"Here we are!" Sasuke didn't even bother to look around. Instead, he wrenched his hand away from her hissed,
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He was seething.
"You look like you needed to have some fun… so… here we are!" She threw her arms in the air and whooped. The girl was a fucking lunatic – but then he heard other whoops… from other people. He finally made the effort to turn around and look at where she'd brought him.
"… Fun Land?" He muttered in complete disbelief. Of all the… this was… he was so upset, he was sputtering. In his head.
"No… not 'Fun Land?'… It's FUN LAND!!!!" And with that she pulled him through the gates. At some point, he'd heard himself start screaming,
"I DON'T EVEN LIKE FUN!!!" He finally dug his heels into the ground and stopped dead. She, of course, kept going. It wasn't until after the sickening sound of his shoulder almost breaking that she seemed to realize he wasn't moving.
"What are you doing?"
"What am I doing? What am I doing?! What are you doing you – you – you NUTJOB!" And then said Nutjob had the audacity to snicker at him. So he glared at Nutjob and hoped that Nutjob would magically catch on fire and die. Slowly. And painfully.
"Stop laughing." And she wouldn't. The idiot would not!
"Wh-who uses the word 'nutjob'???" She finally managed to gasp out. Sasuke officially hated her. Nothing could make this day go any wor –
"Hey!" No… strike that. "Sasuke!" The girl looked at him curiously.
"You have… friends?"
"No. Let go of me. I have to go." He tried to twist his fingers out of her grip. Unfortunately, he failed. At life.
"Oi! Sasuke!" Crap, the voice was getting closer.
"That blond person certainly thinks that he's your friend."
"He's not." Then a hand landed on his shoulder and so help him God, two idiots were touching him.
"Sasuke! I guess you didn't hear me calling you."
"I did. I chose to ignore it. Leave me–"
"Woah, who is she?" Naruto had left Sasuke and was now an inch away from the pink hair's face. "Are you on a date?! Sorry! I mean, not sorry 'cause she's hot, but – didn't mean to inter–"
"I'm not on a–"
"I'm Sakura." And that girl, that Sakura, stuck out her other hand to shake Naruto's, "Any friend of Sasuke's is a friend of mine."
"YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND!" He couldn't help it, he exploded. This was beyond ridiculous. "And this is all your fault, idiot." He turned his glare on Naruto this time, "You and your stupid shirt."
"Hey!" They yelled this together.
"I'm leaving." He said this with complete certainty and nothing in the world could–
"Sasuke!" This was unbelievable! "Naruto!"
"Oh no…" Naruto groaned.
"What's wrong?" Sakura looked at him questioningly, Sasuke just sighed, resigning himself to the fate of having the worst day ever.
"It's our teacher, from school." The idiot replied. As if they would have a teacher from anywhere else. Che. Why, why did he never listen to his instincts? Maybe he was actually the idiot and Naruto was… no, no that could not be it. He would kill himself before ever finishing that thought. Slowly, he turned around to face the man who hailed them.
"Wow, that's your teacher?" Sakura was gazing at him with … were those… stars in her eyes? Was she on LSD?
"Hi." He and Naruto were of one mind on this one… nothing could be good when Hatake Kakashi casually strolled up to them to say hello. It never ended well. Ever.
"Boys. What brings you here?" The man was so nonchalant, it was almost obscene. Sasuke knew better than to answer. Naruto, however…
"Um… fun?"
"No! FUN!!!!!!!" Three heads swiveled to stare at her, and she flung two hands to her mouth and at least at the decency to look embarrassed. Maybe that's why she was in the shrink's office… she just couldn't help but give into impulse… maybe she was on LSD.
"Ah, Haruno Sakura, it's a pleasure to meet you, again." This time, there were no stars, but questioning circles in their stead.
"How'd you know her name, Kakashi-sensei? Huh? Huh???" Kakashi merely grinned and shook his head,
"Ah, ah, ah Naruto, a magician never reveals his secrets."
"You're not a magician." Sasuke couldn't help himself, he kind of (sort of, but not really) wanted to know how Kakashi knew the crazy girl who tried to break his arm.
"Ka-ka-shee?" Sakura was repeating the name to herself and staring up at the sky tapping her chin. "Ka-ka-sheeeeeee? Hmmm…" Now she'd settled down on her heels still tapping her stupid chin. What was this girl? A savage? Typical. Of course he'd get stuck with a nutjob savage. Maybe if he was real quiet, he could just sneak away right now… they were all preoccupied with how Kakashi knew the girl, and now that he really thought about it… who cared?? Ideally, he'd never see her again! He'd switch his shrink-day, he'd never go into that part of town on any other day … and he'd certainly never, ever, ever come back to Fun Town. He was definitely home-free. Too bad he couldn't blockout her voice, too. It was cutting into his consciousness.
"Hey! Now I remember! You used to work at that place, a- something, with oh! That, who was it, Eetahchee? – Hey ow! Sasuke-kun! Let go of me!"
"How do you know him?" He knew he was probably scaring her, and hurting her arm… but how the hell did she know the one man whom he hated with all that was left of his little old heart?
"Sasuke-kun! Let GO OF ME!!!" And then she shoved him, and he went flying.
"… You just pushed the bastard down… a girl just pushed the bastard down." God damn it. Naruto had seen it all. "Kakashi-sensei!!! Did you see that??? Sasuke got beat up by a girl!!!" He had to put a stop to this before that blond haired buffoon spread it all over school. So, he (oh-so-casually) tackled him to the ground and pulled his arm up and back. One false move and crack. "OW! What the fu-"
"Ah ah ah, Naruto, language in front of the lady." Said 'lady' was looking on the scene with something akin to … excitement in her eyes. This girl was completely –
"Stop looking at me like I'm insane, Sasuke-kun. You're the pathological liar with homicidal/violent tendencies about to break his best-friend's shoulder." … Ouch. "Of course, that doesn't mean I'm going to give up on our friendship!"
"… Another fine predicament…" He mumbled to himself, getting up from Naruto's back (all the while making sure to dig his knee in a little harder than was strictly necessary).
"So how come you know who Sasuke's brother is, Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked when he could finally breathe and stand again. Oh right, his psycho-ex-favorite-brother, that was what started this whole mess. (And by 'mess' he meant his life post-parental-mortem, of course).
"Who?" She turned her questioning green (so, so green) eyes on him.
"No one." Fuck it, he didn't care. His brother was locked away where he deserved to be, and Sasuke didn't need to waste his time worrying why some punk girl had met his brother once. So, that was that. He shoved past her and his supposed best-friend, leaving his teacher in the dust, and made for home. This was the most ridiculous day of his life, and he wanted nothing more than to walk away and never return to anything like it.
A/N: … Please don't hate me. I mean, I wanted to update sooner, I did! But well, school + full time job does not lend itself to the creative aspects of my life.
On the upside… I'm really cute. .
So, I'll not leave you with excuses (ahem, see aforementioned school + work) but rather, something a little more classy.
Me. Begging for reviews (that I might not deserve for the disgusting amount of time I've spent not updating, but want anyway).
So please tell me if this is lame?