I have to apologize to everyone who was waiting for this, how crappy it is, and also how short it came out. But by the end I felt like I was forcing myself.
Thank you for sticking with me and being so patient. Hopefully I will find the need to write the next chapter soon as well.
Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto.
Chapter 3 - Come What May
One reason (of the many he had) for hating Japan was the fact that it took forever to get there. Naruto had never been a patient person and airliners seemed to cater to only those who were. Nevertheless, here he was finally, at the terminal and completely alarmed. This wasn't the place he remembered at all. But damn if it wasn't exciting! If there was anything to love of Japan, it was it's ever-changing face. And the ridiculous prices! He had forgotten how much a cab drive was. He was planning to stay at his old house in Kyoto, so he needed to catch the train quick. Unfortunately, if he spent money on the cab he wouldn't have enough for the train ticket.
While mulling over this little dilemma, Neji had also just arrived from his equally laborious trip from India. First he was to settle himself at some hotel and then promptly meet with his new business partners over lunch with his newly hired (and terribly pricey) lawyer. They were to trifle through the finer points of their contract. Surely then he would set out to find his fate.
But Neji should have known, he should have seen this coming. How could he relegate fate to a mere second in his list of priorities? For there in the light of the shining sun was his shining sun, the one and only Naruto chewing his lips and seemingly in deep thought. There were too many coincidences in life for this to be one of them. He knew – god did he know! – that fate should always be first. If only to avoid the palpitations his heart seemed to go through at that very moment.
And time had been good to Naruto. Had it been eleven or twelve years – he wasn't certain – since last those eyes looked directly at him? Their beauty was still unmatched. And the more steps he took towards his destiny (for whatever little doubt Naruto had implanted in his head about this fickle philosophy were blown out of his brain) he could finer see the thin lines age painted across each and every human entering maturity. They weren't much unlike his own, but they did not hinder the simplistic beauty behind the enigma called Naruto. There when the sun rose high in the sky did the sky turn to give him one very surprised look.
"Neji? Oh shit!"
"Uzumaki. It's been a while, has it not?" He didn't know how he did it, but goddamn he sounded cool. More so than he felt inside.
"Fucking too long! Oh my - " Naruto rushed him like a line backer, hugging him tightly like he had always dreamed he would.
For sure Hebi and the Uchiha could wait, right? Fate would never again be number two.
"Gah...ahh... Naruto..." was all his boss would whisper into his ear as the rhythm to their fuck (it wasn't love for him, for the name being called wasn't his own) was getting more intense, more sharp, more hungry. It felt good, it felt great. Just one of the few perks to this little secretary duty, good pay and good fucking. But being bent at that angle on the mahogany table hurt a little, even when Sasuke's soft hands rubbed the painful spots over and over again, whispering his love to another person. Anytime soon and they would both be done and sated. He could return to faxing and Sasuke would take the cab uptown to continue his business. This was stress relief.
And there... there! Right there! The last pants of passion spilled forth from both their lips and floated about the office, taking up space.
"Next time, ahah... next time dye your hair... a lighter shade. This color disgusts me." So Sasuke peeled himself off his secretary, cleaned himself with some nearby tissue, picked up his pants and quickly made himself presentable again. It was like magic to him, how his boss pulled that look so rapidly. Completely avoiding looking back at him, Sasuke left the office and himself to their own devices. As soon as he had picked up his jeans the phone rang, "Hello, this is the law offices of Uchiha, Sasuke. How may I be of service?" he got that out perfectly. He really was good, because mentally he was all goo.
"Is Sasuke there to speak with?"
"Unless you have some appointment with him or something, you can't speak with him."
"Ah well, that's just like Sasuke. Please tell him his cousin called and will be heading to Japan shortly."
"And your name, sir?"
"I'll be sure to inform him." He hung up. He looked all over Sasuke's desk for a sticky note or something to write it down. He opened all the drawers until he saw a picture laying there. Of a boy, probably no older than 20 that looked so much like him.
This must be Naruto.
Sasuke supposed there was an extremely good reason as to why Neji was late. As in, he must be in a damn coma. And it irritated him that he could do nothing about it. After all Neji payed him beautifully, one of his best customers, and if he sealed this deal with Hebi then other even more lucrative businesses might ask for his guidance. And yet he began to wonder if sitting here with the freaks was worth it all. The way Karin looked at him made him want to lurch back out the bit of whiskey he had earlier. Suigetsu was just "checking out some ass" as he eloquently put it when he would not stop flirting with the waiter (he was a brunette, not Sasuke's cup of tea). And Juugo just idly sat, not very much at all interested.
As if to give Sasuke a break his cell phone rang lightly. He excused himself from the table and headed to the restrooms. Noticing it was Hyuuga's number he quickly answered, "Not to be rude, but I'm not going to wait any longer for you with these freaks."
"Listen I got caught up with an old... interest of mine. He is coming to join us."
"Get here in five."
"We'll see." Neji hung up and Sasuke put away his phone. As he wandered back to their table he ordered some scotch, maybe with a buzz it would all be more tolerable.
"Neji really you can just drop me off at the station. I'll call you sometime so you can visit me, you don't have to bother..."
"No. You'll come, give you something to eat. Once I'm done we can head over to your house. You can show me Japan like I traveled with you through India."
Neji gave that intense glare that had Naruto, a fully grown an mature man, blushing madly. He was handsome, always had been. Even those really gray eyes that were sort of freaky made him shiver with something. It was nice to see an old friend anyways. And maybe this time would born something a little more fruitful and enticing than just a friendship.
Naruto slid further into the cab and watched Tokyo flash by in dull colors. Exactly opposite of last time.
Again Thank you! Please kindly review, and I hope to get the next up soon.
Questions: Yes, I will have many of the characters return (as you can see) and much drama will abound!