1~I'll Be Missing You
Kagome turned
toward Inuyasha with tears in her eyes. "Go away, Inuyasha." She
said. "Go back to Kikyou."
She'd just
awaken from a dream. A year long dream that Inuyasha actually loved
her. She glared at him and the priestess, Kikyou, who stood behind him.
Wiping away
some tears, she threw her leg over the lip of the bone-gobbling well. "I
should have known you'd never care for me. After all..." She smiled
bitterly back at the pair. "You have her."
She didn't
wait to hear the rest of his sentence because she'd dropped into the well.
He stared
after her in shocked silence. His life stretched out bleakly before
him. A life without Kagome.
A tear
trickled down his cheek.
Kikyou stared at him. "Come, let us return to the village."
go. I need to think."
"About her?"
"Just go."
Kagome stumbled
from the well, her body racked with sobs. With an angry cry, she stuck
and arrow into the well. "Seal it." She whispered in anguish.
"That way, I'll never have to worry about seeing him again."
She left the
well, not looking back and closed the door. After regaining her
composure, she hurried toward the shrine that doubled as her house.
She knew no
one was home, and didn't care. She'd survived alone long enough.
Being with Inuyasha was worse than being alone anyways.
Which is why
she had no intention of going back to Sengoku no Jidai.
Inuyasha stared
at the well, still in shock. He didn't want to believe what he'd
seen: Kagome's tears of sadness. Her dropping into the well.
Go away,
I should have
known you wouldn't have cared for me.
Go back to
He winced as if
in pain. Kagome...he thought sadly. You'll come back, right?
Please come back!
He fought
tears as his inner voice told him every reason she wouldn't come back.
Her mission
is done. You betrayed her trust. You betrayed her love. Why
the hell would she come back? Not for you.
When tears
finally trickled down his face, they didn't stop.
Kagome stared up
at her roof, remembering what she had seen. He never gave a damn about
you, Kagome, She thought sadly.
The image of
Kikyou's and Inuyasha's lips fused together, passionately, didn't go away.
Neither did
her grief.
She buried
her face into her pillow, felling fresh tears forming in her eyes.
"No..." She whispered. "I wont cry over him...I wont cry...I wont
cry..." She said to herself. Her emotions didn't listen.
Tears trickled down her face.
He didn't
love me... she thought, rather plainly. He never needed me except as a
tool to find those damn shards. She angrilly punched at the bed.
At least I
wont have to watch him and Kikyou live their little 'happily ever after'.
She thought bitterly. He wont even notice I'm gone. Our mission is
complete. I should have guessed he would have turned to the beautiful,
talented, Kikyou.
Her thoughts
were sent scattering. What the hell does Kikyou have that I don't?!
She mentally screamed, then when that didn't satisfy her, she screamed aloud,
angry, baleful wails of a broken heart.
The answer
was obvious.
Kikyou, even
50 years after her death, still had Inuyasha's heart.
-Several days later-
you think you should go get her?" Sango asked, gently, not pressing.
"Why the hell
does she need to come back?" He snapped angrily. "Our mission is
finished. I don't care if she comes back or not."
sniffed. "I miss Kagome."
I miss her
too, kid, Inuyasha thought, bitterly. "Feh."
smiled. "It perhaps is all for the best."
"Shut up,
bitch." Sango snapped. "Kagome was our friend. All of us were
her friends. She left because you showed up and took the man she loved
away from her."
growled at Sango and walked from the hut.
Miroku hadn't
said anything. "Sango is correct, although, I think her words were a
little harsh. Especially the 'bitch' part." He stood. "Kagome
released Inuyasha from a seal YOU put on him. She had been her one month
before you popped back into his life, still believing he'd betrayed you."
Kikyou glared
at the young priest.
evidentally saved Inuyasha from Sessoumaru during their first fight because she
was able to draw Tetsusaiga from his father's remains. She saved him
during spider heads. She's seen him at his best and worst." He
paused, looking around before continuing. "Those that I spoke of were
just a few instances. One's I never even witnessed. I could tell
she loved him a lot, from the moment she met him. All through stories
that she herself and the little fox told me."
Her glare
turned icy.
"But still,
he chose you over her. Which is one thing I will never understand.
Kagome has saved everyone here. Including me from my own stupidity.
She is a great woman. While you...are now an ordinary priestess."
Her hand
lashed out at him, slapping him across the face. "I am the guardian and
protector of the Shikon no Tama." She hissed angrily. "I am NOT
Miroku smiled
holding his cheek. "Fifty years ago, you were it's guardian. Now,
Kagome is."
Inuyasha sat up
high in the Go Shimboku tree. He didn't care what the others
thought. Hell, it was his decision! He glared across the landscape.
I was afraid
your heart had gone somewhere far away.
That you'd
forget all about me.
Inuyasha's face
becamed pained with the memory. I swore I wouldn't forget her...then did,
when Kikyou kissed me. I forgot all about her...
He felt tears
filling his eyes.
Is this a bit
more comfortable?
A few tears fell
down his face.
At last you
look me in the face...
He gave up
fighting and let the sobs take him over. "I'm sorry..." He whispered,
so softly, no one would be able to hear. "I'm so sorry, Kagome..."