek, she just humiliated herself in front of everyone in grade eleven. This isn't funny."
"You clearly do not have a sense of humor, because that little incident should go down in history as one of the most hilarious things of all time. I mean, did you see her face as she was falling onto Daniel Kessler's butt?" Derek sighed, "It was classic Casey."
"Okay, so when is Asshole-Derek going to ask out Casey? Because honestly, I'm getting tired of pretending that there's something between…you and I" Adrienne said a little disgusted, "…No offense."
"None taken," He said softly, "And don't worry, I have a plan…"
When Casey came home she went straight to her room and decided to check her e-mail, only to find that she had gotten an anonymous message telling her to go to Smelly Nelly's at six and to look for someone who is holding two red roses.
Before going inside, she decided to peek through the windows to see if the mystery guy had arrived yet. And while in the midst of peeking, she also decided to call Emily for some moral support.
"Em, he's not here. I think I should just go home," Casey said a little disheartened.
"Case, it's 5:20. Of course he's not there yet, he told you to be there at 6."
"Yeah well, what if he doesn't show at all? I can't take three humiliating instances in one day."
"Just go inside, and order something to drink. Calm down."
"You're right, I'll call you later to tell you how everything goes."
As Casey walked through the doors of Smelly Nelly's and did a second look through to see if the mystery guy was there yet, she noticed a guy wearing a brown leather jacket with two red roses in the back corner of the restaurant and started to walk towards him. And as she got closer, she realized that she knew exactly who it was.