Hey guys I decided to write a sequel to Winx Saga due to all the encouragement I receive so

Musa Mind Techinque


Talk Between Musa and Alisha



"Ms. F...when is Musa coming back?" asked Stella during their Enchantix training as Ms. Faragonda soon noticed that the friends to the Music Fairy was worried about the girl's safety.

"She is suppose to come back tomorrow. Now what you should be worrying about is trying to finish this test," Ms. F said and immediately everyone attention except for Stella's attention went back to the training.

'It has been two year since Musa left us; I think she comes back tomorrow. I can't wait to see how much she has improved as a fairy.' thought Ms. F as she wondered about her studies on the international level with her mom showing her the steps. (A/n: You have to read Winx Saga before this one)

As the day came to an end, Ms. F sent the girls to their dorm room after another long day of hard work on their Enchantix powers.

"We should throw Musa a surprise party!" suggested Stella when they entered their rather large dorm room with all of their six rooms with Stella of course occupying the largest one.

"It could be a welcome back party...oh and we can have the boys here and then it would be a real party," added Bloom as she crashed on their living room sofa.

"I think so to. Ms. F did say she is supposed to return tomorrow so we can start planning now," Flora stated.

So all night the girls planned the little "surprise" party, meanwhile with Musa's training…


"Hey Mom, don't I suppose to return back to Alfea tomorrow?" Musa asked while shooting a blast threw a flying ring.

"Yes, you will but you need to finish this training first and then you'll worry about it later." Alisha stated while creating more rings from her fingertips.


"Now girls remember to get everything you need for the party, okay," Stella reminded the girls of what they were supposed to do.

"Right, let's do this," they said before taking off to get the things for the party.

"Hey guys, Tecna just sent me an invitation to a party," Timmy exclaimed while bursting into the room with the other boys with a glowing envelope emitting from his phone link.

"Who's the party for?" asked Helia who just came out of the shower. (A/n: Flora has a very bad nose bleed )

"It says it's for Musa and the occasion is a welcome back party," Timmy read the words off of the screen before it clicked over to confirm whether or not they were going to attend.

"That's right Bloom told me that Musa was sent away for two years of training somewhere and that she would be coming home today," Sky remembered what his girlfriend had told him a couple of days back.

Riven was jumping for joy on the inside but on the outside he showed a little emotion but not enough to make it look abnormal for him and his personality.


"Girls the boys should be here any minute...so let's hurry up so we can greet them." Layla announced as she headed outside just when the boys pulled up with their bikes on Alfea's courtyard.

Over the last year, Layla began to see this boy name Nabu from Tides and they been steady for almost a year and some months now.

"So when's Musa going to show up?" asked Brandon after giving Stella a kiss on the lips as that was a habit between the brunette and the blonde haired girl when they see each other.

"Ms. F told us she would show up around 8:00, so we have only 15 minutes to wait. So hid your bikes somewhere so we won't give it away," Stella ordered and the boys did as they were told and hid the bikes out of sight.


"Mom, its time for me to head home, now." Musa said as she caught her mother's attention.

"Just remember the training and stop by for a chat in your dreams. A mother can get really lonely sometimes," Alisha stated while giving Musa a goodbye kiss on the check as well as a tight hug.

"See you later Mom," Musa replied before creating a portal that showed a picture of Alfea.

'Now time to deal with this evil presence that I just felt at Shadowhaunt. For some reason it feels so familiar to me.' thought Alisha as she made another portal to Shadowhaunt.


'It seems quiet here at Alfea, Ms. F did say the room number nor the assigned names has not changed but its too quiet,' Musa thought to herself as she turned the doorknob and flicked on the light, "Surprise!" shouted the girls and the boys while tossing some strings at Musa.

Musa was surprised that her friends would throw a surprise party for her, "It's good to see you guys again," Musa said on the verge of tears that threatened to fall at any moment.

"I missed you Musa," Layla proclaim while giving her a hug first before anyone else, soon she was swallowed in a goup hug by the other girls who were her roommates.

"How you doing little squirt?" Brandon teased her before giving her a hug and so did all of other boys from Red Fountain except for two people: Nabu because he didn't know her yet and Riven because he felt a little scared that she was actually standing right in front of him.

'Musa became even beautiful then before,' He thought as she gave him a hug before whispering something in his ear, "Meet me on the balcony in five minutes,"

He responded by holding her tight and then letting her go so she moved on to others before deciding to catch up with the girls.

"Musa, what happen to your hair?" Flora asked noticing that her hair length was longer then before she had left to go on her training.

"I guess it grew, I never knew it grew this long," Musa answered while she touched it as if admiring it for the first time before she let it fall through the cracks of her hand before leaving it alone.

"So what did you learn by training with Alisha?" asked a curious Tecna as everyone wanted to know what little tricks, spells, curses anything that was instresting than what they were learning at Alfea that Musa knew of.

"I learned a lot of things, watch this," Musa said as she flicked her wrist a cup of punch appeared in her hand.

"How did you do that?" asked a surprised Layla.

"I simply wanted a drink, it has to be somewhere near me in order for it to work." Musa told them about the limitations of the trick.

