Okay, first of all, I just want to reiterate that I absolutely suck at titles! But hopefully, musie more than makes up for it in the storylines! Second, just when I was about to give up, musie decided that she wanted to come out and play again! So, here it is, the first chapter of a fic that I have no clue where I'm going with, or how long it's gonna be! She wouldn't leave me alone till I posted it! lol!
Chapter 1
The odor of gasoline and oil, mixed with the unmistakable smell of burnt flesh, struck her as she opened the door. She looked around wildly, her eyes slowly adjusting to the dark room. Her pulse was racing, adreneline rushing through her body.
"Booth?!" Her voice echoed in the cavernous room. Her mind barely registered the shouts of the agents outside as they captured the kidnapper. Running farther into the room, she noticed a body lying on the floor, and her heart skipped a beat until she saw that it wasn't him.
Ignoring him, her eyes scanned the room once more, coming to rest on another figure, tied to a chair, motionless on the floor. "Booth." Her voice was barely a whisper this time as she knelt beside him. Her breath caught in her throat as she took in the blood, the bruises.
She reached out, gently touching his cheek, as she stared into his eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes that had always shown so much emotion, now lifeless, staring into nothing. "No, God, please no!" Tears fell unheeded from her eyes as she pleaded to a God she didn't believe in, for a life she knew she couldn't live without.
She felt hands pulling her away. "No..."
"Come on, baby. It'll be okay."
She heard her father's voice as if it were coming from far away. She shook her head. "No, nothing's okay!" Staring down at him, this man who had come to mean everything to her, she knew what she said was true. Nothing was ever going to be okay again.
The hands were pulling her again, and she turned, but instead of her father's face, she saw Gallagher's, his features a mask of fury. He raised his arm, and she saw the screwdriver clutched in his hand.
"Say goodbye, Dr. Brennan!"
She closed her eyes, waiting for the blow, almost welcoming the feel of the steel piercing her flesh. She fell to the floor. As the blackness claimed her, she heard his voice. "Bones." Weak, soft, but unmistakably Booth's.
She fought the darkness, but it reached up, dragging her down. "Booth..." she whispered. Her last thought before she succumbed was, 'What have I done?'
Brennan gasped, bolting up in bed, her heart pounding in her chest. She pushed herself against the headboard, trying to catch her breath, willing the images out of her mind.
It had been two weeks since they had rescued Booth. Two weeks of waking up to the same nightmare, over and over again. The dream never varied. They were always too late, Gallagher was always there, and there was always Booth's voice, following her down into the darkness.
Gradually, the tremors in her body eased, and she got her breathing under control. She felt herself reaching for the phone, but stopped before she dialed the number, as she always did. She wanted to hear his voice, to reassure herself that he was okay, but she didn't want to wake him.
'It's four in the morning, Brennan' She knew he wouldn't mind, but he would wonder, and she didn't want to answer any questions right now. She hadn't told anyone about the dreams, not even Angela. She'd deal with it herself, just like she had dealt with everything since she was 15 years old.
Knowing that sleep wouldn't return, she slipped out of bed, her eye catching Jasper sitting on her nightstand beside the alarm clock.
'You're gonna be okay.'
She smiled, remembering. Everything was going to be alright. Booth was fine, she was fine, and the nightmares would end soon. Shaking off the little voice in the back of her mind, telling her that was a lie, she made her way into the bathroom.
Well, that's it for now, I hope to have more tomorrow, musie seems to be in a very happy mood! Anyhoo, please let me know what you think! I think I may have mentioned once or twice before how much I love reviews! lol! Oh, and musie loves them too, makes her write more, so... click on that button, people!!!