Cassie shook her head, "No and that's the problem, there were so many reasons not to want him, not to love him and yet I couldn't help myself

Authors Note: Okay this is going to be a very short chapter, sorry.

Cassie looked at her friend hesitantly before shaking her head, "No and that's the problem, there were so many reasons not to want him, not to love him and yet I couldn't help myself. It's true I was possessed when Malachi was conceived but…" Cassie bit her lip not meeting Sarah's gaze, "I wanted him, I was just fighting it because I knew there would be consequences, and I knew that for everything he did Azazeal had ulterior motives."

"That doesn't mean he couldn't have loved you."

Cassie let out an unladylike snort, "His love wouldn't have been enough to surpass his need to bring about the End of Days and use me as a pawn in the whole ordeal. After putting so many centuries into trying to fulfill his duty to the Nephilim I couldn't expect that a love for a girl he hadn't even known for a fraction of his lifetime would be worth giving up that goal."

"So then why let yourself fall in love with him?" Sarah notice that Cassie looked startled when she asked the question that she found most obvious.

The truth was that no one had ever asked Cassie that why she loved him before or even if she had really, mostly when referring to her relationship with Azazeal those in the know would refer to it with a certain amount of venom in their voices.

But Sarah had asked it as if it was just a question, there was no right or wrong answer, something that no one before her had ever done, not even Thelma. Cassie knew now that if anyone wouldn't pass judgment on her and the feelings she had for Azazeal it would be Sarah.

Sarah took Cassie's startled look to mean that she had just stepped on a proverbial landmine and the best courts of action would be for her to retract her previous question. "I'm sorry Cassie, it's none of my business…" Sarah began.

"Have you ever felt so drawn to someone it was as if your skin was on fire every time they came near you," Cassie started softly, "that's what it was like with Azazeal. He was known for charming and seducing many woman in his lifetime and I knew that almost from the very beginning but, as silly as this may sound, I felt like when he was with all those woman he had been searching, waiting, for me.

"I mean he was, what with his needing a mother for his Nephilim spawn and all but more so it was as if he was just waiting for me, just Cassie, not the McBain witch that could help him set his kind free or the mother of Malachi, but me.

"When I was with Azazeal it was as if he let me see him, the real him, not the leader of the Nephilim but the man that he was, is, when no one else could as if he truly believed his decisions were in both of our best interests. I've never loved or been loved that way before nor do I think I ever will."

After hearing Cassie talk about her lover that she obviously missed Sarah started crying for her friend and hugged Cassie, sniffling in her ear Sarah said, "That's beautiful Cass, I can only hope to have a love that powerful." Sarah turned to Cassie, smiling mischievously and shrugged, "I guess I'll just have to settle for Caleb till then."

Then Sarah got up from the bed and started for the door, "We can't sit around her moping, I say we release the boys from their posts and head to Nicky's, you can Caleb about your power surge while all the others are distracted with getting ready and you can take your mind off your unfortunate love life."

Cassie furrowed her brow and threw a pillow at the other blond who was heading for the door, "I poor my bleeding heart out to you and I get it thrown right back in my face, with mates like you who needs the Kate Tunney's and Roxanne's of the world."

Sarah laughed, "We most certainly don't."

With that Sarah opened the door Reid and Pogue had been leaning up against and both boys fell. Looking down at them Sarah nudged Reid's are with her foot, "Get up and get changed we're gong to Nicky's."

The boys each looked at each other and smirked before scurrying off to do as they we told.

A/N: Okay I'm making this chapter short cause I needed more time to work on the next one and I didn't want to leave you guys completely hanging.