"You don't even have to get up to get a drink let alone get your boyfriend to do it," Stella commented as she glanced over to where her boyfriend was as she was still waiting on her punch.

"So what have you guys been up to lately?" asked Musa while looking at the clock. She only had two more minutes later before she would have to meet Riven on the balcony.

"Well, Layla finally got a guy and we have our Enchantix," Bloom stated with happiness as she admired everyone for their hardwork.

"The witches and this man name Baltor have been attacking us recently. The thing is he keeps asking for you and you hardly been in the fight with him at least to our knowledge," Bloom added in when she realized she left out something important.

"You guys are lucky, I don't have my Enchantix yet, but I hope to get mine soon." Musa commented as she stood up from the sitting position on the couch and walked inbetween the girls.

"Where are you going, Musa?" asked Tecna when she saw Musa was leaving the group.

"Out for some for fresh air, all of this excitement is chocking me to death," Musa commented before stepping out onto the balcony.

She saw that Riven was leaning his upper torso over on the balcony rail as if he was waiting a long time for her to come out and talk to him.

"Hey Riven," She replied when she was standing next to him.

"Hey Musa, I missed you," Riven greeted her back with a tone of disbelief that she was standing in front of him now.

"I missed everybody," This hurt Riven a little because she was not specifically thinking of him but rather the group instead, "but I miss you more then anybody else," Musa finished her sentence when she saw his face fault during the middle of her sentence.

Then there was this awkward silence between them, "So how has your training been?" He asked.

"It went well, I'm now stronger then I ever was before," Musa answered with excitement.

"That's good you became stronger, but you left me with a shattered heart when you left," He said as he had moved closer to her as of he was going to finish confessing something to her.

"I know, I'm sorry for what I did but I couldn't bear the pain of telling you good bye," She stated as she rubbed her forearm as she knew that this conversation was bound to happen when she came back.

"So the better way was for you to leave without telling me, that you were gone, that was worse then saying good bye. I could not even go to sleep most of the time because I was so concerned for your safety, I had to be exhuasted so I could at least get a wink of sleep. It was something that I was not use to and it did not make it better when the person was not there to help you through it." He said with an anger tone.

"You have all the right to be angry but remember during the dance what we told each other." Musa reminded him of the night before she left.


"I love you Musa, I thought I lost you when you went evil and I almost kill myself just to be with you when you died." He whispered in her ear so no one could hear.

Musa would have turned around and slap him but she leaned back into his warmth and stayed there for a couple of minutes before saying "I love you too, Riven,"

FB Ends

"If what you said was true you would be glad to see," Musa claimed after bringing back up what they said to each other at the dance.

"It was all true, it just that all I am saying is it hurt when you left, but I'm glad your back," He commented while wrapping his arms around her waist.

'I miss how this warmth feels,' thought Musa before Bloom came to tell them that they were having the cake.

The two loners glared at Bloom which sent her back into the room the instant she stepped onto the balcony for inturrepting their moment.

"Let's go inside," Musa thought and Riven heard her voice inside his head and had a confused look on his face when he looked down at Musa.

"Hey remember when I said I learned new things during my training and this is one of them," She continued.

He merely nodded his head as they walked into the room, on the coffee table was a chocolate cake, "Oh thanks guys, you got my favorite kind of cake too," Musa replied while nearing the cake.

For some reason Musa became obsess with chocolate over the last couple of years, "You get the first slice Musa, how big do you want it?" asked Stella who came in with the knife.

Musa showed her how much she wanted and she proceed to cut the cake until Musa said "Everyone should get their slices first,"

"You sure, sweetie?" asked Flora who was standing next to Helia.

"It's only fair besides its best when share it with the people you care for," Musa commented as this action showed her kindness and generosity.

"That's so sweet of you Musa," Bloom responded with a smile.

"I know, I know I try my best," Musa stated when Tecna cut her piece of cake and placed it on a plastic plate and handed the knife to the next person.

After everybody except Musa cut their slice, there was a half cake left, so Musa took the knife and cut a quarter of the cake and placed it on her plate and grabbed a plastic fork and dug in.

Once they enjoyed their cake with some ice cream that Layla had stored in the refrigerator, the boys had to leave because they had a mission to complete in the morning and needed as much sleep as possible.

"Hey Riven do you know what the mission is about," asked Musa who was getting dress in her pjs.

"I won't know until in the morning, but I can tell you in the morning," Riven thought as he put his helmet on and boarded his levabike and zoomed off.

"Oh well I'll talk to you in the morning then," Musa said before cutting off the mental link with Riven as she sat down on her bed and remember all that happen before she left.

'I wonder what that evil wave I felt was?' thought Alisha as she circled the bottom of Shadowhaunt until something caught her eyes; it was a crack in the stone.

'This can't be good,' Alisha thought until a voice interrupted her thought as she looked around to see the source of the voice when she looked up ad saw it.

"I see you made it, my darling," said a man who floated down towards her level.

"Baltor," She hissed as venom nearly came spilling out.

"In the flesh, but you act surprise to see me beloved," He said as he bowed to Alisha in an old fashion way a gentleman would do if he would want to court the woman.

