Summary: Troy loves Gabriella as she is. For all that she is, and all that she could be.

Song: "As I Am" by Miley Cyrus.

Gabriella's POV

Gonna stay in bed today.

Cuz I can't stand the light.

Don't know why I get so down

"Ugh." I huffed as I pulled the covers over my head. Today was the day of East High's 25th annual Father/Daughter dance. Knowing my father, who left my mother and I nine years ago, he wouldn't leave his successful career in New York City to attend a stupid dance with me. I would be alone today, since Taylor, Kelsi, and Martha would be spending the early evening with their dads getting primped and pampered for the dance. I let out another heavy sigh and kicked the covers to the end of my bed. I groaned and pulled the covers back over my head. I was in the worst possible mood; nobody would want to hang out with me tonight. Not even… " Troy?" I asked as my boyfriend pulled the covers down. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to spend time with my girlfriend," he said as he started stroking my hair.

"Really? I won't be much fun…with the slump I'm in right now." I told him.

"It doesn't matter." he replied as he kissed my cheek.

I won't be much fun tonight

And I can't believe

You still want to hang around me

"Come on," he said as he stood up. "I'm taking you out."

"Troy!" I cried. "Not like this! Look at me," I was wearing a plain blue tank top with sweatpants.

"Gabs," he chuckled. "You look perfect."

It's not so pretty all the time

You don't mind

To you it's alright

"Troy," I said sternly. "I am not going out like this."

He sighed, "Fine, go change."

Five minutes later, I came out wearing a dull combination of a white wide-scoop tee and the same colored pants. "Is this too boring? It's ugly, I know it. This is all I could come up with. What does this poor choice of clothes say to you, Troy?"

Troy put a finger to his chin, "It says 'Gabriella.'"

"What?" I sighed. "You think I'm ugly?"

Troy laughed, "No honey, it says no matter what you wear, you'll always look beautiful to me."

"Thank you," I giggled as he took my hand and led me downstairs.

As I am

Is how you take me

Never try to push or make me different

"Troy?" I asked quietly as we were driving in his car.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Do you think my dad still thinks about me? Or my mom? I wouldn't really know if he still cares about us since he always put his career before Mom and me. He would rather conduct a staff meeting than come home and have dinner with us. Dad would never put his laptop down to hear how my day was, or see the portrait I painted for him at school. He would never leave his desk to come to my award ceremonies, or watch my ballet recitals. It was all about work with him." I explained.

"I'm sure somewhere…deep down, he still loves his daughter, and his wife. If he's anything like you there's no way he could stop loving anyone." Troy answered.

When I talk you listen to me

As I am

Is how you want me

And I know I found the pieces missing

I'm looking at him

Troy pulled into a spot right in front of Chez Medallion, the most expensive restaurant in Albuquerque. "Troy, this is the best restaurant around!" I exclaimed, surprised.

He held my hand, "Only the best for my girl."

"But…I don't deserve this." I said modestly.

I'm not the girl you think you see

But maybe that's a lie

"Of course you do." he said.

I shook my head, "No. I can't let you take me here! It's too much of a burden." I started to pull away.

"Hey," Troy whispered loudly as he pulled me close to him. "I know deep inside you're glad that I took you here."

You almost know me better than

Me, myself, and I

"Troy, you know me. I can't let anyone spend this much money on me. I can't take this." I explained.

Troy raised an eyebrow, "You can. Now come on, I'm sure you can tough this out." he joked.

I played along. "You're right, I can do this." I leveled my head. "No Troy, I can't."

Troy took both of my hands and held them firmly. He looked straight into my eyes, "Gabriella, I want to take you here. Don't think of it as me spending money on you. It's me spending money on the both of us, okay?"

Don't know a lot of things

But I know what I got

"Well, when you put it that way, I guess I can do this." I declared.

"There you go," Troy smiled as he led me in.

"Troy," I whispered uncomfortably. "Look at everyone else, they're dressed formally. And look at…us."

"What's wrong with dressing normally? It gives these people a taste of what real people actually wear." he snickered.

I couldn't help but laugh, "Okay."

I sat there doing nothing for the next twenty minutes, since I've never been to a fancy restaurant. I was thinking of excusing myself to call up Sharpay and ask for some tips when I accidentally knocked Troy's glass over, spilling all over his shirt. "Oh! Troy, I'm so sorry!" I squeaked nervously as I went over to wipe his shirt.

It's not so perfect everyday

I don't have to try

Cuz it all falls into place

"Gabriella!" Troy snapped as I was wiping his shirt.

I stopped immediately, expecting a loud rant. "Yes?"

"You don't have to wipe my shirt." he said.

"I don't?" I asked as I took my seat.

"No," he answered. "It was only an accident, right?"

I nodded, "Uh-huh. I'm just…really clumsy. And I feel bad that you had to learn that the hard way."

He smiled and stared at me intently, "And yet, another thing that makes you…you."

As I am

Is how you take me

Never try to push or make me different

When I talk you listen to me

As soon as we left Chez Medallion, I started running. "What are you doing?" Troy asked as he took off after me.

"Being me!" I yelled, as I let the night breeze blow through my hair. He caught up to me and grabbed me by the waist. He spun me three times before he put me down.

"You're just full of surprises, aren't you Montez?" he asked as he stepped closer to me. I could feel his soft breathing on my face.

I took off again. "Just full of them!" I giggled.

Troy laughed, "Hey, wait up!" He continued running after me.

As I am

Is how you want me

And I know I found the pieces missing

I'm looking at him

As soon as I was out of breath, I stopped in front of a glowing water fountain. "Okay," I said breathlessly. "I give up, you win." He chuckled and held my hands, and our hands started to rock from side-to-side, gently.

Face to face

Eye to eye

You're standing there

Feels good on the inside

He stood there, gazing at me. I could hear his heart thump in perfectly-timed sequences. I could feel his heavy breathing, and I could sense his eyes flickering back and forth from my lips to my eyes.

I don't mind

I don't care

You're standing there

Seeing me for the first time

"Are you just going to stand there?" I asked, giggling. "Or are you going to kiss me?"

Troy flashed his killer smile, "You took the words right out of my mouth." He got closer to me, which I didn't think was possible with how close we already were. He leaned in and pressed his lips on mine as he put his hands around my waist. I laced mine around his neck, as I deepened the kiss. Once we pulled away I rested my head on his chest, as we stood there next to the fountain.

"Gabriella," Troy started to say. "No matter how cheap your clothes are…"

I frowned, this statement didn't sound very good. "Uh-huh," I said quietly, waiting for him to carry on.

"No matter how clumsy you are…"

I gulped, "Yes,"

"And no matter how…geeky you are…I love you…as you are." he finished.

Seeing me for the first time

As I am

Is how you take me

Never try to push or make me different

When I talk you listen to me

I smiled, "Thank you, Troy Bolton. Thank you for taking me as I am, without trying to push…or make me different."

"Well, that was easy. How could I not fall for the girl who isn't afraid to be herself?" he said as he kissed me again.

As I am

Is how you want me

And I know I found the pieces missing…

"You know what, Troy? All my life, I thought my heart was empty. To tell you the truth, ever since my dad left me, I thought there was something missing in my life." I explained. "But now, I think I've found what's been missing this entire time."

"Oh yeah, what's that?" asked Troy.

"I'm looking at him."

A/N: After what seemed like forever, I'm back! If you liked it, please review! If you didn't like it, please don't bother. No flames.
