Ok im soo sorry about last chapter!! I was talking to Dakota on the phone when I was typing so I accidentally put his name and about no paragraphs I was in a rush! So im sorry

And yes her sons name is Luke

When I got home I pulled Lakin out of the car. "Mommy! Is that really Daddy?" She said. "Yes Lakin now shush your too loud" I said to her. "Why doesn't he live with us?" she asked. Sharpay shook her head. "He's weird that's why" Sharpay said. She walked into her house too see Ryan and Luke playing with cars. Lakita was sprawled out on the floor sleeping. "Chad called he says he'll come over with Clayton first thing in the morning" Ryan said. "Okay that's for telling me im gonna call Taylor watch Lakin please" Sharpay said. She walked into the kitchen, Her heels clicking against the hard floor. She dialed Taylor's number. "Yola" Taylor's sweet voice said. "Hey Tay Ryan is back home" I told her. "Eek! Really! It's good to know he still remembers us!" she squealed. "Yeah Chad is coming over in the morning so you can come over too" I said. "Okay! Bye see ya tomorrow" Tay said. I hung up. I walked back into the living room to see Ryan playing with barbies. "Ry?" I said. "What Sharpay im playing Barbies and Power rangers!" Ryan exclaimed. I laughed and took a seat on the couch. My phone vibrated in my pocket. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey its Chad." "Oh Hay Chad! Whats up?" I asked. "I heard Troy is in town… stay away from that bastard" He said. I can't believe a guy who was once his best friend is calling him a bastard. "No worries I will" I said. "Good see ya tomorrow" Chad said. "Love ya hun bye" I said and hung up the phone.

"BEEP, BEEP, BEEP" my alarm clock sounded. I hit the off button and scrambled out of bed. I grabbed some of my clothes and slowly walked into the bathroom. I stripped on my shirt and sweat pants. Revealing my under garments, that I slid off slowly. I turned on the shower to the right temperature. I stepped in letting the water hit my body. I started cleansing my body. I lathered some shampoo in my hair and slowly washed it out. I did the same with conditioner. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I quickly did my hair and put some make-up on. I slid my undergarments and clothes on. I stepped out of my bedroom and into the hall. I seen Ryan had Lakin and Luke up. I smiled; boy did I love my brother. I walked downstairs to see Mo, Corbin, and Clayton. Luke ran up to Clayton. Lakin crossed her arms and walked over to them. "Hey! We're playing house you're my husband and Luke you my dog!" Lakin said. She had a little crush on Clayton. He was a cute little boy. I greeted Chad and Taylor with a hug. Ryan also hugged them. "Go I missed you guys!" Ryan said. "Man it felt so weird without you here!" Chad said. Taylor agreed. Ryan smiled warmly. "Let's go in the kitchen" I suggested. We all walked into the kitchen catching up. After awhile of talking Ryan said "So Bolton's back, eh?" I nodded solemnly. "That jackass has no right to come back" Chad growled. "Yeah he shouldn't have left Sharpay!" Taylor said. Ryan nodded, "That fag." I sighed and closed my eyes. "Lakin and I ran into him yesterday!" I said quickly. "What?" they all said at once. "We ran into him in the parking lot…" I said. "Oh my gosh what did he said?" Taylor asked. "He said he wants to be here for us" I said closing my eyes. "What did you say?" Chad asked. "I said he'd have to prove himself" I said. Ryan sighed.

All the sudden there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it" I said. I walked over to the door and looked through the eye hole. "Troy" I mumbled. I slipped out the door. "What do you want?" I asked. "Im here to prove myself and see my son" he said. "How do you know-?" I start but was cut off by Troy saying "Phone book." I rolled my eyes. I opened the door to let him inside. Chad seen him and put a disgusted look on his face. "Be nice" I mouthed. Troy looked astonished. Like he had just seen the weirdest people alive. I sighed. "Troy this is Chad, Taylor, and Ryan" I said. "I know they all look like older version of my old friends…" he said. "Well hey Troy" Chad chocked out. "Chad… what have you been doing since high school?" Troy asked. "I went into police work" Chad said. "Wow…" Troy said. "So if you run away again I'll come find you" Chad said. Troy gave him a weird look and then turned toward Ryan. "Who's the TV career going?" he asked. "Good" Ryan said. "That's good…" Troy said. Then Troy looked over at the two boys. "Uhm…" he said. I pointed at Luke. "That's your son" I said. Troy looked at the dirty blonde little boy. He had his eyes. "Mom?" Luke asked. "Hmm?" I said. "Who is he?" he asked pointed to Troy. "This is your dad now be nice" I said. Luke cocked hid head at Troy. "Dad?" He asked. Troy nodded. Luke hugged Troy and troy instantly hugged him back. Lakin seen Troy and squealed. "DADDY!" she ran over to him and hugged him. "Looks like Lakin know Troy" Taylor said. Chad nodded. Clayton looked over at Chad "Dad?" he asked. "What?" Chad responded. "When will we get to meet mom?" he asked. Chad rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Maybe someday." "I have to go soon" Troy said. "Can we hang out with the kids tomorrow" he asked. I nodded slowly. Troy smiled warmly. "It's a date I mean it's all set then" he said. I smiled and shook my head. "See ya guys!" he said. He walked out the door. "He thinks we're his friends already" Chad said. Taylor elbowed him and rolled her eyes.