"You were supposed to be locked in the Omega dimension," Alisha stated her astonishment at seeing the man before her.

"That's until three witches free me from that wretched place. You know if I remember they said that place was so cold that it would freeze the heart of the criminal and yet here I am defying that odd." Baltor explained how he was freed from his prison.

"Why are you here?" Alisha asked with a little venom this time when she realized that he could be here for that.

"You see some of my power is in here as you know, I have taken a new form, you like?" he asked as he modeled off the form for his audience.

Alisha remained silent until Baltor asked another question, "How has my daughter been, I hope you trained her well because she is going to join my side, sweetheart,"

"You will not touch my daughter," exclaimed Alisha when he even uttered the word daighterout of his mouth.

"You mean our daughter," Baltor reminded and corrected her grammer.

"That's until you went evil, but now she is not yours," Alisha said while looking away from his sights as her hand clenched and shook in a fist.

Baltor quickly appeared in front of Alisha and left her chin with his finger and kissed her, all Alisha could do was fall into the kiss even more but suddenly stop remembering who exactly this person was in front of her.

"You still have feelings Lisha," He said by calling her the nickname he gave her when they first met each other.

"It's hard to get over the one you love," She stated underneath her breath before leaving.

'Sometimes I wish I was not evil,' Baltor though as he gather some power from the underground rock before leaving the vincity with the past knocking hard down his door.

"Hey girls, how about we have a last minute sleepover," suggest Stella seeing as she could not fall asleep from all the excitement that happened that night.

"That's a good idea Stell; just give us time to get our pajamas on," Bloom agreed as she headed in her room. The other girls except for Musa, who was already in her pajams, followed suit.

"So girls anyone has any stories to tell us?" asked Layla.

"I have one," Musa responded with a wave.

"My story is a funny one, during my training with Alisha I had to visit different planets and I got to meet new people. It was this one particular planet which had funny looking people. If I have my scrapbook with me I'll show how they look, but the thing is when I asked for directions, I thought this alien was a woman so I said "Ma'am can you tell me where so-and-so is?" and the alien was really a man and his answered was "Do you really think I'm a woman, shame you to somewhere." I can't remember where but he really did look like a woman." Musa concluded the story.

"Can we see the scrapbook?" asked a curious Flora as she could not even manage to imagine how they looked.

"Yeah, hold on," Musa stated while closing her eyes and the book appeared in her hand.

"I will always be amazed by that spell," Tecna replied when she saw the book materalized in front of Musa's la[.

"I think it's on page 86," Musa said to herself but the girls heard her as she turned the gigantic book to page 86 and there was that alien who Musa was talking about. He was slender like a woman with long hair in a braid; he appeared to have some kind of skirt and shirt.

"He really does like a girl," Bloom said while laughing out loud.

"Where else did you go Musa?" Layla posed the question to the raven haired colored girl.

"I went everywhere, I went to some of your home planets to learn some spells and I went to places that had a tranquil feel and dark places, but I manage to take pictures when I was there." Musa answered.

"So you got to travel while training?" asked Stella as she admired the thickness of the book which mean that Musa probably went to every know planet and galaxies with Alisha.

"Yep, it was hard but it was fun once you get the hang of it," Musa answered the question.

"Travel and Training, that's sound amazing," Tecna commented as she could not even think having both pleasures at once.

"So did you go to Sparks?" asked Bloom as she wondered about how her home planet was doing since her last visit.

"I can't quite remember let me check the Table of Contents, S, Sp, Spa, Spark, found it," Musa annouced to Bloom who had scooted closer to Musa and the book.

"You did?" asked a hopefully Bloom as her anticaption was growing.

"Yeah, it's on page 115, let me show you," Musa said as she turned the page.

On one of the pictures was a orange castle with green and yellow on the top which looked like swirls, a second picture shows some rubble but it was a picture of the dining room, and the last picture was a garden on the inside that had beautiful green grass, deers, birds and all sorts of animals.

"Hey Stell, I even got to met your father at Solaria, it was something wrong there I can't remember what, but it seems like there is a new "queen" there and she has a daughter who claims to be the only princess of Solaria." She told Stella.

"What! You have got to be kidding me, once I get my hands on Chimera, I will send here and her little Beta Club girls back to Beta," Stella hissed as if Musa had brought back up nonhappy memory.

"So you know her?" asked Musa.

"Know her, I hate that little girl, she is trying to steal my dad and my kingdom away from me," Stella responded angrily as she almost ripped the pillow she had in her hands into two.

"I think we should call it a night before Stella blows up the dorm, again," Tecna reminded the girls about the incident when they first talk about Chimera.

"I agree with Stella, we don't want history to repeat itself do we," Flora stated as she did not want to go through a relapse of that episode again.

"So let's just call it a night," Layla said while falling to sleep in her sleeping bag.

Soon sleep overtook all of them and they fell soundly asleep.

I just hopped on this sequel so yeah and to all my fans who read Winx Saga. I know you guys didn't want it to end they way I ended but that's only so I can have a sequel to the story.

So I hope you will review for this one as well and be on the lookout for the next chapter!

- Aisha12894