The Akatsuki Stories

Disclaimer:I don't own Naruto, or Sasuke, or Sakura or the Akatsuki!Or anybody.

Just a bunch of short stories about what might be going on in the Akatsuki. I know, bad summary...

Chapter I


It was a bright and sunny morning in the Akatsuki lair. As usual, everybody was lined up at the bathroom door, waiting for their turns to pee(I know, disgusting!). Zetsu was about to have breakfast when Leader made an announcment.

"Today, the butcher shop is closed, so, sorry Zetsu. No meat today. In other news, Deidara's left hand is on vacation in the Village Hidden in Hawaii, so it'll return one week from now! That is all."

Zetsu stood up, devastated.

" No MEAT?"

Suddenly, Tobi was skipping out of the bathroom, looking very relieved. Then, Zetsu was even hungrier than before! Not standing it anymore, he ran after Tobi, with... A KNIFE AND A FORK IN HIS HANDS!??


Zetsu charged at Tobi, throwing his knife at the Akatsuki member's head!

Tobi then dodged it, looking like Neo from the Matrix. Zetsu, mad he didn't nail Tobi in the head,chased after hin.

"WHAAA!!!!"screamed Tobi at the top of his lungs.

Zetsu was close when he crashed into Hidan(Tobi crashed into Hidan, not Zetsu, cause if Zetsu crashed into Hidan, he'd run him over.).

"What idiotic thing are you doing now, Tobi?"Hidan asked.

"Running!"said Tobi, running past the emo member.

"Meat fast! Meat go away! Must run faster!" said Zetsu, throwing his fork this time.

Tobi dodged the fork, but it stuck him to the wall he was about to crash into!

"Meat stuck to wall! Now meat can't get away!"yelled Zetsu happily.

Just as Zetsu was about to eat Tobi, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it, yeah!" said Deidara , heading for the door.

Opening it, he saw a teen wearing a Pizza Hut uniform standing with a bunch of pizzas in his arms.

" Did you order 2 Meat Lover's, 3 cheese, 5 pepperoni, and 2 ham pizzas?" asked the delivery boy.

"Yes, un." answered Deidara.

" Then that'll be $127.58." said the teen.

It was pretty hard for Deidara to give him the money with ONE hand, but he prevailed. After taking the pizzas, with the help of Kakuzu, of course, he set them on the table.

Smelling the pizzas, Zetsu ignored Tobi and headed for the table, mouth drooling.

"Thanks for ordering pizzas and saving my life Deidara-sempai."said Tobi, still hanging by the fork.

"What did I do,un?" asked the confused Deidara,"I ust ordered pizzas because we're out of food and we're too lazy to pick up groceries."

"Great!"replied Tobi"Now can somebody get me down from here?"