Summary: Kurosaki Karin and Yuzu have recently died. This is their story of their time in Soul Society. Slight Hitsu x Karin. Karin-centric later on. First Fic…Shoot me

AN: The pwnfulness that is Bleach belongs to Kubo Tite. I own only the other kind

The Good Die Young

When Kurosaki Karin and Yuzu died they didn't even have time to look at their murderer before they felt the cold steel of a blade slip between their ribs. Karin, at least, was not afraid death, or what came after because she at least had a vague idea of what happened.

She and Yuzu however, were not quite ready to pass over yet. The twins had unfinished business to attend to. In particular saying goodbye to their father and their brother, Ichigo.

They didn't have to wait long for Ichigo and Isshin to arrive. Unlike normal people, their brother and father ignored the bodies and walked straight to the spirits of the two girls. This was not due to any unconcern for the two girls, but simply due to the fact that they viewed talking to their loved ones more important while they still lingered. There would be time to mourn later.

"Hey Ichi-nii, Otou-san," Karin said, although her voice sounded quite strangled.

"Karin! Yuzu! How did this hap-," Ichigo broke off, aware for once that this remark would be just…wrong of him to make.

"Never mind that now, Ichi-nii," Yuzu whispered

"Before we leave …There are some…things that we ought to say," Karin choked out. "But firstly I have to say it," her voice returned to its usual snide form here,"Why are you finally showing your ability to see spirits now Otou-san?"

Ichigo turned round around quickly to stare at his father. He really wasn't the most perceptive person in the world, was he?

"Y-Y-You mean you've been able to see spirits all this time and didn't tell me?" Ichigo nearly yelled.

"Che. Watch your mouth Ichi-nii," Karin smirked, she was starting to feel a bit better about the situation and she could tell Yuzu was too, thankfully.

"Whad'ya me-," at this point Karin cut him off and was stifling giggles. His look of utter incomprehension was priceless

If anything Karin's smirk grew wider. "Is that anyway to talk to a taichou. Our father, Kurosaki Isshin…Also known as 10 bantai taichou Kurosaki Isshin!"

The twins' father who was usually bright and cheerful was sombre, but it wasn't because of Karin's taunting of Ichigo.

"How do you know Karin?" he asked, his eyes were filled with unshed tears for his daughters, it was the last time he'd see them for a very long time.

"Toushiro told me," Karin murmured

Suddenly a shriek of pain echoed through the night.

"What is it Yuzu?!" Karin shouted.

"The chains…" was Yuzu's only reply.

"I think we better hurry then. Ichi-nii I love you and thank you for everything" Karin said with her voice thick with emotion. Yuzu quickly copied her sentiments.

"Wait before you go, I don't want you two to live in Rukongai, so you're gonna have to try and become shinigami and live in Seretei. There are gonna be a few ways to do this so please listen. You can ask Jidanbo to let you through the gate, just mention my name, ask Shiba Kuukaku she could help or when you see a shinigami tell them you're my sisters, got that?" Ichigo rattled at high speed. The twin's soul chains were becoming increasingly shorter.

Yuzu nodded her confirmation.

"I love you both," Isshin and Ichigo uttered in unison.

Ichigo drew Zangetsu from his back and transported Yuzu and Karin to Soul Society. Then the rain started and the two men wept openly.

AN: Hope you are enjoying so far! People who review get to poke Ichigo!